Ash Civilization

Chapter 170 Can I drop out of school? (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

In the main control room, Zhou Zhen stared directly at the photos on his phone.

His eyes lingered repeatedly on the girl's throat, heart, waist and abdomen in the photo, and other vital parts. His other hand unknowingly stretched out to make gestures, subconsciously choosing the best place to cut.

Realizing that his state was starting to have problems, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Plane Jump], and teleported seven or eight times in a row in the spacious space of the main control room.

Soon, the strong thoughts in his mind changed from wanting to kill the pig to wanting to kill the pig and wanting to peeping and filming.

These two thoughts are very contradictory. One moment, he thinks that the photos are all big fat pigs, and he can't wait to drag them out and slaughter them; the next moment, he sees that the photos are all fat and thin beautiful girls, and he wants to appreciate the candid photos of himself. results.

It didn't take long before the idea of ​​peeping and secretly filming gradually took over.

Zhou Zhen held his cell phone and watched attentively. The laughter of the girls playing and playing, the scolding of the candid photos, and the rhythm of the exercises... suddenly filled the whole room.

A few minutes later, Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up. He glanced around, but when Tao Nange didn't come out, he lay down on the swivel chair with the back flat and began to sleep.

However, maybe because he just woke up, he couldn't fall asleep for a while.

After trying for a while and finding that he couldn't sleep, Zhou Zhen used the Digital Domain, [Airdrop Trojan], to control the cameras here to ensure that he would be able to discover Tao Nange as soon as he came out.

Immediately afterwards, he left the main control room and came to the trading floor that had just entered the isolation point.

This hall is now empty, and the scattered supplies have been packed into the warehouse. It looks very open. According to the redesigned drawings, this area and the characteristic street next to it will be merged into an orderly trading area. The current shops will also be demolished and rebuilt into uniform-style shops.

Zhou Zhen walked back and forth, confirmed the approximate location, and immediately began the demolition work.

Boom boom boom...

The energy wave of [Fusion Cube] roared and oscillated. Wherever it went, the walls were cracked, debris flew, and dust fell, quickly destroying the place beyond recognition.

After confirming that all the places that needed to be opened had been opened, Zhou Zhen went to the next place.

A few hours later, he demolished all the buildings that needed to be demolished in the entire isolation point.

Looking at the thick dust floating in the isolation point, Zhou Zhen found another water pipe, installed a shower head, and sprayed the dust.

Soon, the dusty smell quickly dissipated, and the fresh smell of water filled the entire isolation point.

At this moment, the Yulan isolation point has been completely demolished, except for two warehouses, laboratories, the main control room, and a few luxury equipment and edge buildings. The overall look is like an unfinished construction site, with zero details. There are a few scattered buildings scattered among them, and most of them are still waiting for continued construction.

Next, once the materials are in place, formal reconstruction can begin.

Zhou Zhen thought in his mind, turned around and walked towards the public warehouse.

He came to the science and technology area, where several mechas were stored. The appearance and model of these mechas were relatively old, but they had been maintained. There was a distinct smell of engine oil in the various joint parts of the mechas, and the cabin was concealed. , easy to get in and out, and there are accompanying instructions next to it. These mechas use nerve-sensing controls.

Under normal circumstances, after a person enters the cabin and sticks something similar to an electrode pad on several parts of the body, he can exchange information with the mecha through his thoughts and control the actions of the mecha.

Zhou Zhen stood in front of these mechas. After looking around, he did not directly enter the cabin to operate. Instead, with a thought, overwhelming numbers, formulas, theorems, and graphics immediately appeared in front of his eyes... All of this converged into a vast The long flowing river flows into the mechas in front of me.

The mecha, which was originally shutting down, immediately turned on the indicator light!

Digital domain, [Airdrop Trojan]!

The next moment, the roar of the mecha engines echoed in the spacious warehouse. All the mechas took a step forward in unison, and the visual sensors on their heads turned to Zhou Zhen, as if waiting for orders.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. Of course, the building materials in the warehouse are not enough to rebuild the entire isolation point, but some walls that divide the areas can be built first.

Then, he turned around and walked outside.


The mecha immediately took steps and followed behind him.

Zhou Zhen came to the outermost living area. In addition to food and water, there were also many daily necessities and building materials.

