Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 858 Moving Castle

Xia Feng has never been afraid of the Chief of Military Affairs of the Empire, the Princess of the Empire, or even the mysterious and powerful existence from the deep sea.

But for some reason, when facing Paddy, he didn't dare to look directly into those innocent eyes that once regarded him as his friend.

The Mullen family did not suffer any accidents in this turmoil. Even in the distant future, the Mullen family will still exist in the land of Victoria.

In comparison, another northern level 1 noble was a bit miserable.

A few days later, in the northern hinterland, the city of Kalai.

Like Marin City, as a large northern city, Kalai City is also the fiefdom of a first-level noble. The name of this noble family is the Cape family.

The residence of the Capetian family.

"Ouch, don't fight, don't fight, now I really know I was wrong, ouch!"

Master Kahn was hung on the precious red cedar in the yard, and his buttocks were spanked, but the pain in his body was far less profound than the fear in his heart.

In his eyes, the city of Kalai was impregnable, and an army of infected people poured in like crazy.

Now, he had no doubt that their whole family would be killed by the infected in the next second.

The Capet family is a prominent family in Victoria. The head of the family is the Imperial Inspector General, the eldest son is the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Military Region, and the other sons are also business tycoons.

The family business has grown, and the population is of course very prosperous. Although some members of the clan have been transferred to Londinium, there are still some people who have not been transferred due to various reasons.

Now the Inspector General Kapewamy is so worried about the "lost contact" in the Northern Military Region that he no longer cares about the family transfer. After all, the empire has fallen and no one can escape.

The tribesmen who stayed in Kalai City did not expect that the infected would attack so quickly.

Kahn was desperate when the city gate was broken, and when he saw that the person who took the lead in rushing into his yard was Xia Feng, despair could no longer describe his mood.

In complete contrast to the treatment of the Mullen family, the private soldiers at the Capet family's mansion were chopped to the ground, and the whole family, women, young and old, were all kicked and kicked into the yard.

All usable supplies were looted, and the key to the granary controlled by the Capet family was also taken away.

Of course, the loss of property is unimportant now.

Looking at Xia Feng's bloodshot eyes, Kahn, who was hung up, was afraid that this "madman" would kill them all in the next second.

In despair, Kahn never knew he had a courage.

"Xia Feng, it's all my fault. Compared to you, I'm just a worm. If anything happens, come to me. Don't implicate innocent people!"


Xia Feng, surrounded by the infected, stared at Kahn coldly.

"No one in the entire Victorian aristocracy is innocent."


"It is useless to say this now. The empire's biggest mistake was not to suppress the infected, but not to kill me, Xia Feng."

Xia Feng walked up to Kahn in two steps with a cold expression.

"I have been an infected person who entered the country illegally from the beginning. I am from Colombia, and I was an experimental subject who escaped from Rhineland. Yes, I destroyed the Krona family, and I killed Lieqi. The Sargon government's smuggling of source stones was also a crime. Yu did it, now, I want to destroy this decadent empire with my own hands, do you have any objections?"

Kahn's expression had completely turned into panic, and he couldn't even speak.

Xia Feng quickly regained his composure.

"You were not worthy of being my enemy from the beginning, and it is the same now. It doesn't matter whether I kill you or not, including your entire family. I will give you a chance to witness the collapse of the empire with your own eyes. Of course, you better hope that I can win. , otherwise the Cape family will disappear from Victoria before the Central Army arrives."

This is not the end of the infected army.

Leaving tens of thousands of people to stay in Kalai City to stabilize the supply line, Xia Feng led the main force that took a short rest and continued towards Londinium.

No one will watch themselves being cannibalized. This is true for a living creature, and even more so for a country.

In a desperate situation, the decaying empire still retains clear judgment.

The reserves retreating into the hinterland successfully delayed the Central Army's efforts. Over the past few days, more than a dozen cities were lost, but the infected army did not reach Londinium after all.

Using this period of time, the Central Army, which had withdrawn from the south, completed its rest and recuperation, and was quickly replenished with new troops recruited by the empire.

Not only did they replenish the troops previously lost in the Red Sand Plain, they also added four additional well-equipped divisions.

The total strength is as high as 700,000.

This situation was within Xia Feng's expectation.

The empire cannot surrender without mercy. The smoother their current advancement is, the more difficult the "last step" will be.

Obviously, the Imperial Army's tactic is to shrink its defenses, which is why the Central Army did not mobilize immediately and only stayed around Londinium.

However, Xia Feng was still surprised when he received further accurate information from Penguin Logistics.

Under the overwhelming offensive of millions of infected people, the empire also made a response plan regardless of losses.

The three large cities with mobile technology around Londinium decisively abandoned the huge urban areas built around the main city, and activated mobile functions through the support of a large number of Origin Stones without the advent of natural disasters.

As soon as Xia Feng received this information, he quickly ordered the entire army to stop.

Inside the tent.

Based on the information returned by Penguin Logistics, Xia Feng and Yin Hui drew several coordinates on the map after the city moved.

Seeing the formation forcibly constructed by this empire based on cities, this time, even the resourceful Yin Hui fell silent.

"Xia Feng can't be attacked."

Xia Feng clenched his fists tightly and narrowed his eyes.

"No, we have to fight. If we don't do it this time, it will become more and more difficult."

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Yin Hui pointed at the coordinates on the map and analyzed in a deep voice.

"A mobile city that abandons urban areas is not huge. Here, here, and here. As long as these three points are stuck, the distance between each city will even be shortened to less than 1 kilometer."

"So what?"

"Do you know what 1 kilometer is? From the city wall downwards, this is almost the ultimate range of the magic team and the crossbow team. To the west is a plain, which is also the only way for us to pass. The three cities can cross cover and attack It was impossible in the past. If we chose to attack the city from the front, we would suffer heavy casualties."

Xia Feng will not give up easily, he is still looking for a breakthrough.

"What if we circle around from outside the plain."


Yin Hui immediately objected with his rich military knowledge.

"If we make a detour, we must continue to go north and enter the mountain range. This mountain range stretches for hundreds of kilometers. With our number, it will take at least half a month."

There have been too many changes in half a month, which are impossible to predict. The biggest threat is the Northern Military Region.

The bagpipe's delay to the Northern Military Region is only temporary. If the empire is given another half month, the already weak shackles will inevitably be broken.

The room fell into silence, and for a long time, Xia Feng's slightly trembling voice came out.

He pressed his palms against the map.

"I have no choice but to go up."

Yin Hui's expression was a little lonely, and he knew the reason for Xia Feng's insistence.

"The Central Army that has finished resting has nearly 700,000 troops. Unlike the reserves we fought before, the 700,000 regular troops are stationed in three mobile cities, and the defensive force they have built is a steel fortress."

"There are many of us."

"No matter how many people there are, it is still suicide."

Xia Feng tightened his palms, and the map on the table was wrinkled by him.

His voice was a little dazed, as if he was talking to himself.

"There's no way, it's impossible to stop. Even if I want to stop now, it's impossible. The infected will obey my call to counterattack the north, but they will never obey my order to retreat. I know this very well."

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