Ash Civilization

Chapter 165 Textbook. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

After a while, the two came to the innermost laboratory of Bao Hui's private warehouse.

Tao Nange inspected and counted all the required utensils, and then began to disinfect and pre-process the relevant utensils.

Zhou Zhen pushed the trolley and took the required materials from the warehouse according to the storage list.

After everything was ready, Tao Nange said: I will start to prepare the medicine now, and you will help record the data.

The time of adding materials, the temperature and humidity of the laboratory, the reaction time, the total time...all data must be recorded in detail.

In this way, if a step goes wrong, you can find it immediately.

It will be much easier the second time you prepare it.

Zhou Zhen nodded, picked up a set of pen and paper, and said, Don't worry, Sister Nan, I will record everything.

Seeing that Zhou Zhen was ready, Tao Nange immediately put on his gloves and began to weigh the main ingredients with a scale.

After all the materials were weighed, she added the excipients one by one according to the description in the formula. During the reaction of the liquid medicine, a neutralizing agent was added from time to time to control the change process of the liquid medicine...

The laboratory was quiet except for the occasional subtle bubbling sound when the liquid was transformed.

Zhou Zhen stood nearby, quickly recording any slight movement.

Half an hour later, Tao Nange stopped mixing and picked up a test tube, which contained the prepared medicinal solution.

While Zhou Zhen continued to record the data, he felt a little confused. The color of the liquid in the test tube seemed a little different from the description on the formula.

Sure enough, Tao Nange poured the liquid in the test tube into the beaker next to him and said briefly: It failed.

With that said, she picked up Zhou Zhen's record, read it carefully, then nodded, and started the second deployment.

Zhou Zhen continued to record from the side.


The liquid in the container hissed, and then a puff of white smoke emitted, indicating that the reaction failed.

Tao Nange stopped immediately. The second preparation failed again, and it was even worse than the first preparation. The only advantage was that he saved more materials.

She quickly changed the utensils and started the third mixing.



boom! ! !

A few hours later, Tao Nange made the deployment five times in a row, but none of them was successful. Each time, a critical problem arose in one or even several steps.

The sixth time, she stood in front of the experimental table and did not start immediately. Instead, she said with a very puzzled expression: The preparation of this [digital tranquilizer] is too difficult!

Of course, it's also possible that I lack the talent in this area.

You come and try it once.

I'll record the data.

With that said, she took the pen and paper from Zhou Zhen's hand and walked aside.

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled. He had no experience in preparing drugs, and because he lacked transplant memory in related fields, his theoretical foundation was also very poor. Now if he was directly asked to get started like this, he would probably fail...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen shook his head and quickly regained his composure.

Tao Nange has already used five pieces of materials, and it doesn't matter if he wastes one more piece.

So, Zhou Zhen walked to the experimental table, imitated Tao Nange's actions just now, took out the main material, and started weighing it with a scale...

When he first started, his movements were still a bit jerky, but gradually, he became more and more proficient in using his hands.

The entire preparation process went from slow to fast, everything went smoothly, and there were no surprises.

Tao Nange was watching every reaction of the material and recorded it carefully.

It only took about 20 minutes for Zhou Zhen to successfully extract a liquid that shimmered with dark blue light. This state was exactly as described in the formula.

Zhou Zhen was highly concentrated, staring intently at the test tube in his hand, and began to test the extracted medicinal solution.

He took out a new test tube, filled it with 10 ml of pure water, and placed it on an instrument next to the experimental table.

This is a digital energy detector. It looks very old in appearance. It is a model that has been officially eliminated a long time ago. There is not even a specific numerical display on it. There is only a dull mechanical pointer. The scales around the pointer have also been obliterated and cannot be seen. The original value comes out.

The test tube was stuck in the groove, and the started machine slowly brought it inside for scanning. After a while, the machine made a beeping sound, and the pointer did not move at all, without any reaction.

Zhou Zhen pressed the button and the test tube exited the machine again. He drew a little blood from the back of his hand and dropped a drop into the test tube.

The pure water in the test tube suddenly turned crimson.

After starting the machine again, the scan was completed and the pointer moved immediately. It swung for a while and finally stopped at the 5 o'clock position.

