Ash Civilization

Chapter 169: Patients with hypochondriasis. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

The math teacher said loudly: There are still 82 days in this semester.

The final exam will be in 82 days.

82 days?

Zhou Zhen immediately wrote down this number. He was not sure whether these 82 days referred to the time in the dream or the time in reality. But from this number, it can be judged that the next exam will not come for a while! as to achieve the purpose of measurement.

That is to say...the chaos coefficient is...the birth of the star...

At this time, the math teacher returned to the blackboard, waved the pointer, and continued teaching.

Zhou Zhen raised his hand again, but the math teacher showed no reaction and seemed to ignore his move.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly.

Only one question can be asked in a class. This rule summarized by Tao Nange applies to him as well.

Then, he glanced at the textbooks on the table, thought about it, and finally did not open the textbooks.

Inside these textbooks are his memories from the past.

But looking at it, a lot of digital energy needs to be consumed. He will also cooperate with Tao Nange in testing, and needs to retain the digital energy.

You can put things in your memory for later.

So, Zhou Zhen sat in his seat and began to be in a daze.

Jingle Bell……

The familiar bell finally rang. The math teacher returned to the podium, packed up the lesson plan, and left quickly.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and walked outside the classroom.

He walked out the front door. Outside was the familiar empty corridor, covered with a thick layer of dust, but there was no trace of the math teacher's footprints.

Zhou Zhen quickly walked to the door of the classroom of Class 3 (7), opened the door, and walked directly in.

The inside was still the same as before, with only two figures in the empty classroom.

One is Tao Nange and the other is Zheng Ming.

Zhou Zhen quickly looked at Tao Nange. Tao Nange was almost the same as last time. He was confused and obviously unconscious. The [digital stimulant] seemed to have no effect at all!

Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly, and then walked directly towards Zheng Ming.

Soon, the situation was exactly the same as last time. Zhou Zhen picked up the notebook in front of Zheng Ming, but was stopped by Zheng Ming, and then Tao Nange came over to help...

Ping ping ping pong! ! !

Zhou Zhen quickly put Zheng Ming's notebook on Tao Nange's desk, and then joined forces with Tao Nange to beat Zheng Ming violently.

After typing Zheng Ming, Zheng Ming's notebook was completely transformed into Tao Nange's notes. Supplemented by this digital energy, Tao Nange finally woke up. She did not hesitate and said directly to Zhou Zhen: Lecture There isn’t much time for recess, go to your classroom quickly!”

Zhou Zhen nodded and immediately led Tao Nange towards his classroom.

Not long after, they came to Class 8 (Grade 3) again.

Without any delay, Zhou Zhen took Tao Nange directly towards his seat.

He came to his seat and sat down, and then asked: Sister Nan, can you see my desk now?

Tao Nange's eyes were fixed on Zhou Zhen. In her field of vision, Zhou Zhen's body was covered with dense numbers. These numbers were squirming and struggling, as if they were constantly roaring and howling in an attempt to escape from Zhou Zhen. Shock this outline and blend into the surrounding air.

This scene is extremely horrifying, a terrifying scene that many people cannot even imagine in their nightmares.

But when Zhou Zhen sat down on the seat in front of him, all the numbers disappeared and turned into normal flesh and blood, revealing Zhou Zhen's original appearance.

At the same time, the corresponding information about Zhou Zhen immediately appeared in her mind: Zhou Zhen, number one in the school, cold-blooded, serial killer, delusional patient, ruthless personality disorder, ultimate fraudster, outlaw The free one...

A series of words that ordinary people have no access to, all of which represent extreme and horror!

The last word of the message is: memory is sealed.

At this moment, Tao Nange saw Zhou Zhen sitting on a seat with countless numbers crawling around. The desk in front of him was also made up of densely packed numbers. They were crawling slowly and maliciously, and they never calmed down. It seemed that At any time and at any time, they will collapse into a mathematical abyss, swallowing up any creature that dares to look directly at them.

There were stacks of textbooks on the desk. In her field of vision, these textbooks seemed to be just disguised shadows.