The mecha followed Zhou Zhen to the shelves of building materials and began to move the materials.

The essential purpose of these mechas is to fight, so the storage capacity is not strong. However, the thinnest one among them is more than three meters tall, and its limbs have deformation functions, transforming the forelimbs used for combat into mechanical claws. Finally, it is enough to fix considerable weight of materials.

After spending some time and watching all the mechas carrying a lot of materials on their shoulders, Zhou Zhen walked out with them.

Heavy footsteps echoed quietly in the underground space.

After a while, Zhou Zhen led the mecha to a ruins filled with sewage.

This was originally the residence of a high-rise in the isolation point. It was a single-family villa with a modern appearance.

In the re-planned drawings, this will be a public breeding area in the future.

Right now, the original gorgeous underground villa is gone. The luxurious furniture, exquisite floor tiles, and valuable furnishings... have all been removed in advance. Now there are only various building debris spread on the ground, and water that was forcibly sprayed down. The flying dust mixed into turbid currents and washed across the ground.

Zhou Zhen used [Airdrop Trojan] again to pass the design drawings to several mechas, and set the mechas' fixed working steps and work routes.

After the order was given, all the mechas immediately started working amidst the roaring sounds of the engines.

There was a clanging sound on the ruins. Some of these mechas began to clean up the remaining construction debris; some switched their lower limbs to crawler mode and began to level the ground; some had red rays erupting from their chests, walking around, exploring, and measuring. data……

Zhou Zhen stood aside and watched for about 15 minutes. He found no problem. He nodded immediately, turned around and walked towards the main control room.

Not long after, he returned to the main control room and glanced at the monitor. The mechas were still working normally.

So, Zhou Zhen sat down on the swivel chair and waited quietly.


In the classroom of Grade 3 (8), Tao Nange stood on the aisle next to Zhou Zhen's seat, staring at Zhou Zhen's seat intently.

At this time, Pang Shaobin was sitting on Zhou Zhen's seat. Chu Jingyan stood beside him, reaching out and grabbing his hair, and shouted in a dark voice: Get out of the way!

Looking at this scene, Tao Nange immediately stopped his plan to take action and decided to continue watching.


Without any warning, a sharp butcher's knife appeared in Pang Shaobin's hand, and he slashed at Chu Jingyan neatly!

The blade cuts through the air with a murderous intent.

Chu Jingyan ducked sideways to avoid the butcher's knife, and then punched Pang Shaobin hard in the face with her backhand.


Pang Shaobin's whole body shook, and he was beaten so hard that he fell off Zhou Zhen's seat and fell to the ground.

Chu Jingyan's face was cold and her eyes were unkind. She glanced at Pang Shaobin and wanted to go up to touch her feet. Then she looked at Zhou Zhen's seat and wanted to sit on it directly. After a brief hesitation, Chu Jingyan sat on Zhou Zhen's seat. on the seat.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen's seat was occupied by Chu Jingyan, Pang Shaobin immediately got up from the ground, waved the butcher knife in his hand, and continued to chop at Chu Jingyan.

Chu Jingyan sat on her seat, stretched out her hands, clasped her palms together, clamped the butcher knife that Pang Shaobin had chopped, then twisted her waist and kicked the opponent hard.


In the sitting position, his strength could not be fully exerted, so Chu Jingyan's kick only made Pang Shaobin take a few steps back.

Pang Shaobin showed no fear at all. He pulled out the butcher's knife and slashed at her.

Bang bang bang...

After a few moves, Chu Jingyan was also annoyed. She stood up quickly, left Zhou Zhen's seat, and started fighting!

Ping ping pong pong...

The sound of flesh hitting each other, mixed with the sound of the butcher's knife whizzing through the wind, resounded throughout the class, and the two started fighting.

Pang Shaobin was able to resist a few times with the butcher's knife in his hand, but the power gap between the two sides was too large. Chu Jingyan soon gained the absolute upper hand, knocking Pang Shaobin to the ground and kicking him in the head. .

Tao Nange watched carefully from the side, and kept observing other students around him from the corner of his eye.

The other students in the entire classroom were still enjoying their time after class, talking and laughing, taking naps on the table, playing with stationery... It was as if they had not seen this scene of dispute at all, and did not care at all about the battle between Pang Shaobin and Chu Jingyan.

