Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2143: Wild (25 more)

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[vip]The second one hundred and forty-three chapters wild (25 more) [1/1 page]


Zhang Bei looked at Zhao Tiezhu, but found that Zhao Tiezhu looked naturally in his position and looked at the manager Huang with a smile.

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Manager Huang said, "The wild thing can really be cultivated. A dog, you have to put him in the mountains for ten days and a half, and it will become a wild dog, but even this wilderness Wildness is also different from the fighting dogs specially trained in our dog farm. {Fiction}

"Oh? How is it different?" Zhao Tiezhu asked an eyebrow and asked curiously.

"We are fighting this dog farm. Many of the fighting dogs in the head have been pulled directly from the Tibetan area to start training. They are first placed in a cage with 5 units, and then hungry for a few days, waiting for them to be hungry. Then, let's eat some food. Naturally, they will grab it and fight it. It will last for a month or two. Basically, those who are weak will not survive, or they will be torn by other dogs. A full-time knight who is starving to death online games."

"In this case, the wildness will not be small!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with approval.

"This is only the first step." Huang said, "After this initial elimination, the wildness of these fighting dogs was somewhat stimulated, and then they were taken to the mountains, dug a deep pit, and gave them Throw in the pit, let them climb out, can only stay in the pit, and you know, the place in the Tibetan area, especially in the mountains, there are many wolves in the middle of the night, especially those plateau wolves, you think, one The dog that has not yet grown up is surrounded by wolves, how scared is it? And we have done some measures around the pit to make the wolf unable to enter the pit. Sometimes the wolves turn around the pit, which can be The fighting dog inside is scared enough. "Search for the fastest free novel on .com"

"Why is this again?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is mainly to exercise their courage. You think, you have been surrounded by the wolves. This courage will naturally rise. Then, when we feed him, it is not feeding the average pork. Instead, he is fed with wolf meat!” Huang said with a smile. “It can be said that these fighting dogs grew up eating wolf meat when they were long. This is also a kind of guts to hone them. Wild."

"After such a period of time, the wildness of the fighting dog will rise, and some even dare to confront the wolf outside, because in their consciousness, the wolf is already their prey, the wolf they eat every day, The wolves outside are naturally smelly of wolves. At this time, we will start to bring them out to hunt and fight wolves! Many graduates of the fighting dog are killed by a wolf alone." Huang said with a smile. "Of course, these are the fighting dogs for our internal training. I am only talking about a general method. We still have a lot of steps. I will not say much here, but the fighting dogs we have in our field, Absolutely the most powerful, people often send their own fighting dogs to the field to fight with our fighting dogs, basically we win."

"What about your income?" Zhao Tiezhu asked. "What income do you rely on?"

"Gambling." Huang said, "Everyone here will almost always bet on betting. Which dog will win? Every night, there are at least tens of millions of gambling money. Everyone here is a rich man. As for us every day. What is the specific income, this is confidential."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded a bit, %% said, "I heard that Zhang Ge, just took over the field?"

Zhang Bei’s heart, which was looked at by Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes, was trembling again. Zhao Tiezhu was always a mountain in his heart who needed to look up. At the moment, he did something wrong, and Zhao Tiezhu grabbed himself and asked him unbiasedly. This heart is naturally a bit timid and the meaning of the devil princess kiss full text reading.

Zhang Bei is very annoyed. He is now a middle-level cadre of Xing Yi'an. He is still so afraid of Zhao Tiezhu. This Zhao Tiezhu is just a pair of hands and feet, and there is nothing more than himself. Everyone is a human being. Why do I have to be afraid of you?

After such self-hypnosis, Zhang Bei finally relaxed, and then said to Zhao Tiezhu, "just came over."


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not speak again.

"Golden teeth, I can tell you, Zhang Ge, but what mixed with that, you have something to do on the road, you can find a brother! Yes, you have not had a lot of places? How, there is no If you don't have one, I suggest you consider Zhang Ge.” Manager Huang seems to be a more enthusiastic person, and he directly introduced the business to Jinya.

Jinya said with a smile, "This... I have a chance to talk to Zhang Ge again."

Zhang Bei nodded. He liked this feeling very much. No matter where he went, people met him. They were all called Zhang Ge’s brother. In this year, everyone likes to be a big brother, even when they are helping the dragon. Others also call him Zhang Ge, but the difference in the identity of the person you call, the pleasure is not the same, you are in the dragon dragon help, a group of rural non-mainstream called you brother, how would this feel? Here, a group of wealthy and powerful people, even Zhao Tiezhu called himself a brother, it feels that the direct teacher wants to take a quick look.

"If there is a chance, it must be." Zhang Bei said with a smile.

After the words were finished, the stage quickly stood on a host, where he introduced the information of the two dogs of the fighting dog.

"Our North Caucasian dog is basically stable. If Zhang wants to play, Zhang can play and play." Huang said with a smile.

"That's more to say." Zhang Bei shook his head, but in his heart, he secretly thought that he had officially entered the middle layer of Xingyi'an, and according to what Zhao Tiezhu said to himself last time, as long as he entered the middle level and then stood firm, then He will start to call him, and now, he has become a middle-level, but he did not tell Zhao Tiezhu that he was touched by Zhao Tiezhu here. Can he tear his face with him? Or say that I am now telling my old size four, and I have contacted some of my friends, and left Zhao Tiezhu directly in the dog fighting field.

When I thought of leaving Zhao Tiezhu, Zhang Bei’s whole person suddenly got excited. If he could really leave Zhao Tiezhu here, then Zhang Bei would definitely become the hero of Xing Yi’an, and then from Xing’an. Get more power and benefits here. Thinking of those possible benefits, Zhang Bei’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

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