Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 797 Mobile City

Black Feather Grill.

After receiving this notice, Xia Feng fell into deep astonishment.

The natural disaster order was executed immediately. He had no time to think, could not make a judgment, and could not even figure out the "ulterior motives" of the Yuan Council.


The phone on the desk interrupted Xia Feng's confusion, and he subconsciously picked up the phone.

"Hi, I'm Xia Feng."

On the other side of the phone, Nanfeng's urgent voice came.

"Damn it, a natural disaster is coming, and the main urban area of ​​Notting City is going to move north. What should we do!"


"Now the whole city of Notting is in chaos, tell me what to do, hurry up!"

The nominal headquarters building of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce is the headquarters of the former Fredo Chamber of Commerce, which is located in the main city. In addition, many businesses of the Chamber of Commerce are distributed in various urban areas.

For example, there are freight centers, casinos, bar streets, various entertainment venues under its name, and even countless real estate properties.

If Notting City wants to move 300 kilometers north, Black Feather Chamber of Commerce must not go with it, because it is meaningless.

Xia Feng's brain was thrown into chaos. He gritted his teeth and immediately shouted into the phone.

"Evacuate, everyone needs to evacuate from the main city. Except for portable valuables, nothing else is required!"


There were already noisy sounds from Nanfeng. After receiving the order to retreat, he quickly hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Xia Feng sat on the chair absentmindedly.

Only the main urban area of ​​Notting City could be moved. He didn't know how the Southern Military Region would resettle the residents, or if there was no obligation to resettle them at all.

As one of the few first-tier cities in the south, Notting has a permanent population of more than one million. In addition, there are concentrated areas of infected people outside the city.

No one would joke about natural disasters. The prediction of this natural disaster must be 100% accurate. If the city of Notting is predicted to be affected, the area where the infected people are concentrated will also have to be evacuated.

Even the surrounding cities may be affected, such as the nearest Hapi City.

After thinking of this, Xia Feng jumped up from the chair.

He ran to the stairs and shouted to the medical department on the second floor.

"Hemo, take your second uncle and second aunt out of the city immediately, and take the hidden rope from Jin'an Villa with you, quickly!"

After giving instructions to Hemo, Xia Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed Tang Hua's number while walking out.

"Hey, Tang Hua, take your father out of the city quickly, what? You don't have to worry about anything else. You can go wherever you want. Get out of the city first!"

Time was running out, and he didn't know when the natural disaster would strike. It might be a few days later, it might be just a few hours later, he didn't know.

In this case, he cannot take into account everyone he knows. If conditions permit, he will definitely do the best.

But unfortunately, now he has to consider priorities.

Following his instructions, all members of Kuroba gathered.

Members like the Pu brothers, Huang Xuanshan, Nancy, Yaxin, White-faced Owl, Aina, Mel, etc., who had no ability to protect themselves in disasters, Xia Feng immediately asked them to leave the city for refuge.

Brother ACE led everyone to leave in several cars.

He personally led the remaining members with combat capability to Notting City.

A few hours later.

Xia Feng was sitting in the car and saw thick smoke rising in the direction of Notting City from a distance, which made his heart sink.

Fortunately, as the vehicle approached, he discovered that it was not a natural disaster, but smoke generated by the city as it prepared to move.

Of course, the natural disaster has not yet come, but the scene in the city is no less than that of a natural disaster.

To describe it in one sentence, the city of Notting is torn apart.

The earth was trembling, and the main urban area of ​​Notting City was gradually separated from other urban areas driven by the huge source stone energy.

Xia Feng didn't know it before, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he realized that the main urban area of ​​Notting City was much smaller than he imagined, with the volume almost equivalent to one-tenth of the original city.

But this main urban area is the crystallization of Originium technology. It can provide energy for the entire city. As long as the main urban area is preserved, after the natural disaster, a huge city can still be built around it.

Seeing that the main city had begun to move, Xia Feng panicked.

The army's execution was very efficient. He didn't know what was going on inside now. It was probably that some people wanted to move in together, while others wanted to get out.

Xia Feng eagerly took out the phone and roared.

"Nanfeng, Nanfeng, have you come out? Or are you trapped inside?"

The communication became very poor. Xia Feng listened to the intermittent sounds for a long time, and finally he could barely hear Nan Feng saying that they had withdrawn.

After getting this answer, he was temporarily relieved.

However, even though his own people are fine, there are still nearly a million residents in the relocated city.

Xia Feng glanced at the sky through the car window.

The sky was still gray and nothing unusual could be seen, but Xia Feng would not take it lightly. There were many types of natural disasters, and he could not determine anything through observation.

At this time, Hong Dao, who was sitting in the car, spoke.

"Xia Feng, I feel it. The empire is not lying. There is indeed a natural disaster coming to this area."

Red Knife is very sensitive to the air fluctuations caused by natural disasters, and his words are absolutely correct.

Aguang turned around and asked Xia Feng while driving the car.

"Brother Feng, what should we do? Ask the brothers to pick up Brother Nan and the others, and then we can escape quickly."

Aguang was right, they were here to pick up people, but for some reason, Xia Feng kept hesitating.

He didn't know what he was hesitating about. He was no longer a member of the Supervisory Office, let alone a noble. He had no obligation to do anything during a natural disaster.

However, in addition to these identities given by the empire, he also has a name that he cannot get rid of, Xia Feng.

To him, this is just a name, but to the infected, this name represents hope.

Xia Feng pushed open the car door.

"You go pick them up. Once you've picked them up, go and meet Brother ACE and the others."

Hong Dao grabbed Xia Feng's arm.

"how about you?"

"I'm going to the city to have a look. Don't worry, I will definitely evacuate before the natural disaster strikes. Don't worry about me."

Hong Dao grabbed him tightly.

"Don't be naive, you have no obligation to save anyone, including the infected."

"I know, I won't show off, my own life is the most important, don't worry."

"Then I'll go with you!"

Looking back, Xia Feng gave Hong Dao a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I am a man who survived in Mandel City. Huo Yu Xia Feng will not die."

After that, Xia Feng broke away from the red knife and jumped out of the car.

If he were still the same person as before, he would definitely run for his life in this situation with his tail between his legs.

But if everyone has the same idea, there will be no heroes in the disaster.

From the perspective of those standing by, there may be people who don’t understand his actions, calling him a fool, calling him a hero, or calling him a holy mother.

But Xia Feng knew in his heart that these were not the main reasons.

When you are laughing at someone else's heroic sacrifice, or scorning such behavior.

Have you ever thought that if one day you are in a disaster, will you still hold the same idea and ridicule the "overestimation" and "stupidity" of others?

Since there is a word hero in this world, why can't it be me?

If everyone is waiting for others to be heroes, there will be no heroes in the world.

Of course, Xia Feng is not really overestimating his own capabilities. If the miraculous life in Mandel City last time was an unscientific fluke, then now, he already has the ability to face natural disasters.

Even so, he would not risk his life for a stranger.

To the best of his ability, he just wanted to do something he wouldn't regret.

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