Jingle Bell……

The familiar school bell rang.

The next moment, Tao Nange found that she was back in Class 7 of Senior High School. The classroom was still the same as before. Apart from her, there was a classmate named Zheng Ming in the empty class.

The front door of the classroom was pushed open, and the math teacher wearing a yellowed white shirt and gray suit pants strode in with a lesson plan under his arm. After standing on the podium, he looked around habitually and briefly announced: Class!

Immediately afterwards, the math teacher picked up a piece of chalk, walked to the blackboard, and started writing on the blackboard while lecturing.

Tao Nange immediately opened the notebook in front of him, picked up the pen, and quickly copied the writing on the blackboard.

Zhou Zhen told her that class notes correspond to digital energy. Only by starting from the beginning of each class can you successfully write down the notes on the blackboard.

Once you are distracted or distracted in the middle, you will instantly get lost in mathematics. You will not understand anything or understand anything. You will not even know where to start copying the notes for this class...

Rustling... The tip of the pen scratched the paper. Tao Nange continued to record increasingly complex writing on the blackboard, and his thinking became clearer and clearer.

Many problems that I once couldn't figure out can now be understood naturally; I have also gained a better grasp of my existing digital domain.

Time passed slowly, and Tao Nange's attention was always highly concentrated. Finally, when the math teacher paused after explaining a knowledge point, she seized the opportunity and immediately raised her hand and asked: Teacher! I just saw someone in the class next door. If two classmates fight, can they be expelled from school?

The math teacher immediately stopped teaching, looked at Tao Nange and asked, Which two students are they?

Tao Nange said quickly: It's Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin.

The math teacher nodded and explained calmly: The results of these two students are pretty good.

You don't have to drop out of school for a small mistake like fighting.

However, this was a mistake after all.

I'll let them go to the penalty stand.

With that said, the math teacher turned around, wrote another complicated formula on the blackboard, and continued teaching.

Tao Nange didn't hesitate and immediately took notes.

Time passed little by little.

Jingle Bell……

Finally, the get out of class bell rang.


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

General control room.

Screens of all sizes were suspended on the four walls, and the indicator lights on the main console slowly turned on and off. On the swivel chair behind the console, Zhou Zhen looked at the screen in front of him, and saw the several mechas that were still working diligently. His eyes were slightly distracted, obviously. In a daze.

He has been waiting for some time.

Just as Zhou Zhen continued to be distracted, he suddenly discovered that a familiar figure appeared not far away from him. It was Tao Nange!

Seeing Tao Nange finally return to reality, Zhou Zhen quickly asked: How is it?

Tao Nange nodded, pulled an empty swivel chair next to him, sat down, and said calmly: I probably know what's going on.

There must be something special about your seat.

The other personalities seem to be very eager for your seat.

When you have side effects, there is another personality sitting in your seat.

“When you use the side effects of one ‘digital domain’ to balance the side effects of another ‘digital domain’, there are two personalities competing for your seat.”

At this point, Tao Nange paused slightly, and then continued, One more thing, I'm just guessing, I can't be sure.

It's just that I can't see your seat clearly. Under normal circumstances, I can't get close to your seat.

Other personalities may be the same.

But when you use the 'digital domain' of other personalities, the corresponding personality should be able to see your seat.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded, and the sub-personalities would compete for his seat. In other words, if he used the digital domain of two sub-personalities, and the energy intensity of the two sub-personalities was the same, then There is a high probability that if these two sub-personalities compete with each other, no one will be able to sit in his seat!

Of course, this is just a guess. You have to try it to know what the reality is.

While he was thinking about it, he heard Tao Nange continue: In addition, that dream followed the rules of the real school in many places.

I have already complained to the teacher about the fight between Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin.

The teacher promised to punish those two personalities.

But it is not yet clear when the penalty station will start and end.

When these two personalities are punished to stand, they should not be able to occupy your seat.

There should be no side effects if you use the 'digital domain' of these two personalities during this period of time.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and said immediately: Okay! Then I can test it now.

Tao Nange nodded, looked into his eyes, and said very seriously: There is one last thing. For the time being, it is best not to look at those memories from the past!

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