Ash Civilization

Chapter 166 Source. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The memory ended here, and Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up.

Looking at the familiar classroom environment around him, his expression suddenly changed. Mathematics textbooks!

Huang Xurong’s mathematics textbook comes from the “digital forest” of this classroom? !


If so, that would be terrible!

According to the information he currently has, Huang Xurong has sold many copies of the mathematics textbooks he has! Sold to many people!

Moreover, the people who buy teaching materials from Huang Xurong are directors of large groups, CEOs of listed companies, CEOs of entertainment companies... and other people who are either rich or noble, and they all have great influence!

If there is really any problem with this, it will definitely be a disaster!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. In the Huangjia Club case, Huang Xurong died in the unfinished building of Huangjia Club, and all the mathematics textbooks left by him were left in the freshman's Huangjia Club case. Digital Forest was not brought out.

Therefore, neither he nor the officials had access to those mathematics textbooks and could not discover the problems in them.

In addition, this familiar high school classroom had already become a digital forest when the Digital Rain broke out 40 years ago, and the batch of mathematics textbooks sold by Huang Xurong claimed to be textbooks from 20 years ago...

There was a gap of 20 years!

So after discovering this school that was originally located in the suburbs of Binhai City, he never thought about it!

But now it seems that Huang Xurong may have made a mistake!

What the other party is really selling are textbooks from 40 years ago, when mathematics had not been weakened at all!

And the most critical of the buyers of mathematics textbooks, the chairman of Hongshan Group, his daughter Xie Qiongning, is a digital compatibility.

Because of his preconceptions, Zhou Zhen always thought that the way for Xie Qiongning to become a compatible person was through the mathematics textbooks sold by Huang Xurong.

So subconsciously, I didn’t doubt those mathematics textbooks!

The same should be true for Lu Jun. He should be the official person in charge of the undercover mission.

All of them focused on Huang Xurong, who was selling mathematics textbooks, but did not pay attention to the mathematics textbooks themselves!

After returning to reality this time, you must contact Lu Jun immediately!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked at the textbook spread out in front of him and wanted to continue turning the pages. But soon, he felt a strong wave of sleepiness, like a surging tide. He suddenly felt extremely tired and wanted to lie down on the desk. Come on, have a good sleep.

Zhou Zhen immediately realized that this was because he had forcibly opened up his past memories and consumed too much digital energy. Now he had to replenish the digital energy first.

So, Zhou Zhen looked at Zhang Yonghao beside him and said very quietly: Brother Hao, lend me your notes.

Hearing this, Zhang Yonghao lowered his head as before, not daring to look at Zhou Zhen. He just reached out and gently pushed his notebook in front of Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen took the notebook, and the handwriting on the notebook immediately began to shake, change, and reorganize... In the blink of an eye, it turned into his handwriting, and his condition immediately began to recover.

Soon, the entire notebook, including the name on the cover, completely became Zhou Zhen's notebook.

However, Zhang Yonghao's current digital ladder is lower than him, so after absorbing the entire note, his energy has only recovered part of it.

Zhou Zhen's current condition is a little better than before, but he is still a little groggy.

He rubbed his temples and did not continue to read the textbook.

Next, he had to go find Tao Nange, and he had to stay awake.

...From this we can get...the fifth universe...speed...

When...the plasma jet...

The loud lecturing voice of the math teacher mixed with the crisp sound of the pointer hitting the blackboard echoed in the classroom for a long time. Unconsciously, the familiar bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Jingle Bell……

The math teacher immediately put down the pointer in his hand and walked to the podium to collect the lesson plans: get out of class is over!

With that said, the teacher picked up the lesson plan, walked off the stage, opened the front door and walked out with a quick stride.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and walked quickly towards the front door.

He walked out the front door and was suddenly in a dark, empty hallway.

Outside the glass windows on both sides, there is a chaotic sky. It is impossible to tell whether it is morning or evening. The surrounding dust is thick, telling the story of the long years that have passed. It seems to be two different worlds from the clean and tidy classroom.

Obviously he and the math teacher walked out of the classroom together, but now he was still the only one in the corridor, and there was no sign of the math teacher at all.