As long as you look at it for a moment, you can see that these textbooks are filled with countless numbers, formulas, and symbols... They twist and turn, pull and tumble, as if they are filled with endless answers, as if they are compressed to the extreme and boundless unknown. It seems to be full of traps and temptations that are unimaginable to humans, like Pandora's boxes that have been sealed one by one!

A strong premonition came to mind. Just touching these textbooks rashly, let alone reading them, would have unpredictable consequences.

Tao Nange's expression suddenly changed, but as a member of the ghost team, she quickly regained her composure.

The information that suddenly appeared in her mind may not be accurate!

During this period of time, she had been acting together with Zhou Zhen, and she had never found that Zhou Zhen, the main character, had any criminal tendencies.

On the contrary, whether he tried his best to treat her or insisted on rebuilding the isolation point, it can be seen that Zhou Zhen's nature should be the pursuit of fairness and justice, compassion for the weak, and full of positive energy.

It even seems a bit naive and dreamy given the situation of this era...

Sister Nan? At this time, Zhou Zhen's familiar voice came again.

Tao Nange came back to his senses immediately and said immediately: I have written down the location of your desk. Class will start soon. You have to be fast!

Zhou Zhen nodded quickly: Okay!

As he said that, he immediately stood up from his seat and strode towards the back door.

As soon as Zhou Zhen left his seat, Tao Nange's vision suddenly changed. The tables and chairs in front of him suddenly became very blurry, as if they were suddenly far away from her. Even if he tried hard to look, he could only see a rough outline. Its outline and orientation, and this distance seemed to be constantly changing. As long as her eyes shifted, she would instantly lose the target in front of her.

At the same time, in her eyes, Zhou Zhen's whole body once again turned into densely packed squirming figures, like a humanoid outline condensed by numbers.

Soon, Zhou Zhen opened a door at the back of the classroom and walked out...

Confirming from the corner of his eye that Zhou Zhen's figure had completely disappeared from the class, Tao Nange stared at Zhou Zhen's seat without blinking and began to wait patiently.


Yulan isolation point.

General control room.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and looked at the increasingly familiar monitoring equipment around him. Without any delay, he immediately sat up straight and concentrated on a set of formulas in his mind...

For a moment, he felt something and quickly took out the scalpel. The sharp blade was instantly covered with a layer of thick and sticky blood.

Zhou Zhen slashed directly at an empty chair next to him.


The scalpel directly cut off the very solid-looking swivel chair in front of him, as if the hot blade was cutting into a block of butter, with almost no resistance felt in the process.

The swivel chair in front of me, which could bear several hundred kilograms of weight, had explosion-proof panels and was solidly made, seemed to be made of paper. It was chopped into two pieces on the spot and fell to the ground with a clang.

The sound of metal hitting the floor tiles was crisp and clear, and it also made a subtle hum when it rotated. The fracture was flat and smooth, as if it was the result of careful processing with a lathe.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. This was the first Digital Domain he copied from Pang Shaobin. The effect of this Digital Domain is to attach a layer of armor-piercing effect to the weapon, which can easily Breaking through ordinary defenses, its name is [Enhanced Penetration].

Then, he concentrated on another set of formulas in his mind.

Under his feet, gurgling blood suddenly oozed out. After the blood appeared, it surged rapidly like a torrent that burst a dam and became more and more.

Soon, the entire floor of the main control room was soaked in blood.

However, the surrounding electronic equipment, tables and chairs were not affected in any way.

This blood was thick and thick, exuding a pungent and sweet smell, as if it was a pool of blood that had been forced to flow after massacring many creatures.

They quietly submerged into the floor tiles and permeated the entire main control room. The surface swayed slightly, and the ripples pushed around layer by layer. It looked strange and vast.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

Zhou Zhen took a few steps in the bloody water and suddenly understood that the essence of the bloody water was a spider web!

He can walk freely in the bloody water without any restrictions, and even walking is not as difficult as walking in the same deep water. But when outside creatures enter the blood water range, they are like bugs caught in a spider web, making it difficult to move and even harder to escape.

