Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1034 Resurrection from the Dead

Seeing Yi Nanxue's eyes, Xia Feng didn't say a word. After entering the door, he looked around and sat down next to him obediently.

This is not Victoria, and the people he is facing are not Dongguo people. These people are not simple businessmen, nor simple high-ranking officials, but real bosses with very complicated identities and backgrounds.

Even someone like Yi Nanxue could not sit here as a guest of honor. This shows how high the level of this strategic meeting is.

Of course, he is not afraid, no one in this world can make him afraid.

He just felt that he didn't know who these people were, and in contrast, almost no one here recognized him.

At this moment, caught in the middle of this dispute, there are some things that don’t need to be forced to come forward.

For example, one day you were walking on the road, and a yellow guy suddenly came over and kicked you. Then you killed him in a rage, put him in a black plastic bag and threw it into the sea to feed the fish.

In this case, you can only be regarded as a gangster leader.

But if one day, you are kicked by a gangster, even if you have the strength to throw him into the sea to feed the fish, you still pat your pants indifferently, say "Sorry" with a smile, and then say "Sorry" to the gangster. Leaving in shame.

This is the real big picture.

However, Xia Feng is not a gangster leader, and he also claims to not have a big pattern.

If someone kicked him out of nowhere while walking on the road, he would most likely not kill the person and throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

However, he would not say "Sorry" with a smile.

He would only raise his arms and slap the opponent's two front teeth off with his backhand. Whether the opponent was a gangster or a real big shot, he would slap them all without fail.

In the reception room.

After bypassing everyone, Xia Feng silently sat down next to Yi Nanxue.

After sitting firmly, he put his face close to Yi Nanxue and whispered something in a low voice.

"Hey, that Lin Hong is so arrogant. He dares to hand over other people's weapons on the territory of Dongguo. Do you really think this is his home?"

Yi Nanxue glared at him with a stern face.

"It's none of our business, just do what we have to do."

Looking at Yi Nanxue's attitude, Xia Feng actually understood something.

The power of the Snow Emperor Group is in the Sami, but Yi Nanxue is not a Sami person. Yi Nanxue is from the Dragon Clan, which is enough to explain the problem.

Yi Nanxue looks gorgeous on the outside, but in fact, this kid has dark hands. If he puts them outside, he will never compromise with anyone, let alone show such caution.

Obviously, Yi Nanxue's background is related to the interior of Yan Kingdom, which is why he is so afraid of Lin Hong, the governor of North China.

Seeing Yi Nanxue's cautious look, Xia Feng brought his face closer again.

"Brother, you don't have to be afraid. Don't look at Lin Hong with thousands of soldiers and horses. With a call from me, the elite black steel troops parked on the south coast can drive armed helicopters and come over to shoot these soldiers and generals into slag."

This was obviously a joke to lighten the atmosphere, but Xia Feng deliberately pretended to be serious.

Hearing what he said, Yi Nanxue's already fair face turned even whiter.


"Hey, don't get excited, I'm just talking nonsense."

At this moment, Xia Feng suddenly felt a pair of eyes on his right side staring at him.

Turning his head to look in confusion, he found that it was the young man from the dragon clan that he had noticed when he just entered the door.

This young man was about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old. He was wearing a crisp suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked gentle and elegant.

Although he didn't look threatening, this person's condition gave Xia Feng a strong feeling.

That is, very rich.

This young man from the dragon tribe looked directly at Xia Feng, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, smiled at him very politely and kindly, and nodded slightly.

However, because the two of them were far away from each other and it was not convenient for them to talk, Xia Feng could only nod lightly as a return gift.

Looking back, Xia Feng couldn't help but poked Yi Nanxue next to him and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, who is that pretty boy with glasses? Why is he smiling at me? He can't be gay."

Yi Nanxue glanced at the person Xia Feng mentioned and explained in a low voice.

"That man's name is Li Yunxing. He is the second son of the Li family in the Yan Kingdom."

"Li family?"

"You must know his elder brother."


"Victoria, Chairman of Yuntian Group, Li Yuntian."

"Depend on."

No wonder he thought that boy was very rich. It turned out that his intuition was right.

