Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 839 The moonlight is cold

At dusk, there is no sunset in the sky, but the already dark sky becomes darker.

Under the dead tree.

Xia Feng, who had already noticed someone approaching, did not open his eyes.

It wasn't until the man and woman stopped very close in front of him and had no intention of leaving that Xia Feng opened his eyes slightly.

It seems that Hedley did not expect to meet Xia Feng here. His expression was a little surprised at first, and then he spoke out.


"Are you alright."

The name "Xia Feng" was interrupted before he could be shouted out completely.

After all, Hedley and Xia Feng only met once. Seeing his reaction, Hedley frowned slightly, as if he doubted whether he had recognized the wrong person.

"are you."

Xia Feng did not deny it.

"it's me."

"I remember your name is Xia"

"My name is Zhang San."


"I changed my name, now I'm called Zhang San."

To be honest, Hedley had no subjective impression of Xia Feng. Meeting him here inexplicably at this moment felt like he suddenly saw the CEO of a listed company sweeping the road in an urban village.

In short, there is an indescribable sense of dissonance.

"Brothers Xia and Zhang, why are you here?"

Xia Feng's voice was very cold.

"For some reason, I became a mercenary."

"Are you a mercenary?"

"Is there any problem, or do you think someone like me is not worthy of being a mercenary?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood."

Hedley didn't expect Xia Feng to speak so hastily. He and Ogur were old friends. In Colombia, Ogur introduced Xia Feng to him enthusiastically.

Although the occasion of the encounter was a bit strange, out of politeness, Hedley just wanted to chat with Xia Feng like acquaintances.

"Are you okay?"

"I am fine."

"Do you need help."

Xia Feng could tell that Hedley's eyes were sincere, but he still didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"No need. I live well alone. I don't want to be disturbed. Thank you."

Seeing Xia Feng's cold attitude, Hedley sighed.

"Then let's go first. My team and I are stationed on the west side of the military camp. If you need anything, come to me."

Ines next to her didn't speak from the beginning to the end. She kept staring at Xia Feng quietly.

However, Xia Feng was like a piece of stone at this moment, without any emotions revealed, and even her special Origin Stone skills could not discern anything.

However, her intuition told her that Xia Feng did not seem to be a lone mercenary.

late at night.

Xia Feng didn't go to get food for the whole day. He just sat quietly under the dead tree because tonight was the last night.

The cold wind was biting, so he raised his scarf so that only his eyes were exposed.

As time passed by, his eyes became colder and colder.


The sound of dead branches being trampled was heard behind him. Xia Feng did not move, and he did not even reach for the Shenyue Sword at his waist. Even without looking back, he could guess who was approaching him late at night.

"Are you okay?"

Hedley's burly figure appeared behind him and walked to Xia Feng. He gently threw a blanket on Xia Feng.

"It's cold at night, so put on your clothes."

"I told you, I don't need help."

"This is not helping you."

Hedley leaned down and sat down next to Xia Feng.

"Some people say that helping others means helping yourself. This sentence is even more applicable in our mercenary circle, because you can never predict who will stab the dagger in your back next."

Xia Feng didn't understand the real mercenary circle, but listening to Hedley's tone, he could already imagine the cruelty of this circle.

For the sake of profit, sometimes the person who swings the knife at you may not necessarily be an enemy, but may also be a friend you trust.

Xia Feng did not refuse this blanket.


"You're welcome."

Hedley exhaled a comfortable breath and took a wine bottle from his waist.

"Want to drink, Zhang."

Looking at Hedley's eyes, Xia Feng seemed to feel relieved. He secretly glanced at the time on his bracelet.

"Just call me Xia Feng."

After that, Xia Feng took the wine bottle from Hedley's hand, raised his head and took a sip.

This is a very spicy spirit, which can also be called a very poor quality wine. Compared with the Victoria Reserve red wine he drank before, it is the difference between heaven and hell.

But when the strong drink entered his throat, he felt that the drink was very delicious, as if it fit perfectly with his repressed heart.

With a wipe of his mouth, Xia Feng handed the wine bottle back to Hedley.

Hedley took the wine bottle generously and took a big gulp into his own mouth.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I drank with outsiders."

"An outsider?"

Hedley smiled innocently.

"Don't mind. That's just me. I never mince my words. To me, as long as I can't trust someone behind my back, I can be called an outsider."

After hearing these words, Xia Feng's expression, which had been cold for several days, finally showed a smile.

"Outside, I like that title, it's so true."

After a few words of exchange, they both knew clearly that the other person was a person with a story.

It's just these stories that they may not have the opportunity to understand each other in detail.

Sitting side by side in the night breeze, Hedley's voice sounded a little melancholy, and there were some things that he could only talk to "outsiders".

"Xia Feng, do you think this world can be saved?"

As a mercenary, this was obviously a very abrupt statement, but when Xia Feng heard it, he understood what Hedley was thinking.

"I have no idea."

"Yeah, who knows."

"Hedley, if you want to save something, you can try."

Hedley laughed to himself.

"Don't be ridiculous. I can't even save my companions, how can I save the world? I'm not afraid of your jokes. My biggest wish before going to bed every day is to see the sun tomorrow."

Xia Feng's eyes were a little dim.

"You are right. Even though this is a world that is gradually collapsing, compared with the remaining lifespan of the infected, the world is still dying too slowly, so slow that no one will care, and no one will care about their own death. What people can see is only the immediate benefits."

Perhaps it was because the topic was inexplicably heavy, Hedley took another sip of wine and then said.

"Oh, actually there is no need to be so pessimistic. By the way, I can tell you an interesting thing."

"What's up?"

Hedley's expression was slightly mysterious, like a drinker preparing to brag in a tavern.

"After the civil strife in Kazdare ended, my companions and I boarded a huge mobile ship. You can never imagine how big that ship was. Not only was it big, there were many things in it that we couldn't imagine. Technology equipment.”

Xia Feng's eyes flickered.

"The huge mobile ship? Where is it?"

"Well, that big guy keeps moving. It was around the Minoan border when I left."

Speaking of this, Hedley seemed to recall some past events, and his eyes were a little complicated.

There was guilt, self-blame, confusion, and unwillingness. In the end, there was a hint of hope in his voice.

"If they were the people on that ship, they might be able to save the world."

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