If it is a flying creature, it cannot take off.

In addition, he can also expand the scope of blood water by killing creatures.

This digital domain also comes from Pang Shaobin, and its name is [Crimson Trap].

Zhou Zhen quickly concentrated on the next set of formulas in his mind.

A thick bloody mist suddenly appeared all over his body.

The blood mist had no intention of dispersing, but lingered around him, as if he was wearing a piece of armor with vague outlines.

Other than that, there was no movement in the blood mist.

Zhou Zhen carefully sensed the changes that this blood mist brought to him. It didn't take long for him to know that this kind of blood mist could not be seen by others under normal circumstances. Only when it came into contact with his body could it appear on the surface of living things. within sight.

The function of blood mist is to deter prey.

All creatures that see the blood mist will transform into the role of prey and will find it difficult to resist him.

Like [Crimson Trap], this blood mist can be enhanced by killing creatures.

The more creatures you kill, the better the blood mist becomes.

This digital domain also comes from Pang Shaobin, and its name is [Zero Distance Fear]!

Pang Shaobin's three digital domain tests were over, and Zhou Zhen immediately concentrated on the last set of formulas in his mind.

An overwhelming number, formulas, symbols, graphics suddenly appeared in front of him... They were vast and seemingly endless, like an invisible river.

If Zhou Zhen had some realization in his heart, this long river could be connected with signals from the outside world.

The activation mode of this Digital Domain is very similar to [Overclocking Interference]!

But there are some differences in some details.

Zhou Zhen looked at an idle tablet computer next to him, and with a thought, the long river suddenly surged down and began to connect with the signal of the tablet computer.

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

The screen of the tablet computer, which was changing the screen saver, immediately flashed in light and dark.

After a few seconds, the screen returns to normal and everything looks fine.

Zhou Zhen's mind wandered slightly, and he suddenly thought about listening to a piece of music.

The next moment, the screen saver of the tablet remained the same, but a folder was automatically opened in the background and a piece of music was played.

Zhou Zhen then changed his mind to watching a movie. He immediately turned off the music on the tablet, removed the screen saver, and opened a movie stored on it.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, and immediately understood the role of this digital domain... It can give signals to the outside world and implant a Trojan-like program to remotely control the target!

This digital domain does not come from his other personalities, but from Digital Rain's answer to the second question in his homework book!

Implanting a Trojan horse...

It's similar to [overfrequency interference]. It will be affected by line of sight. If you can't see external signals, you won't be able to connect with external signals.

However, if we cooperate with the 'digital domain' of [energy observation], we can make up for this weakness.

The problem now is that the 'digital domain' of other personalities has great side effects...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen turned off the movie and stopped controlling the tablet.

At this moment, a strong thought suddenly came to my mind.

He suddenly wanted to kill a pig!

Zhou Zhen immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album. In the photo album, there were densely packed photos of girls, all of whom had slender waists, fair skin and beautiful faces. They had different looks and styles, and looked delicious.

But at this moment, in Zhou Zhen's field of vision, all the girls in the photos had turned into white, tender, strong and delicious big fat pigs!


Chalk dust floats slowly in the air, and the students in Class 8 of Senior High School are enjoying their time after class.

The small circle chattered and discussed, and sometimes bursts of laughter broke out; individuals either rested alone, or took the time to organize notes, or tinkered with things they were interested in in their seats... Everyone seemed very leisurely, not paying attention to others at all. the meaning of.

Tao Nange stood in the aisle between the desks, staring at Zhou Zhen's seat without blinking.

Suddenly, Pang Shaobin stood up from his seat, strode past Tao Nange, came to Zhou Zhen's seat, pulled out his chair, and sat down.

Looking at this scene, Tao Nange immediately understood that something was wrong with Zhou Zhen!

No other personality can sit in the other person's seat!

This is the reason for the side effects of the other party!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange was about to take action when Chu Jingyan, not far away, suddenly stood up and walked towards Zhou Zhen's seat.

She walked up to Pang Shaobin, grabbed Pang Shaobin's hair, and said in a gloomy voice: Get out of the way!

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