After the pointer stopped completely, Zhou Zhen pressed the button again to let the test tube exit the machine, sucked a drop of the dark blue liquid just extracted with a straw, and dropped it into the test tube.

This time, there was no change in the color of the liquid in the test tube, but after the scan, the pointer on the instrument immediately turned back. Soon, the pointer stayed at 1 o'clock.

The first step of deployment was successful!

Of course, the concentration of the current medicinal solution is too high, and it is very dangerous to inject it directly into the body of a compatible person.

A certain degree of dilution is necessary for normal use.

Zhou Zhen immediately began to dilute the medicinal solution.

Compared with preparing the liquid medicine, this step of the operation was much simpler. It only took him less than 5 minutes to successfully dilute the liquid medicine into 20 parts. Next, he tested the 20 parts of the medicine liquid one by one to confirm that each There was no problem with any of them, so they were quickly sealed.

After finishing everything and looking at the twenty tubes of familiar-looking ice-blue shimmering liquid, Zhou Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Sister Nan, how are you doing?

I succeeded the first time!

After the words fell, there was no response from the side.

Realizing something was wrong, Zhou Zhen quickly turned his head and looked at where Tao Nange was standing just now.

There was no one there, and the paper and pens used to record the data fell to the ground.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, but since he had already had an experience, he quickly calmed down, picked up the paper recording the data, and began to check the content.

Detailed data and time were recorded on it, and the last information record stopped at the step where he added the last neutralizer.

It can be seen that Tao Nange suddenly disappeared when he was halfway through recording the data.

Zhou Zhen put down the paper, took out his mobile phone, looked at the current time, and quickly determined that it had been 6 hours since he left the spiritual world until Tao Nange disappeared just now.

Not surprisingly, Tao Nange should have gone to that new classroom again. This may be a mandatory rule!

Just like when the class bell rings, all the students will return to their seats?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not continue to prepare the medicine. He quickly packed up the remaining materials and returned them to the original shelves in the warehouse. 20 tubes of [Digital Tranquilizer] were also put into the laboratory's special medicine storage cabinet. He left the laboratory and came to the main office. control room.

After browsing all the monitoring probes and confirming that everything was normal at the isolation point, he sat directly on the seat in the control room and fell asleep...


The incandescent lamp shone brightly, and the familiar classroom appeared in front of me.

A math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit pants stood on the podium waving a pointer. The loud teaching voice echoed in the quiet class. All the students were listening carefully, and the recording sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was continuous.

Zhou Zhen raised his head unsteadily and looked at the blackboard, which was filled with complicated and profound numbers, symbols, formulas, graphics... But they were all twisted and chaotic, like colorful ingredients spinning at high speed in a wall-breaking machine, constantly changing. , kept pulling, and it was completely unclear which one was in front and which one was behind.

Zhou Zhen understood that he entered the classroom in the middle of class again this time, so he couldn't take down the notes for this class.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked at the textbooks on his desk.

Tao Nange asked him just now, what do these textbooks represent?

His answer was: I don’t know, I haven’t tested it.

There is a class going on now, and he can't leave the classroom, just to take a look at these textbooks.

So Zhou Zhen picked up the top textbook and opened it directly.

The textbook is filled with dense characters, but these characters are blurry, like ink stains soaked in water. The pages are so dense that nothing can be seen clearly.

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly and immediately brought the book to his eyes, concentrating to see clearly what was written on it.

Gradually, he felt that his digital energy suddenly began to be consumed rapidly.

The content on the page also became clearer from being blurry, and a large number of numbers, symbols, graphics... appeared in his field of vision.

These numbers, symbols, graphics... sway slowly like water, changing quietly, like tiny pixels combining to form scenes of familiar scenes...

In the splendid sales center, the soothing piano music flows like a stream.

Under the French spiral staircase, in the spacious hall, there is a beautifully crafted sand table.

The sand table was surrounded by rivers represented by blue paint, and the buildings in the middle also had water flowing across them. Zhou Zhen saw himself standing next to the sand table, looking closely at one of the buildings. Beside him, there was a man with exquisite makeup and a slim skirt. The sales lady was introducing in a soft voice: ...the water in our community is running water, and the property is... This is one of the top ten gold medal properties in the country... It has an international kindergarten, an international primary school, and an international middle school. Introducing top famous brands...

