Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 840 Zhang San

What is the huge mobile ship that Hedley mentioned? Xia Feng already has the answer in his heart.

A few months ago, he would have definitely inquired into this matter and learned as much as possible about the situation of the ship.

But now, as the time on the bracelet is about to change from 29 to 30, he is no longer allowed to make extraneous matters.

No matter whether he moves the ship or the spaceship, it can't affect what he wants to do next.

Xia Feng did not inquire about the whereabouts of the ship in detail, but casually asked Hedley.

"Did you see a girl with long ears on that ship?"

At this moment, Hedley's eyes suddenly turned weird when he looked at Xia Feng.

"The girl with long ears, you mean Amiya?"

For Xia Feng, hearing this name was enough.


After that, even if Hedley asked him why he knew the people on that ship, Xia Feng didn't answer him directly.

At this moment, the sky suddenly shed a faint silver light, and after dark clouds obscured it for several days and nights, the moon finally appeared.

Echoing the moonlight, the Shenyue Sword at the waist also exudes a faint silver light.

After secretly glancing at the time on his bracelet again, Xia Feng changed the topic.

"Hedley, what are your plans in the future?"

Hearing this question, Hedley thought slightly.

"What are your plans for the future? I haven't thought about it for the moment. Now my team and I just need to follow His Highness Traces and wait for the opportunity to enter Victoria."

Under the moonlight, Xia Feng felt that the power in his body that was above the norm was becoming more and more manic.

"What if Tracy dies."

Hedley was stunned.

"Are you kidding? His Highness has just won a battle, how could he die?"

"I mean if."

Hedley was obviously a little surprised by this question.

"There are no ifs. His Highness has great ambitions. When he settles in Victoria, maybe he will lead us to unite with a powerful infected organization. After all, Sarkaz's army is basically infected."

"A powerful infected organization?"

"I'm just talking casually, this is just my guess."

"Oh, I'm afraid this kind of thing Victoria doesn't exist, and it won't appear in the future. If you have to look for it, maybe you should go to Ursus."

Hedley put his thick arms behind his head and stretched. It was already late at night and he seemed a little tired.

"Who knows, we can't guess His Highness Tracy's ambition at all. For the time being, we can only follow him into Victoria."

Under the moonlight, a cruel sneer gradually appeared on the corner of Xia Feng's mouth.

"Victoria, not just anyone can get in if they want to."

Hedley did not notice the change in Xia Feng's demeanor and still said indifferently.

"I don't know about this kind of thing. Anyway, Your Highness should have his own plan."

"Oh, of course he can have his own plans, it just depends on whether he can afford the corresponding price."

Hedley couldn't understand what Xia Feng was talking about. He moved his body, which was numb from the cold, and hung the wine bottle back on his waist.

"Forget it, we can't discuss this kind of thing clearly. Let's take it step by step. It's late at night and it's too cold here. Do you want to go back to the tent with me to sleep?"

"what time is it?"

Hedley raised his wrist and glanced at his watch.

"It's almost 12 o'clock."


After saying that, Xia Feng stood up from the dead tree.

"Wait for me here while I go to the toilet."

"Okay, go ahead."

Xia Feng tightened his scarf, and then picked up the bulging backpack on his left hand.

Hedley was a little confused.

"What are you doing with your backpack when you go to the bathroom?"

Xia Feng's not burly shoulders carried the backpack.

"I have valuable things in my bag, and I don't feel safe leaving them here. As you just said, you are also an outsider to me."

This sentence made Hedley smile helplessly.

"Okay, then go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you here."


After saying "goodbye", Xia Feng took one last deep look at Hedley.

The moment he turned to leave, Hedley shuddered subconsciously.

An indescribable feeling made his whole body tremble subconsciously, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

Xia Feng's figure carrying the backpack gradually disappeared, and the running time displayed on the bracelet finally changed from 29 days to 30 days.

What he carried in his backpack was a full 200 finished Source Stones.

20 minutes later.

Xia Feng stood on the edge of a steep cliff. At this height, he could almost overlook most of the military camp below the canyon.

After many days of lurking, he had confirmed the target's specific location.


Under the silver moonlight, the Shenyue Sword brought out a blood line between the palms.

In the night sky, a slender figure jumped and fell towards the military camp below.

The wind was howling, and accompanied by a strong sense of weightlessness, various warm scenes flashed through Xia Feng's mind.

The back of General Grissom standing in front of him in the Royal Court, the face of Aguang smiling at him while sitting at the barbecue restaurant, the way Mesa blushed and handed him a box of carefully packaged snacks.

Memories of this scene lingered in my mind, and in the end, these pictures all turned blood red.

An anger that seemed to come from the depths of the soul emerged and instantly merged with the violent black power in the body. As this emotion merged, the energy inspired even far exceeded the 200 finished source stones.

Xia Feng's fallen body was slender and thin, like a dead tree trunk, but the real power contained in this figure at this moment was no less than a meteorite in a natural disaster.


When no one in the military camp reacted, Xia Feng accurately smashed into the luxurious tent with the brightest lights, the most guards, and the tightest defense.

With a burst of explosive force that could stun a person's head, a black tornado shot straight into the sky.

No one knew exactly what happened in the military camp. Following this sudden change, soldiers with a radius of dozens of meters centered around Tracys' tent instantly "turned upside down."


Fires, tents, vehicles, flags, everything was overturned by the violent force, including the sleeping soldiers late at night.

Hedley, who was waiting for the summer wind to return, opened his eyes wide and looked at the black tornado rising from the north toward the military camp. His brain had stopped thinking.

Under the moonlight.

Behind are towering canyons, and in front is a vast wilderness.

Xia Feng gritted his teeth tightly and ran with the severe pain that felt like tearing all over his body. From the chaotic military camp, dozens of people wearing masks rushed out and chased after him.

The 200 Origin Stones had been consumed in one breath, and the violent black power was raging on his body. Xia Feng did not look back, but just kept running forward.

As long as he keeps running in this direction, he will return to Victoria from abroad.

Even though most of his body was in pain and was about to lose consciousness, Xia Feng's left hand was still holding a round object the size of a basketball.

The load on his body has exceeded the limit of endurance. Xia Feng can foresee that he will fall down at any time. Once he falls, he can only wait in pain for the white power to appear.

Just when Xia Feng's feet slipped and he was about to fall to the ground, a strong arm hugged him.

Xia Feng's vision was blurred, and he could only distinguish that it was Master Xiao's familiar voice.

"Stop talking, I'll carry you next."

The pursuers behind him still did not give up the pursuit. Leaning on Master Xiao's back, Xia Feng almost lost most of his senses.

Without the Source Stone to consume, countless wounds were exploding all over his body. Carrying Xia Feng, Master Xiao even felt that he was carrying a blood bag.

The blood gushing from the wound had completely soaked Master Xiao's cloth.

But even so, Xia Feng, who was lying on Mr. Xiao's back, still didn't let go of the thing in his hand.

Different from his tragic physical state, at this moment, he was laughing wildly.


His laughter was extremely hearty, accompanied by the silver moon, and resounded throughout the night sky outside the border.

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