Chapter 56 Brother Jiang, you saved my life! (Seeking flowers evaluation votes!)

In the evening, the heavy rain turned to light rain.

The three sisters in the dormitory stayed in the hospital to take care of Liu Yufei.

Jiang Wen returned to the Magic University of Finance and Economics, ready to catch up on his sleep.

But before returning to the dormitory, he received a call from an unfamiliar number.

“Hey, brother Jiang, isn’t it you?”

After the call was connected, the person on the other side was very emotional.

Jiang Wen was stunned: “Mr. Tang?”

“Yes, it’s me, where are you now? I’ll pick you up right away.”

“What do you do to pick me up?”

“I will give you a banquet, thank you!”

Tang Long laughed very vigorously: “Red Bank’s geological monitoring is out, and it can’t be developed. Warwick is miserable!”

Hearing these words, Jiang Wen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that I guessed right, the Star City Group really escaped because of insufficient money.

This Warwick real estate is now estimated to be crying to death.

After spending so much money on the land, the best result is to build a park.

Jiang Wen chuckled, “I don’t need to eat, just come and chat in my shop if you have time.”

“No way, no way, brother Jiang, don’t be polite to me, report the address quickly, I’ll be here soon!”

“This… isn’t it right? I didn’t do anything.”

“What is suitable or inappropriate, just wait for you, you must save your brother’s face!”

Jiang Wen thought for a while and felt that this matter was also beneficial.

He has now obtained the plan of the new town, and he is estimated to enter the real estate industry soon.

But this industry can’t just enter.

Because the current Magic Capital Real Estate has been maintaining the status of three independent companies.

Shihao Real Estate, Star City Real Estate and Warwick Real Estate.

These three real estate groups cover almost all the development projects of Magic City.

As a latecomer, it is quite difficult to eat a bite of meat among them.

Therefore, in the early stage of entering the industry, accumulating enough contacts is what he needs to do the most.

The chairman of Star City Real Estate invited himself to dinner.

This is indeed profitable and harmless to what I am about to do.

“Well, I’m at Magic University of Finance and Economics, please trouble you.”

“Wait, we will arrive in ten minutes!”

Jiang Wen hung up the phone and hurriedly went back to the dormitory to change his clothes.

The boss of Star City Group is a billionaire worthy of billions.

The banquet he invited will definitely not be an ordinary banquet.

If you still wear this t-shirt and shorts, then you won’t be laughed at.

It is very necessary for business people to go out.

“Brother Jiang, long time no see!”

“Go, get in the car, I want to have a good drink with you today!”

eight pm.

A Rolls-Royce picked up Jiang Wen from the university town.

Tang Long was sitting in this car, his expression very emotional.

“Brother Jiang, I have to thank you very much about Hong An, you are too accurate!”

Jiang Wen calmly said, “Actually, I didn’t do anything. I just reminded you to wake up.”

“If it weren’t for you, I would have jumped out of the company headquarters building today.”

Tang Long patted him on the shoulder: “But… how did you know that the geology of the Red Bank area is not suitable for development?”

Jiang Wen chuckled: “Everyone has everyone’s secret. Don’t Boss Tang even inquire about this, right?”

“Hi, it’s okay, you saved my brother my life anyway, I must have a good drink today.”

From Mr. Jiang, boss Jiang, to brother Jiang.

Tang Long’s name undoubtedly shows how grateful he is to Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “Oh, yes, are we the two of us for today’s banquet?”

“No, no, no, I have to recommend someone to you, who is also a leader in our real estate industry.”

Jiang Wen’s eyes lit up slightly.

He just wanted to get to know some people in this industry, but he didn’t expect to have a surprise?

“Then trouble Mr. Tang to introduce it to me, if I don’t know it, I will be embarrassed.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll know when you get there, and he really wants to see you.”

Jiang Wen was a little surprised: “He also knows me?”

“I told him about the Red Bank. He was surprised that your source is so accurate, which is very rare in our real estate industry.”

Jiang Wen frowned immediately: “Mr. Tang, is this person reliable?”

Tang Long was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

The geology of the Hong’an area is not suitable for development. This matter is absolutely top secret.

Ordinary people have no access to this news.

So this news can only be communicated secretly.

Never talk on the face!

Tang Long was a little nervous: “Brother Jiang, this person is absolutely reliable, you don’t have to worry about this.”

“I also blame Old Brother Tang for being bad, his mouth is a bit quicker, don’t mind.”

Jiang Wen sighed: “I’ll give you a big call, Brother Tang, you only said this when I can trust you, so please don’t cause me trouble.”

“Understand, heaven knows and earth knows you know and I know!”

Before the two talked, Rolls-Royce had arrived at the Camry Hotel.

Walking through the golden corridor, Tang Long led Jiang Wen to open the door of a box.

There is already a middle-aged man waiting inside.

The figure of this man is very stalwart, standing up to more than 1.8 meters.

The face with Chinese characters and thick eyebrows give people a feeling of self-prestige.

Jiang Wen looked at him slightly in a daze.

Because he thought this face seemed familiar.

But he was sure that this was the first time he had met this person.

“Come on, Old Yan, let me introduce you.”

Tang Long cheerfully said, “This is the old brother Jiang who mentioned me a few days ago.”

“Brother Jiang, this is the chairman of Shihao Real Estate, Yan Ruohai.”

“Hello, Mr. Yan.”

“Hello, Mr. Jiang.”

Yan Ruohai’s eyes couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise.

This person who saved Star City from bankruptcy is so young?

She seems to be about the same age as her own daughter.

“Don’t be stubborn, please sit down.”

The two sat down under Tang Long’s greeting. *

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