The environmental monitoring report was produced by Xinghua Country, which is also an internationally renowned organization...

In the future, there will be a bus stop at the entrance of the community, and there will be a subway entrance 300 meters away... and there will be a large supermarket opposite...

...If you buy now, in addition to applying for discounts, we will also give you a complete set of imported home appliances...

Yes, parking spaces can also be discounted... Can you make a reservation today? If you reserve it today, there is a parking space that is particularly good, spacious and easy to access... I don't know if it will still be there tomorrow...

Zhou Zhen stared at the sand table and asked uneasy: The construction site I just went to see is that the 17th building has only reached the 20th floor. Isn't it unfinished?

The sales lady immediately smiled and said: Sir, don't worry, we are a state-owned enterprise, so it is impossible for such a situation to happen, and our property is selling very well. You see, there are only a few units left... A few customers over there , I am also very interested in Building 17. If you are undecided today, this apartment type may not be available by then...

After hearing this, Zhou Zhen looked in the direction suggested by the sales lady, and saw four or five customers, who were greeted by two or three salesmen and seated in the rest area by the window, pointing at the floor plan materials.

He walked around the sand table again and again, filled with anxiety. On the one hand, it was the urgency to own a property of his own; on the other hand, it was the reluctance to hand over all his savings for many years in one go, and he was worried about the next mortgage loan. pressure, and worries about off-plan properties...

After going around twice, he still nodded: If I get another 100,000 discount, I'll settle for 2,501.

The sales lady said in embarrassment: There is already a huge discount. This price is beyond my authority. I need to apply...

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhou Zhen saw that he was carefully looking at a house purchase contract. He read it slowly and carefully. Every time he didn’t understand or suspected any ambiguity, he would immediately ask and search on his mobile phone. In the end, he He solemnly signed his name.

At the moment of signing, I felt bitter, happy, distressed, excited... all kinds of emotions surged through my chest.

The memory stopped abruptly here, and Zhou Zhen suddenly came back to his senses. His whole body was covered with sweat, and a large amount of his physical digital energy was consumed. Looking at the textbook in front of him, there were no pictures on it, only dense numbers, Symbols, graphics...

He immediately closed the textbook.

What he just saw was a memory!

However, it is not sure whether it is his own memory or the memory transplanted to him by the Ash Order!

Zhou Zhen calmed down and looked at the other textbooks placed on the table.

There are several piles of books piled on the desk, all varying in height, and there are many textbooks.

The same thing happened on other students’ desks.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath, picked up the second textbook, and put it in front of him.

If these textbooks on the table are all his memories, then he only needs to read them all to know his past!

Know about the experiment of Order of Ashes!

Know what happened in the school he entered with Luo Yuchen and Huang Xurong...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately opened the second textbook.

As before, the content inside was blurry. As Zhou Zhen's mental power hit, he once again saw dense numbers, symbols, and graphics...

They are complex, tiny, and numerous, like enlarged pixels, shaking like ripples, combining a scene of familiar memories...

The night falls, and the unique fragrance of vegetation in the suburbs floats faintly.

Through the gap in the curtains, you can see the straight main campus road below. The crape myrtle trees on both sides are half-dead and wild flowers are luxuriant. The iron gate of the school in the distance is rusty and swaying lonely in the night wind.

Although the lights were not turned on, the classroom in front of me was very familiar. Above the blackboard, close to the ceiling, were the words Study hard and make progress every day. There was still the smell of chalk dust in the air.

Zhou Zhen, Luo Yuchen and Huang Xurong stood in front of a desk under the podium. There were stacks of textbooks on the desk, all of which were mathematics.

Huang Xurong's eyes shone brightly. He held a copy of Complete Solutions to High School Mathematics Problems and said excitedly to Zhou Zhen and Luo Yuchen: Mathematics textbook!

“So many math textbooks!”

Sets, functions, sequences, space vectors, solid geometry... these are knowledge points that were only taught in high schools when mathematics was still the main subject!

This is a textbook from 20 years ago, before mathematics was restricted!


I have sent!

Any book here, sold on the black market, is enough for me to buy a car, a house, and a wife!!!

I want to sell all the math textbooks here!

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