Zhou Zhen knew clearly that the secrets of this digital forest were far more than what he saw now.

He quickly walked to the newly opened class next door. This time, he looked up at the nameplate next to the classroom door, Grade 3 (Class 7).

Zhou Zhen opened the door, and inside was a classroom with the same layout as Class (8).

In this class, it is also the end of get out of class at the moment. The podium is empty and there is no teacher. The content of the previous class remains on the blackboard, but the content is incomprehensible numbers, formulas, theorems, symbols, graphics... in the air There was also chalk dust floating slowly.

Most of the tables and chairs under the podium were empty, and there were only two figures in the entire classroom.

The male classmate named Zheng Ming was still sitting in the middle seat of the classroom, fiddling with the books and stationery in front of him in a daze. In the front row of the classroom, there was a man wearing a white men's T-shirt and a tie around his waist. The beautiful girl in a black long-sleeved shirt lowered her head and seemed to be thinking about something. She was none other than Tao Nange.

Neither of them had any reaction to Zhou Zhen's arrival. The classroom was silent and lifeless.

Seeing that Tao Nange was indeed in this classroom, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. Obviously, his previous guess was correct. This is a rule!

After Tao Nange has been in reality for a while, he will be forcibly pulled into this classroom!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen walked into the classroom and came to Tao Nange's desk.

Sister Nan. He shouted immediately.

Tao Nange raised her head when she heard this and looked towards him. Her eyes were blank and seemed very dull, as if she could not understand his words at all.

Zhou Zhen immediately understood that Tao Nange's current state was the same as when he first entered this spiritual world. He had no memory of reality, no idea who he was, and what he was going to do next...

Zhou Zhen turned his head and looked at Zheng Ming.

The last time he entered this classroom, he couldn't confirm the identity of the male classmate, but this time, he already knew that the other person was the infected person who looked like a black bear!

Although the opponent's energy intensity is higher than him, in the real world, the opponent is defeated by him!

So, Zhou Zhen stopped delaying and immediately walked towards Zheng Ming.

He came to Zheng Ming's desk, saw Zheng Ming's notebook on the table, and immediately reached for it.

Zhou Zhen grabbed Zheng Ming's notebook. Zheng Ming immediately reached out and grabbed Zhou Zhen's wrist, while looking at him with extremely angry eyes.

Zhou Zhen made no move. The next moment, Tao Nange stood up from his seat, walked quickly to him, and kicked Zheng Ming directly!


Zheng Ming was immediately kicked to the ground.

Zhou Zhen picked up the other party's notebook and immediately walked towards Tao Nange's desk.

At the same time, Zheng Ming quickly stood up from the ground, let out an angry roar, and then punched Tao Nange.

Tao Nange didn't give in at all. He picked up a chair and threw it on the opponent's head.

Ping ping pong pong...

Tao Nange and Zheng Ming immediately started fighting. Chairs, desks, came and went. The desks and chairs that were arranged by someone around were also knocked topsy-turvy and messy.

At this time, Zhou Zhen had already walked to Tao Nange's desk and put Zheng Ming's notebook on Tao Nange's desk.

Soon, the handwriting on the notebook began to change quietly.

Zhou Zhen didn't wait for the name on the homework book to change to Tao Nange. He immediately turned around, joined the battlefield, and kicked Zheng Ming.


Zheng Ming, who was fighting with Tao Nange, was suddenly kicked and staggered. Before he could stand upright, Tao Nange punched him again.

Bang bang bang...

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange joined forces and beat Zheng Ming to the ground in a few strokes. His body curled up like a cooked shrimp and he did not dare to move.

Tao Nange was about to continue taking action when suddenly, like a drowning person being pulled out of the water and suddenly exposed to a large amount of fresh air from his suffocation, he suddenly woke up from his hazy state with a jolt.

Zhou Zhen...? Tao Nange asked uncertainly.

In her field of vision, Zhou Zhen couldn't see any traces of flesh and blood all over his body. They were all densely packed numbers. These numbers outlined a rough human shape. At the same time, they were constantly squirming and struggling, as if they were trying to break away from the human body. , dissipating into the surrounding space.