Yuntian Group was the first foreign-funded consortium that dared to build an airport in southern Victoria. During the chaotic period of the Dark Ages, Li Yuntian casually threw a check of 10 billion tera in front of him.

Li Yuntian is from the Yan Kingdom. The headquarters of the Yuntian Group is in Longmen, and all the large local consortiums in Longmen are basically inextricably linked to the interior of the Yan Kingdom.

Obviously, this Li Yunxing knew him, perhaps through photos or something like that.

In the final analysis, he is the benefactor of Yuntian Group. If it weren't for his intervention, the shabby airport of Yuntian Group in Gayaer City might have been demolished by crazy infected people.

Of course, he also took money.

Now that he had asked this question, Xia Feng simply poked Yi Nanxue next to him.

"Hey, hey, hey."

Yi Nanxue was very annoyed by being stabbed.

"Are you sick? Can you just sit still?"

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at the middle-aged Feilin tribe member sitting diagonally across from him. This man was also one of the people he noticed as soon as he entered the door.

"Brother, who is that tiger man?"

Yi Nanxue raised her eyelids and glanced extremely impatiently.

"That person is from the Longmen Shihuaiya family."


As a Victorian, Xia Feng was not too unfamiliar with the Shi Huaiya family, and he had met a female police officer who called herself Shi Huaiya in Longmen.

"The Sivaiya family? Isn't their property located in northern Victoria?"

Facing Xia Feng's 100,000 whys, Yi Nanxue couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Your power is also in Victoria. Why do you want to come to Dongguo to engage in breeding?"

Xia Feng nodded.

"Oh, I see."

Compared to the guests who were waiting quietly with their own thoughts, they seemed a bit noisy here.

The representative of the Shihuaiya family raised his head and saw Xia Feng, who was sitting diagonally opposite, pointing at him.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly and spoke across most of the living room.

"Sir, do you have any questions?"

Xia Feng immediately retracted his finger, smiled apologetically, and replied generously.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just think your suit is pretty good and I'm asking my friend where I can buy it."

This person glanced at Yi Nanxue, who was sitting next to Xia Feng. It was obvious that he knew who Yi Nanxue was.

"If you like it, leave your address and I can send someone to give you one afterwards."

Xia Feng laughed boldly.

"Forget it, I'm not suitable for wearing a suit. I prefer shorts and slippers to this kind of human-looking thing."

As soon as these words came out, all the guests in suits in the living room frowned at the same time.

At this time, Li Yunxing, the second son of the Li family who had just looked at Xia Feng, immediately smoothed things over.

"Hahaha, Mr. Xia Feng still loves to joke so much. Don't mind, it's just an informal joke."

However, everyone's expressions became more complicated because of Li Yunxing's words.

Because in this sentence, the name "Xia Feng" is mentioned.

Looking back at the major international events in the past year, Victoria was the first to bear the brunt of the civil strife between the north and the south that broke out in the late winter of 1094.

Ordinary people may not understand the details, but the people in this room at this moment are familiar with "Xia Feng", the symbol of the soul in the minds of infected people.

However, according to the news announced by the Victoria Empire officials afterwards, Xia Feng was obviously dead.

When he heard the name "Xia Feng", Lin Hong, who was sitting in the guest seat with his eyes closed and concentrating, opened his eyes.

His deep, calm and majestic gaze passed over the crowd and cast its gaze on Xia Feng.

A loud voice followed.

"Are you that Xia Feng?"

Faced with Lin Hong's powerful questioning and staring gaze, Xia Feng showed no fear.

He looked across most of the living room without hesitation and looked directly into Lin Hong's eyes.

The tone is neither humble nor arrogant.

"My name is indeed Xia Feng. I wonder which one Mr. Lin Hong is referring to?"

Does anyone think these chapters have the flavor of a crooked-mouthed God of War? Hahaha, no, it may be more exciting than Return of the Dragon King. The core plot of the Eastern Kingdom is coming, and all the foreshadowings are almost buried and ready to be excavated.

Fengfeng asks for a recommendation vote, it will reach 100,000 soon, brother is so cute, hit me (ω\u003c)★

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