The sky was gray, and at some point, the wind disappeared.

In the wilderness, Xia Feng strode towards the nearby city of Notting. His intuition told him that the natural disaster was very close.

At this moment, the city of Notting is like a cake that has been cut open. The piece cut away is the main city, and the rest can only wait to die.

However, the cake is dead, but the "ants" on it are alive. Survival is the instinct of living things. As long as it has legs, it will not wait to die like the cake.

But at the same time, greed is also human nature. Before escaping, every "ant" wants to take away more cakes.

Finding a random city gate, Xia Feng saw a large number of people fleeing, and the honking of vehicles filled the sky.

Driving at this time was meaningless. A large number of private cars were blocked at the city gate, and coupled with the rushing crowds, it was difficult to move even a step.

Gradually, some smart people abandoned their cars, which resulted in the blockage never being cleared.

Of course, there are still some people who are not willing to leave their cars behind, or the things in the car cannot be carried with two hands.

Xia Feng went against the flow of people and saw someone still sitting in the car honking the horn wildly. He punched the windshield in anger.

"Stop pressing the button. The front is blocked. If you want to survive, get out of the car and run!"

After saying that, Xia Feng continued to drive in the opposite direction, leaving only the car owner's curses.

"Who the f*ck are you? You smashed my car's hair?"

Some people are destined to be unable to be saved. It’s not that they don’t want to save them, but that some people value money more than their lives. Such people should die in disasters and no one can save them.

After rushing into the city, everything you could see was chaos.

A large number of soldiers in military uniforms rushed through the streets.

"Get out of the city quickly! Don't take anything heavy with you!"

"The natural disaster is coming soon, act quickly!"

"Get off the bus, don't drive, do you hear me?"

Even though the army was fulfilling its duty to evacuate residents, the chaotic situation was still somewhat out of control.

People are constantly coming in and out of the shops along the street, carrying stolen goods in their hands. Most people are now trying to escape for their lives, while a small number of people are taking advantage of the situation with the mentality of seeking wealth through danger.

Because of the crowding and collision, some people fell on the street covered in blood, while others ran away with injuries.

The little girl who was separated from her family cried loudly because the vehicle was blocked and the driver cursed loudly through the car window.

"Ah! Ooooh, mom, where are you!"

"Get out of here, get out of my way, don't get in the way!"

"Save my family, please, can someone save them!"

In the chaotic streets, various sounds intertwined, showing the desperate scene when a natural disaster strikes.

Standing at a crossroads, Xia Feng breathed heavily.

To be honest, even though he had experienced countless strong winds and waves, he was still a little at a loss when faced with the scene before this disaster.

If the evacuation of residents is not completed before the natural disaster strikes, hundreds of thousands of people will die in the city. After the natural disaster, there will be no living person in the ruins of Notting.

In the crowd, he even saw several soldiers in military uniforms throwing away their weapons to maintain order and running away with the crowd.

A deep sense of powerlessness arose spontaneously, and it was only now that Xia Feng understood that he could not save everyone.

At this moment, a downward airflow appeared out of thin air, like an illusory waterfall, causing everyone on the street to move.

The air flow quickly disappeared, but after that, even he felt the elements of the air change.

There is already a small amount of Originium material in the air.

At this moment, Xia Feng saw a man wearing an officer's uniform on the street whispering instructions to his subordinates.

"We will evacuate for another hour, at most one and a half hours, and we will leave those who cannot be evacuated alone."

"But Captain"

"Execute the order. Anyone who dares to run away early will be punished by military law!"


Soldiers are also human beings, and they also want to survive. No matter how hard the military tries their best, they can't hold on until a natural disaster really strikes.

After running for several streets, Xia Feng looked at the still chaotic crowd. He thought that even half of the existing people would not be able to evacuate in an hour.

But there is no way, he is not a god, and he is not even more experienced than the army in evacuating residents.

Of course, Xia Feng didn't intend to save everyone. In fact, his main purpose of entering the city was to save the infected.

When he was charged by the Royal Court, almost all the residents of the infected area in Notting City mobilized and traveled thousands of miles from the south to the north to "support" him in the cold and windy wilderness.

"Ah! I want my mother!"

Picking up a little loli who had been crying on the street for a long time, Xia Feng figured out the direction and started running towards the infected area in the west of the city.