She could only judge the identity of the other party by the name he called her just now.

Zhou Zhen immediately nodded and said, It's me!

Class notes can help you stay awake in this classroom.

However, homework and notes cannot be taken out of the classroom.

So the only way you can get the notes now is through this infected person named 'Zheng Ming'.

Beyond that, I've tested the role of textbooks, which are supposed to correspond to our memories.

But I'm not sure if all textbooks are memories.

Looking at the textbook requires consuming a lot of 'digital energy'. Don't try it for the time being. Once too much energy is consumed, you will indulge in this dream again.

Tao Nange listened carefully. When Zhou Zhen finished speaking, she nodded immediately and said, Okay, I understand.

Can you take me to your classroom?

Zhou Zhen said: Okay!

After agreeing, he glanced at Zheng Ming. At this time, Zheng Ming had just gotten up from the ground. His clothes were messy, there were several footprints, and his hair was messy. He looked very embarrassed.

Perhaps because the notes had been absorbed by Tao Nange, Zheng Ming had no intention of continuing, but returned to his seat, stared ahead, and began to be in a daze.

The recess time was limited, so Zhou Zhen immediately pulled Tao Nange and walked towards the front door of the classroom.

The two of them walked out of the front door and suddenly appeared in the empty corridor. The surroundings were dark and dim, thick with dust, and full of a desolate atmosphere.

The glass windows on both sides were gloomy, and under the dim light, the corridor was as silent as death.

Zhou Zhen took Tao Nange to the door of Class 8, Grade 3. He pushed open the front door of the classroom and led Tao Nange in.

It is still the end of get out of class in the classroom, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed. The students either gather together in twos and threes to chat and play, or sit alone and enjoy the relaxing time.

Among them, the small circle headed by Meng Zhuo was the most lively. They were discussing some happy topic, and bursts of laughter broke out from time to time. Meng Zhuo even slapped the desk a few times, looking very cheerful and wanton; while the other few The movement in the small circle is much quieter, and the behavior is more elegant. They communicate softly, with some smiles on their faces, and they are obviously in a good mood.

Chu Jingyan, Ren Rui, Zhang Yonghao and others were sitting alone as usual. Some were playing with stationery, some were staring at the ceiling in a daze, some were curled up and shivering, and some were immersed in their own world. , has no intention of contacting the outside world...

None of them seemed to notice Tao Nange's arrival.

Tao Nange glanced at the classmates in the class, and finally his eyes fell on the male student in the last row of the classroom who was wearing a black T-shirt and military green trousers: Nie Lang?

Zhou Zhen nodded and said, Now, I want to get rid of this personality, but I haven't found a suitable method yet.

When Tao Nange heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, Nie Lang used to be a professional researcher. In his memory, he has a lot of experience in formulating medicines, as well as many highly confidential pharmaceutical formulas.

His memory is more important than his 'digital energy' and 'digital domain'!

Having said this, Tao Nange looked around and then asked: Who is Chu Jingyan?

Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately pointed to a female classmate sitting in one of the seats, wearing a red plaid shirt, a white petal skirt, and twin tails, and said, She is Chu Jingyan.

Just as she finished speaking, Chu Jingyan raised her head, blinked her long eyelashes, and looked at Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange with piercing eyes.

Tao Nange stared at Chu Jingyan with cold eyes. It was Chu Jingyan's personality that caused her to be locked up in the photo before!

At this time, Zhou Zhen was hesitating whether to say hello to Chu Jingyan, when he suddenly felt that a line of sight that made him panic was staring at him.

Zhou Zhen turned around and immediately saw that in the middle seat in the classroom, Ji Xuexun was still wearing a mint green chiffon dress, sitting motionless behind the desk, and the girls with exquisite makeup sitting around her. For a moment, the girl's beautiful face was like the most delicate bud among the green leaves. Her long hair was like a waterfall, light and elegant, as if the stamens of a flower were dancing. At this moment, her hair was flying, her skirt was fluttering, and she was looking at him with a serious gaze. .

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