"This devil fruit, are you really willing to give it to me?"

Nami looked at the thunder fruit in Lin Yu's hand in surprise.

Although recently she and Nuo Qigao were tossed enough by Lin Yu's swordsmanship guidance.

But no matter how she said it, she was also a new joiner, and she got a natural devil fruit as soon as she came...

This made Nami, who loves money very much, not know what to say.

"Nami, since Lin Yu wants to give it to you, then of course he is willing."

"You haven't hurried up and agreed to come down."

Nokiko saw that Nami had obtained a natural devil fruit, and she was sincerely happy for Nami.

Lin Yu sat on the chair, peeled off the Thunder Devil Fruit, cut a small piece, put it in his hand, looked at Nami and smiled:

"Here, eat it."

Nami was pulled by Noki to Lin Yu's feet, knelt there, and then ate the devil fruit in Lin Yu's hand with a red face.


"It's so unpalatable..."

Nami covered her mouth, nauseated for a while.

"Devil fruits are all the same unpalatable, and if you want to gain power, you must go through these." Nokigao explained from the side.

Lin Yu looked at Nami's uncomfortable expression, smiled, and continued to cut a small piece.

Seeing the Devil Fruit handed over again, Nami closed her eyes and held it again.

Then there was another nausea.

However, she eventually forced herself to swallow.

This is a natural devil fruit worth three billion yuan.

Thinking of this, Nami took the initiative to hold the devil fruit in Lin Yu's hand and swallowed it.

That's three billion Baileys!

So repeatedly emphasized in his heart, Nami was fed by Lin Yu while regurgitating, and then forced herself to swallow.

【Ding! Nami's friendliness reaches 100, the other party will always be loyal to you, and the feedback experience is doubled]

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Lin Yu chuckled.

This method of feeding the devil fruit is indeed the only way to accelerate the improvement of friendliness in the last stage.

He actually abruptly increased Nami's friendliness from 90 to 100.

After a period of experimentation, Lin Yu had roughly guessed the meaning of friendliness at each stage.

Below 0 is hatred, 0 to 30 is normal, 30 to 50 is friendly, 50 to 80 is very favorable, and 80 to 100 is obedience.

At different stages, choosing the right way will get the highest feedback on progress, and vice versa.

Of course, this is just Lin Yu's guess.

Whether it is true or not, he needs further experiments to understand.

Seeing that Nami finally finished eating the Devil Fruit, Lin Yu smiled.

"It's time for you to change the taste."

When Nami and Noki heard this, their faces turned red instantly.


A week later.

The location of the Ark Proverbs.

"Are you all ready?"

Lin Yu stood on the deck of the Ark Proverbs and looked at Lei Jiu, Nami, Robin and the others in front of him and said.

"Ready." The women answered in unison.

"Then let's go!"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, the Ark Proverbs floated into the air, carrying everyone towards the edge of the empty island.

They have been on the empty island for almost a month, and it is time to return to the blue ocean.

In this month's time, the strength of Anna, Xia Lulia, Nuo Qi Gao and others has improved by leaps and bounds under Lei Jiu's training, and they have advanced one after another, allowing Lin Yu's feedback to directly more than double.

And Lei Jiu also learned the elementary domineering of seeing and hearing under Lin Yu's teaching.

Robin, on the other hand, learned the rudimentary armed color domineering.

"Lord Tenjin, you must come again."

Connis stood on the ground and looked at Lin Yu and the others shouting.

Beside her, surrounded by countless Sandi clans and Angel Island residents, they all came to see off Lin Yu.

Lin Yu's arrival not only overthrew the tyrannical rule of the Heavenly God Anilu, but also greatly improved their lives, so they were sincerely grateful to Lin Yu.

Glancing at Conis, Lin Yu was stunned.

How to forget her, since you want to gather the number of people to upgrade the pirate group system, then take her with you.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu waved his hand.

A rope made of arms stretched out from the Ark Proverbs, grabbed a confused Conys, and brought her to the Proverbs.

This is the flower fruit ability that Lin Yu obtained from Robin.

Well, that's a lot of wonder!

"You will follow me in the future."

Lifting Connis into her hand, Lin Yu stretched out her hand to lift her chin and said without question.

"Okay, okay." Conis's pretty face turned red, obviously knowing what it meant to follow Lin Yu.

Ganfort, who was on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Cornice being taken away.

The Sandia family has Laqi by Lin Yu's side, so naturally someone on the side of Angel Island should follow Lin Yu, so this is the way to balance.

"It's my first time sailing and being greeted by someone."

"It seems to feel good."

MISS Valentine's Day Mikita lay on the railing, looked at the crowd below, and said stunned.

MISS next to him fingered Sara and MISS Golden Week also nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Lin Yu really doesn't look like a pirate at all."

Keya saw the crowd below and laughed.

"Don't say it early, he robbed women, but it was first-class."

Vivi saw Conse who was held in Lin Yu's arms, and pouted dissatisfied.

This guy is really too careful!

Keya, Magino, Nuo Qi Gao and others next to them all smiled when they heard this.

Lin Yu came to the empty island once, and he robbed four women, I am afraid that it can no longer be described as a flower heart.

Then, Vivi looked at Nami and said

, "Nami, how are you mastering the Devil Fruit ability?"

"Elementalization is not very proficient yet." Nami said as she held her hands and looked at the crowd below.

Robin next to Nami heard this and looked at Nami.

"Nami, powerful masters all have the armed color domineering energy that can capture the elementalization of the natural demon fruit."

"So, you can't rely too much on elementalization in the future, otherwise you will suffer."

Nami nodded, "I see. "

In the midst of the farewell of everyone on the empty island, the Ark Proverbs soon came to the edge of the empty island, and from there began to fall.



Blue Ocean, Navy G8 base.

"The world government fleet carrying heavenly gold is about to arrive, and all departments are quickly ready to meet it."

"Everybody get moving."

There was a rush of urging sound from the loudspeakers of the G8 base.

The World Government's fleet of heavenly gold collection, escorted by CP0 organizations and relevant government staff, is about to arrive at the G8 base for supplies and temporary docking.

During this period, the G8 naval base will be fully responsible for the defense of the World Government's Heavenly Gold fleet.

It comes at the moment when the world government's Heavenly Gold fleet is about to enter the G8 base.

A spaceship, falling from the sky, straddled the golden fleet in the sky and the G8 naval base.

Lin Yu stood above the Ark Proverbs, looked at the Heavenly Golden Fleet below, and curled the corners of his mouth.

"Good people do a lot of good things, and their character explodes."

"This luck is really good!"

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