He did not understand the evacuation rules during natural disasters. He expected that the infected area should be fully opened to allow the infected people inside to escape on their own.

But when Xia Feng finally arrived at the gate of the infected area, he was glad that he had arrived.

As far as the eye can see, at least more than 500 people are standing in a taxi queue, blocking the entrance and exit of the area where infected people are concentrated.

A large number of infected people with their families and simple luggage gathered at the exit. Some of them begged loudly, and some of them lost control of their emotions.

"Master, please let us escape quickly, the natural disaster is coming soon."

"Infected people are also human beings. Even if we are not allowed to enter the main city, why not let us evacuate together with the residents of the city!"

Holding the little Loli who had just been rescued in his arms, Xia Feng hurriedly rushed between the army and the infected.

"What's going on! Why don't you let him go!"

The army here is the garrison of Notting City, and the captain recognized who Xia Feng was at a glance. Of course, the army is not afraid of gangs, but it is not afraid of returning, and it will not completely turn a blind eye.

The garrison commander's expression was also very anxious. When he saw Xia Feng, he said quickly.

"President Xia, why are you still here? There is no need to report. You can just leave."

Xia Feng roared loudly.

"Fuck you, I can evacuate, but why can't these infected people evacuate? Look at the clouds in the sky. Are you killing people?"

The captain held a list in his hand.

"We are also following the regulations. According to the military's natural disaster rescue regulations, infected areas in large cities cannot be evacuated on their own. They can only be evacuated in a unified manner under the supervision of the military, and the priority must be after ordinary residents."

Xia Feng cursed loudly.

"What bullshit regulations? You must be sick in your head!"

"There's nothing we can do about it."

In fact, the regulation the captain mentioned does exist. It was a decision passed by the Imperial Council a few years ago.

When evacuating people when a natural disaster strikes, if people from areas where infected people are concentrated and ordinary people evacuate on their own, there will be very serious consequences.

Not to mention disputes, conflicts, violent incidents, etc., the most direct impact is on surrounding cities.

If the infected are not evacuated by the military, they will sneak into surrounding cities with ordinary people. There is no telling what the infected will do without any property.

Moreover, casualties may occur during the evacuation process. If an injured infected person dies of injuries and illnesses in the city after entering a surrounding city, and the body is not discovered in time, it may cause a large-scale infection incident.

In addition, as long as they are not affected by the destructive power of natural disasters, the infected will be "stronger" than ordinary people because they will not be infected by the Source Stone substances that come with natural disasters.

Although this is the truth, this is a regulation based on inherently unequal discrimination.

Moreover, the current situation obviously does not allow for the enforcement of such unequal regulations. The natural disaster is very close, and ordinary residents in the city may not be able to evacuate completely. Now let the infected people stay here, isn't it a fool's errand?

Xia Feng kicked open the guardrail in front of the gate of the concentration area.

"What are you waiting for? The natural disaster is coming soon. If you wait any longer, everyone will die!"

The captain grabbed Xia Feng's arm.

"President Xia, can you please stop causing trouble? We are now arranging a unified evacuation. People cannot run around. We need to record it here."

Xia Feng raised his head and glanced at the dark sky. He could clearly feel that the Source Stone substance was thicker than before.

Xia Feng grabbed the captain's collar and asked through gritted teeth.

"How many people are there in the infected area in Notting City?"

"113,622 people."

"Okay, now I take over here. After the natural disaster, I will let you review each of these more than 10,000 people. I will be responsible for any problems."


"The natural disaster is coming soon. If you don't want everyone to die here, just listen to me!"

Seeing Xia Feng trying to eat people, the captain also gave up. For him, even if something went wrong, he still had Xia Feng's excuse to "interfere".

Of course, what's more, he himself is also afraid of natural disasters.

"Damn, okay, open the door!"

Xia Feng put the little girl in her arms into the captain's hand, then jumped onto a truck and shouted loudly to the infected people gathered at the exit.

"Everyone, listen to my command. Don't run around. Everyone move to the eastern suburbs of Happy City. Don't be too close to the city. I need a lot of you to wait for me there. If you believe me, Xia Feng, just do as I say. Do!"

After hearing Xia Feng's words, the infected showed expressions as if they had escaped from death.

"We believe you!"

"Promise not to run around, and we'll wait for you outside Happy City!"

"Don't worry about us, just be careful and don't get hurt!"

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