Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1033 The Spirit of Overlord

"Governor of North China of Yan Kingdom, Lord Lin Hong is here!"

In the pavilion, Xia Feng and Yi Nanxue were stunned at the same time when they heard this unknown and powerful name.

Xia Feng was stunned because he didn't expect Lin Hong to come so soon, and he didn't know why Yi Nanxue's expression changed suddenly.

"Hey, brother, are you afraid of this guy named Lin Hong?"

Yi Nanxue is usually low-key, but his domineering nature is well known in the industry. With his character, he will never admit that he is afraid of anyone.

But this time, Yi Nanxue was surprisingly cautious.

"Xia Feng, Lin Hong is not scary, but you have to know what Lin Hong represents."

"What does it represent? Yan Guo."

Yi Nanxue stared at Xia Feng seriously.

"Xia Feng, do you really think that Yan Country is a backward and desolate country?"

Xia Feng did not laugh, but also pretended to be serious.

"Of course I don't think so. I know that the strength of Yanguo's interior is mysterious and powerful, otherwise it would not have developed a super mobile city-state like Longmen."

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't seem to understand at all, Yi Nanxue continued solemnly.

"Xia Feng, I admit that your style of doing things often has miraculous results. The miracles you have created before were all due to your gambling, but you must also admit that no one can always win in gambling. What you are facing now is not a gang. In your current situation, if you make a wrong move, you may not be the only one to die."

If such words were said by outsiders, Xia Feng would not take them seriously at all.

But such cautious advice came from Yi Nanxue, and he really listened.

"Brother, I understand what you mean. I'm very self-aware and know how to act within my ability. And I don't have any chips to bet on right now. Don't worry. Although I'm reckless, I can still distinguish between gains and losses. "

"As long as you understand."

"Harm, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of offending people, and I won't fight with others for a little profit. At worst, I won't raise sandworms. Wei Na said that I can go back to Victoria at any time."

The residence of the Nishimiya family.

The arrival of Lin Hong, the governor of Yan State in North China, can be said to be a perfect interpretation of the meaning of the word "ostentation".

Lin Hong is from the Yan Kingdom, not the Dong Kingdom. To be fair, no matter how big an official you are, you must abide by other people's rules in other people's territory. However, Lin Hong completely subverted this unwritten rule.

Before anyone showed up, guards in red armor swarmed into the courtyard and searched the entire mansion inside and out.

At the same time, guards with swords have been arranged on all possible routes in and out of Lin Hong from today to tomorrow.

What's even more outrageous is that the samurai who guard the Nishinomiya family's house have also been given away their swords. If they want to carry a sword, they must stand outside the mansion, otherwise they will drop their weapons.

Faced with such an anti-customer attitude, as the head of the family, Nishimong Ling's face turned red and he stood in the main courtyard at a loss.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and finally agreed.

Seeing this scene, Xia Feng was amazed.

In his mind, this was not the governor of North China. This was clearly the emperor leaving the palace.

And to take a step back, this is not the boundary of the Yan Kingdom. No matter how careful you are, it is still very unreasonable.

Obviously, Lin Hong did this on purpose.

This kind of behavior is generally described in three words: a show of authority.


At the end of the day, most of the guests invited by the Nishinomiya family arrived. Everyone had a tacit understanding and did not exchange greetings. Instead, they stayed in their own guest rooms.

As night falls, everyone is waiting for tomorrow's highlight.

That night, Xia Feng slept very uneasily because he felt that he was being watched all the time. The people watching him were not the samurai of the Nishinomiya family, but the guards of the Yan Kingdom brought by Lin Hong.

Of course, Lin Hong was not targeting him, but the guards were monitoring everyone in the mansion.

Judging from the situation during the day, Lin Hong had at least more than 500 guards entering the mansion, and there were at least nearly a thousand soldiers and horses outside.

Some of these guards were very mysterious. He had observed them carefully during the day and found that there were about 20 of them.

These mysterious guards were wearing red robes, covering their faces, and they didn't know what their purpose was.

He couldn't tell what the secret was, but Hong Dao gave a very certain judgment. Hong Dao said that the mysterious guards brought by Lin Hong were all top-notch masters.

Finally, Hong Dao added, "He is not even weaker than me in terms of strength."

In fact, based on his position, it is not difficult to guess what Lin Hong is here for. Unlike Longmen and other foreign business tycoons, Lin Hong does not want ordinary benefits.

What Lin Hong really wants is the most difficult thing for the Nishinomiya family to let go of.

The next day, morning.

The sky was lifeless, as if indicating the coming of a storm.

Xia Feng was notified by his servants of the banquet venue early on, which was the largest living room inside the main courtyard.

However, the strange thing is that before attending the banquet, his servants actually brought him food. Before attending the banquet, he ate in his own room.

After the servant's explanation, Xia Feng understood. He said it was a family banquet. In fact, no one could eat at this time, so this step of eating was saved and it was convenient for everyone.

This large gathering from eastern Terra was actually an important strategic meeting.

Of course, to the Nishimiya family, it was a strategic meeting, but to most of the guests, it was just a game of division of interests.

9 a.m. sharp.

Xia Feng arrived at the door of the living room on time with the red knife.

There were no samurai from the Nishimiya family, and the ones responsible for guarding the door were actually two rows of guards wearing red armor from the Yan Kingdom.

One of the guards with a Chinese-character face stretched out his hand coldly to stop Xia Feng.

"Hand over your sidearm or you won't be allowed in."

Xia Feng lowered his head and glanced at the Shenyue Sword at his waist. Although it was unreasonable, in this situation, there was no need for him to cause unnecessary trouble.

Then, he smiled indifferently.


After saying that, he took off the Shenyue Sword together with the scabbard and handed it to the red sword next to him.

"Hongdao, you don't have to accompany me in. Wait for me outside."

Hong Dao nodded.


Walking into the living room, there were already more than a dozen people sitting inside, including Yi Nanxue, who was wearing a white coat.

These people are basically middle-aged people, and they come in different shapes.

Some were wearing suits, some were wearing sunglasses, and some even rolled up their sleeves to reveal the tattoos on their arms in the cold weather. It can be said that there were all kinds of weird things.

Of course, besides weirdos, there are also people he cares about very much.

For example, there is a man from the Philin tribe sitting on the side, and a young man from the Dragon tribe sitting on the other side.

Finally, Lin Hong, the governor of North China of the Yan Kingdom, was sitting in the guest seat, with four mysterious red-robed guards standing behind him.

The reason why Xia Feng recognized this person as Lin Hong at a glance was because no one in the room except him had such an aura.

This person is about 40 years old. To be honest, he is very young to sit in the prestigious position of governor at this age.

Although he is from the Yan Kingdom, Lin Hong is not from the Dragon Clan.

He has a pair of mouse ears on his head, and there are fine gray hairs on his face. This is very similar to Wei Yanwu, the governor of Longmen, and both have very obvious racial characteristics.

Of course, Wei Yanwu is from the Dragon Clan and is taller than Lin Hong. On the other hand, Lin Hong is not very tall.

However, the limitation of body size still cannot conceal the aura of a superior person that is natural in this person.

His thick wrists were covered with downy hair, as if they could crush rocks, and his pair of slightly narrowed eyes were always looking into people's hearts.

Lin Hong's momentum will give people an illusion.

Obviously he just sat there without saying anything, as if he had invisibly controlled everyone in the room.

At this time, Xia Feng noticed Yi Nanxue giving him a look.

Yi Nanxue's look meant that Xia Feng should sit next to her. At the same time, it also had another very strong meaning.

[You kid, come here and sit quietly, don’t mess with this Lin Hong]

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