Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 857 You got the wrong person

The final decisive battle has begun, and the army of infected people entering the north is full of momentum.

After capturing the four cities at the junction, Xia Feng directly led the infected elite team as the vanguard, using a triangular formation to penetrate into the hinterland of the north like a sharp knife.

As the army of millions of infected people engages in all-out combat, the weaknesses that have been criticized before are becoming more and more apparent.

That is the lack of execution and military tactics.

The infected people who are responsible for commanding the army are all temporarily selected, or recommended by familiar people, such as coming from the same infected area, the same village, etc.

This kind of small group can range from dozens to hundreds of people. The huge army of one million people is composed of such small groups.

In a total war, these groups are willing to cooperate and realize it. They often work independently or rush forward together.

Of course, the truth that there is strength in numbers will never change. No matter how poor the tactical coordination is, an army of one million will still be an army of one million.

However, this shortcoming will be immediately reflected in the number of casualties.

The previously defeated imperial reserve soldiers retreated to the hinterland and were now stationed in cities along the way.

There are more than a dozen medium-sized cities, each with an average of nearly 20,000 troops. Using the city as a formation, you must pay a heavy price if you want to capture it.

However, the matter has come to this, and the psychological preparation for sacrifice has long been made, and no one will hesitate at this moment.

The elite team led by Xia Feng himself was powerful in combat, but the other armies of infected were not as brave. He knew very well how many people would die under the city every time they attacked the city.

Silver-grey eyes looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Summer breeze."


Xia Feng did not hesitate, gritted his teeth and issued a siege order for the infected team behind and on the flanks.

In this way, after going deep into the northern hinterland, the most brutal battle between the infected and the imperial army during the entire Dark Age began.

Xia Feng, who always stayed at the forefront, could not witness every siege battle with his own eyes. All he could hear was the number of casualties reported after the siege.

If you want to capture a city with 20,000 troops stationed there, you will have to pay at least several times more sacrifices. This is unavoidable.

After a few days, 13 cities connected in a straight line were defeated in bloody battles, but the supply line from Kanan City to here was still open.

However, the number of deaths among infected people has exceeded 300,000.

The sky in the north is gray.

Because of the high frequency of sieges and marches, Xia Feng's eyes were already bloodshot. Of course, physical exhaustion could not defeat him. Perhaps the most fatal thing was the pressure in his heart.

Standing on the top of the city, there was a faint smell of blood in the wind.

After a few days, they spent 300,000 lives and finally reached a position less than 400 kilometers away from Londinium.

Xia Feng didn't know how many 300,000 corpses there were. All he saw were cold numbers.

These people are not warriors or soldiers. Before the empire ordered them to be killed, they were just "people" living in Victoria.

Some are fathers, some are mothers, some are others' support, and some are treasures in someone's eyes.

And now, because of his orders, those figures that were regarded as treasures were ruthlessly torn apart by the war, and few people even knew their names.

Whenever a siege battle ends, Xia Feng seems to hear a voice in his heart.

[Are the deaths of these people really meaningful? 】

Reality is not that ideal, not all deaths are meaningful, and not everyone understands what he really wants to see in Victoria.

Perhaps for some people, paying such a heavy price, this war has lost its meaning before it is over.

However, he is not a god. What he can do is to keep these sacrifices with the final meaning, which is the success of the resistance.

Otherwise, he would be an "eternal sinner."

The northern city where Xia Feng is now is called Marin City, and it was captured in the evening.

For him, Marin City has another meaning that is not important but worth mentioning.

This city is the fiefdom of the Mullen family, a first-level noble in the north.

That's right, the current Yuan Speaker of the Imperial Yuan Parliament, Maren Leffle, and the honorary advisor of the Royal Academy, Maren Legg, are all his old acquaintances.

This Marin City is the hometown of their Maren family.

Of course, Speaker Lefl and Maren Legg were not in Marin City at this time, only the family members of the Maren family.

Perhaps because they did not expect that the infected army would attack so deep into the northern hinterland at such a fast speed, the noble families in the city did not move.

Although Xia Feng has tried his best to restrain the behavior of the infected and does not allow them to harm the residents of the city.

However, some infected people will still have extreme emotions when facing such tragic casualties. This is human nature.

After the city was captured before, the noble mansions in the city would be turned upside down, and all supplies would be forcibly taken away to replenish military supplies.

All the family members in the mansion will be gathered in the courtyard, shivering like chickens. If they are unlucky, they may be kicked a few times by the infected person who is in a bad mood.

But this time, Xia Feng didn't let the infected go too far. The reason was that after he stepped into the Mullen family's mansion, he met someone.

It was his former classmate at the Royal Academy, Paddy.

Although Paddy was not a direct descendant of the Mullen family, he was still considered a member of the aristocracy. The empire was in turmoil, so of course he returned to his family's fiefdom.

However, Paddy did not expect that Marin City, located in the hinterland of the north, would be breached. What he did not expect was that the person leading an army of millions of infected people sweeping across the north at this moment turned out to be his former classmate, Xia Feng.

In the courtyard of the mansion, Pidi looked at Xia Feng with fear in his eyes.

"Xia Xiafeng, you are Xia Feng, please, please don't hurt my family."

Xia Feng's expression did not change at all when he saw the way Paddy looked at him, and the tone in which he tried his best to protect his loved ones even though he was scared.

He still remembered eating with Paddy at the Royal No. 1 restaurant and having a party in the private room.

Times have changed, and those days can never go back, or in other words, he never regarded those as real life from beginning to end.

The original purpose of his going to the Royal Academy was to find channels for processing raw materials of Origin Stone, and when he invited Paddy to the party, he just needed to formulate a plan to help Silver Gray kill Lieqi.

Looking at Paddy's appearance, Xia Feng suddenly felt a little dazed.

Paddy must have regarded him as a friend, but did he really treat him sincerely?

"I'm not Xia Feng, you got the wrong person."

After leaving these words, Xia Feng lowered his head and turned around.

Dipai's urgent call came from behind.

"Xia Feng, Xia Feng, I won't admit the wrong person, I know it's you, please, don't hurt my family!"

Xia Feng walked out without looking back.

"I won't hurt your family, take care."

Later, Xia Feng asked Hong Dao to strictly supervise the infected people, not to harm the Malen family members, and only take away the necessary supplies.

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