Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2144: Self-righteous (26 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,144, self-righteous (26 more) [1/1 page]


Zhang Bei feels that this plan of his own is very feasible and difficult to be the latest chapter!


Now I am in the basement with Zhao Tiezhu. It is a few meters away from the ground. If you don’t walk from the elevator, there is no way to get to the ground. Although there are five elevators installed here, With a pull of electricity, these elevators will be completely paralyzed. This is the so-called location! At this time, the time is already at night. At that time, I will find Zhao Tiezhu to be retained by the first step. When others are gone, there will be time to start. This is the time. {Fiction} Here is your own home, you can call a large number of people at any time, this is the human.

Occupy the right place and the right place, if you can't kill Zhao Tiezhu in such a situation, then it is really a bit unreasonable, and as long as you can kill Zhao Tiezhu, Zhang Bei feels that his life is likely to start to the true light, at least Xing Yi'an will not treat himself badly. When he tries to work hard again, maybe the four kings will add one more and become the five kings?

When I think that I am likely to become a true person, I can enjoy things that only people can enjoy. Zhang Bei feels that the whole person has to be excited. He is thinking about how to put it in his mind. Zhao Tiezhu completely stayed here. In fact, according to Zhang Bei’s idea, it was very simple. He called a person on the side of Xingyi’an and said that Zhao Tiezhu was here. You sent someone to crack the txt download. By the time the Xing Yi'an brigade is coming, you Zhao Tiezhu will definitely not be able to escape. You can't beat the hundreds of people who have been called by others.

If you play a hundred such things, even the action movie will not appear. It is only in the novel or the fantasy story that you may appear. If you can play Zhao Tizhu, you can play ten, and after ten, you still have to be We give it up. [\'Fiction`.com]

I have to say that Zhang Bei’s understanding of Zhao Tiezhu is still very small. He does not know that Zhao Tiezhu can really play a hundred people. He does not know that Zhao Tiezhu can stealth and be able to harden.

He does not know that there is a dragon list and a **** list in this world. And Zhao Tiezhu, is the top 50 people in the gods list. In fact, for the average person, or a person with a small ability like Zhang Bei, what is the Dragon List, it is all that I have never heard of, and Zhang Bei knows a tiger list, and then On the top, Zhang Bei is not qualified and has no luck to know.

However, although Zhang Bei is in a state of turmoil, he is still hesitating. After all, what he has to do is to betray the master, and he can have all of this now, which is given to him by Zhao Tiezhu.

"Gambling one."

Just when Zhang Bei was hesitant, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly turned his head and said to Zhang Bei with a smile.


Zhang Bei looked at Zhao Tiezhu wrongly.

"Bet to wait for which dog can win." Zhao Tiezhu said.

“What is the bet?” asked Zhang Bei.

"%% said, "We just play around, I am still the first time betting on dogs. ”

"It's better to do this. How do you get ten out of each?" asked Huang manager tentatively.

The ten numbers mentioned here refer to one million. In some places where the rivers and lakes are relatively high-grade, people say that money does not directly say how much money, but how many, a hundred thousand.

“It doesn’t matter.” Zhao Tiezhu said calmly, “Ten counts are ten, just play.”

Zhang Bei frowned. He didn't have a million. If he let him take out a million to gamble, he really couldn't get it.

Sitting next to Zhang Bei, Manager Huang said that when Zhang Bei did not speak, "I have ten of my brothers here, I am coming out."

"Or I am coming." Zhang Bei told the manager Huang that Dzizhu changed to txt download. "You must borrow me ten."

"No problem." Huang nodded.

"Awaiting two fighting dogs, one is a Caucasian dog and the other is a Spanish Canary." The host on the stage said, "Welcome everyone to bet!"

"Spanish Canary?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and thought about it. He seemed to have heard the name of this dog. It seems to be a fierce fighting dog. It was used for fighting dogs when he was domesticated. .

"I will gamble that this Caucasian dog will win." Zhang Bei said with a smile.

"Then I will bet the Spanish Canary," said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Zhao Laodi, I hope you can win, haha!" Huang said with a smile. He is very sure that the winner will be a Caucasian dog. Although the fighting power of the Canary is very strong, it is a recognized world. One of the most ferocious dogs, but that can't stop you from taking medicine! In places like fighting dogs, sometimes in order to make a cold door, some dogs have pre-medication, but the technical fighting dog field of this fight has already been in full swing, so the average person can’t see the dog from the appearance. Was beaten.

This kind of unpopularity that is created from time to time often makes the pottery field earn a lot of money.

In fact, to put it bluntly, any kind of gambling is actually a trick.

The so-called casinos in Macau, including the thousands of masters, and the casino itself, is the biggest one.

The Caucasian dog is the most versatile dog breed in the world. It is not necessary to say more about the combat effectiveness. However, if you follow the normal situation, the combat strength of the Canary canyon is higher than that of the Caucasian dog because he is fast and physique. Small, more flexible, and the power does not rain the Caucasian dog, so today, the Caucasian dog, the odds are naturally a bit high, and in contrast to the Canary, because many people win him, so the odds are relatively low .

"I can always win, no matter what time, no matter what happens." When Zhao Tiezhu said this, his eyes slightly swept Zhang Bei.

Zhang Bei looked at the front, but he did not dare to turn his head and look at Zhao Tiezhu. He has a feeling that Zhao Tiezhu’s words seem to be said to him in general, and he does not know why. As long as Zhao Tiezhu speaks like this, Zhang Bei feels that his pressure is particularly huge. The whole person seems to be being invisible. It is tied to the general.

"Haha, Zhao is very confident!" Dajin said with a smile to Zhao Tiezhu. "If you win this night, you have to ask us to do a full set."

"Sure." Zhao Tiezhu said, "It is definitely not spending your own money anyway."

Not long after, there were shouts of dogs at the two ends of the venue.

The two fighting dogs were brought to the venue from the outside and then brought to the stage.

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