Cornice [Name: Nicole Robin

] [Identity: O'Hara Scholar

] [Stunt: Historian

] [Talent: Talent: Talent] [Friendliness: 50]


Combat power: four stars

] [Historian: able to understand various ancient characters and graphics handed down in history

] [Talent and intelligence: has a high talent for learning and a super memory that never forgets

] [Devil Fruit ability: Superhuman line, flower fruit

] [Income: 20 physical value, 20 qi and blood value, 20 spiritual value / hour]

[Current position: scholar, all crew members increase learning and cultivation efficiency by 30% , 100% job fit]

Increase learning and cultivation efficiency by 30%, gee, it's simply terrifying.

Lin Yu looked at the effect of Robin's scholar position and was amazed.

You know, Lei Jiu has the status of a scientist, even if she comes to serve as a scholar, the bonus provided is only 10%.

And Robin's bonus is actually 30%....

Plus the flower fruit ability provided by the other party.

It seems that he really picked up a treasure.

Glancing at Robin, who had fallen into a deep sleep, Lin Yu thought happily.

Stretching out, Lin Yu walked out of the door.

"Young Master, lunch is ready."

Seeing Lin Yu come out, Xia Lulia said respectfully.

"Hmm." Lin Yu nodded and walked to the dining room again.

His physical exertion in the past two days is a bit heavy, and he needs to eat more.

In the dining room, Marcino, Koya and the others, as well as Conis, who came with Luffy and the others, were waiting for Lin Yu to come to lunch, and when they saw him coming, they quickly stood up.

"You don't have to wait for me."

Lin Yu sat on the main seat and said.

On his boat, eat when hungry and sleep when sleepy, there are not so many rules.

And Lin Yu has always been a person who does not like to follow the rules, and naturally he will not get so many rules for himself.

"You two eat too."

Glancing at Anna and Charulia, who were standing beside them preparing to serve their meal, Lin Yu ordered.

"Yes, young master."

When Anna and Charulia heard this, they also sat down at the table.

Next, Lin Yu ate lunch quietly, thinking about his next plan.

He had not forgotten his plans to become king of the world.

Therefore, since he has already come to the empty island, he is ready to take the empty island into his pocket.

Whether it was the Sandians or the people of the Angelic Clan, he was ready to be included in the protection.

In addition, because Lei Jiu was unwilling to eat the Thunder Fruit, he also needed to find someone who ate the Thunder Fruit.

Only in this way can he take the opportunity to obtain the ability of the Thunder Fruit and put the Ark Proverbs into use.

Lin Yu was thinking about this.

Nami, Nokiko, Marcino. Keya, Wei Wei and the others were also peeking at Lin Yu non-stop, wanting to intercede for the Straw Hat gang.

At this time, the Straw Hat gang had been imprisoned by Lei Jiu on the island of the gods, Apayado, and sent two divine soldiers to guard them.

While eating, Lin Yu noticed the eyes of Nami and the others and guessed their thoughts.

He doesn't mind that.

If Nami, Koya and the others are really people who don't care about the Straw Hats, then he should be careful.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu smiled and said

, "Don't worry, I won't hurt the Straw Hats and the gang."

"Lachi, you wait and call a few Sandians and exile the Straw Hats and gang to other empty islands."

This empty island has a way to go to other empty islands, and the Shandians are familiar with this aspect, after all, Shandia's artillery technology is imported from other empty islands.

"I see." Shandia female warrior Laqi glanced at Lin Yu and nodded in agreement.

Because Lin Yu had already defeated the Heavenly God Anilu, the Sandians settled in the Island of the Gods Apayado overnight last night.

And he was grateful to Lin Yu and swore eternal allegiance to him.

When Nami, Koya and the others heard this, they were all happy.

As long as Luffy and they can leave the empty island, they will be safe and sound.

【Ding! Keya's friendliness to the host has increased...]

[Ding! Nami's friendliness to the host has increased...]

[Ding! Marcino's friendliness to the host has increased...]

[Ding! Wei Wei's friendliness to the host increased...]

Looking at the increasing friendliness of several women, Lin Yu chuckled, he had expected this matter.

After the Straw Hats and the gang left here and let Nami, Vivi and the others completely cut off contact with them.

The friendliness of several women to him is probably going to rise.

In time, as long as Lin Yu adjusts a little, they will all be as dead set on him as Nuo Qigao.

Then, Lin Yu looked at Conis, who was a little cramped and uneasy on the side, and smiled:

"If the residents of Angel Island want to settle on the Island of God, they need to live in peace with the Sandians, and you can tell Ganfort about this."

"Okay, okay." Cornis stood up in surprise and nodded repeatedly.

She did not expect that the residents of Angel Island would be able to enter the Island of Gods to live.

The next day.

The Straw Hats were escorted by the Sandians and exiled to other empty islands.

Nami, Kaya, Vivi, Marcino and others, who saw the Straw Hats and the gang leave, and their friendliness to Lin Yu, who kept his promise, increased again.

And after Lin Yu took Robin to find this piece of history on the empty island, he also regained the friendliness of the other party.

The residents of Angel Island, also led by Ganfor, entered the island of God Apayado and began to discuss living together with the Sandia family.

The hatred between the Sandians and the inhabitants of Angel Island has long since dissipated because of the sudden appearance of the god Anilu, so true peace has ushered in at this time.

And Lin Yu already regarded the empty island of Apayado as his territory, and naturally did not hesitate, and directly asked Lei Jiu to teach many techniques of the blue ocean to the Sandians and the residents of Angel Island, so as to improve their living standards and defense forces.

And Lin Yu also used the knowledge of his previous life to work with Wei Wei to make development plans for the Sandians and the residents of Angel Island, and provide suggestions for the future of the empty island.

This move allowed Lin Yu to win the support of the Sandians and the residents of Angel Island, and jointly elected him as the new Celestial God.

Lin Yu's series of actions made the friendliness of kind-hearted people such as Keya and Magino rise sharply to him.

And Wei Wei, who completely cut off contact with the Straw Hat gang, saw Lin Yu's actions from beginning to end.

When she saw that the residents of Shandia and Angel Island began to usher in peace under the influence of Lin Yu, Wei Wei, who once hated war very much, was naturally impressed by Lin Yu and her liking increased.

When he saw that Lin Yu asked Lei Jiu to teach technology and improve people's livelihood, and was willing to spend time with himself to make a development plan for the empty island.

As a princess of a country, Wei Wei's friendliness to Lin Yu, who cares about the people, has risen rapidly, the fastest among everyone.

Of course, Nami who followed Lin Yu to find the golden city of Shandora, the speed of friendliness rising is not too much.

When Lin Yu waved her hand and said that she could take as much as she wanted.

Nami, who loves money, completely fell to Lin Yu.

In the room, Lin Yu held the Thunder Fruit in his hand, looked at Nami and smiled:

"Nami, do you want to eat this Devil Fruit?"

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