Chapter 55 Leave the present, you can go (seeking a monthly ticket for the evaluation of flowers!)

Several girls choose from left to right.

After choosing the right size, he walked into the bathroom.

And Chen Yan hesitated for a while, and quietly took a set and followed.

“Wow, yours is so big.”

“You also said that others, yours is not bad, okay?”

“Hey, the teacher’s seems to be bigger.”

“Shu Yi, you and Jiang Wen will definitely not be hungry if you have a baby.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, my younger brother and I are pure friends.”

At the same time, in the silent ward.

Jiang Wen Solo took the popsicle and turned to look at Qian Wenguang: “Huh? The principal is here again?”

“Yes, here again…”

“I can see you everywhere, and I don’t mix things up at ordinary times. I’m really a good and responsible principal.”

Principal Qian nodded for a while, but his expression was a bit embarrassing.

If he had known that the plague god was here, he would definitely not come to his death.

The last time he talked in the playground, his heart hurts for several days.

But it was not him who was most embarrassed, but Song Wei who had to follow him.

Song Wei opened a studio in the imperial capital, and suddenly made a fortune in the past few days.

Twenty thousand yuan for four days, one day is equivalent to one month’s salary of an ordinary office worker!

He was so ostentatious that he quickly forgot what his last name was.

So he wanted to come over to join in the fun and show off his strength by the way.

Girls are not easy to chase, just drop the money, right?

And he had already thought about it when he came.

If Yan Xuemei regrets what she did in the playground that day.

Then I can forgive her for her rudeness and confusion.

But who knows the critical moment, this one named Jiang Wen appeared again.

He didn’t know the size, so he bought clothes of all sizes for the three girls.

Seven points are indifferent and three points are random, which easily demonstrates strong financial resources.

Spend gold in the blink of an eye, and leaked while talking and laughing.

In contrast, his own situation is completely lost!

And he bought all the sizes of the Chanel store.

The bird’s nests and crystals I bought are shabby and shameful in front of these things.

“Isn’t this the second place in the country? What are you doing here?”

Jiang Wen shifted his gaze to Song Wei, frowning slightly.

Song Wei became nervous inexplicably: “I…I care about the school girl.”

“Bullshit, you are from the Imperial Capital University of Finance and Economics, and you care about our students from the Capital University of Finance and Economics?”


Jiang Wen Solo was holding the popsicle, his eyes gradually sharpened.

He had seen everything when he came in just now. How dare this guy give a gift to Major Yan?

Sima Zhao’s heart is so obvious.

Although Jiang Wen already has a girlfriend, he and the school flower suitors agree with one thing.

The school flower is our school flower. What kind of green onion are you from a foreign school?

“Have you finished caring? Let’s go as soon as you finish caring.”

Song Wei clenched his fists and couldn’t help but want to go up for a fight.

I am second in the country, when have I been so angry!

He took a deep breath: “Just go!”

Song Wei was talking, reaching for the box of bird’s nest and the pendant.

These two add up to nearly 30,000 yuan, and they can be refunded if you take them back.

Anyway, Yan Xuemei doesn’t appreciate it, and there is no need to send her off.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wen was stunned: “Brother, you came to see the patient with a gift, and then take it away after reading it?”


Song Wei’s hand suddenly stiffened.

“Is this the tradition of the Imperial University of Finance and Economics? It’s so frugal, and buying a gift can’t be used until it’s old, right?”

Hearing the irony in Jiang Wen’s tone, Professor Wu Tong’s face suddenly changed.

Xiaowei, the child, is indeed too low in EQ.

How can I take back the things I gave away?

But this Jiang Wen’s mouth is too poisonous.

In order not to be humiliated anymore, the old professor quietly left the ward.

“Then I will leave the bird’s nest. This is for the patient. I will take the rest.”

Song Wei released the bird’s nest in his hand.

He thinks that he is not afraid of Jiang Wen, but because he can’t afford to lose him.

It doesn’t matter, the box of bird’s nest is only 8,000 yuan.

When the studio is on the right track, this little money is simply a drop in the bucket.

“Wait, what’s that in your hand?”

Song Wei frowned suddenly: “This is not for the patient!”

“What are you nervous about? Show me.”

Jiang Wen walked over and was about 1.8 meters tall and half a head taller than him.

He stretched out his hand, pulled the box from Song Wei’s hand, and opened it to take a look.

“The quality is not bad.”

Song Wei frowned: “What on earth do you want to do?”

“What do you use this thing for?”

“Given to Yan Xuemei, what does it have to do with you.”

“Since it was given to us by University Yan, what are we going to do with it?”

“That’s because Yan Xuemei refused to accept it, not because I couldn’t bear it!”

Jiang Wen weighed it up: “Take it, I’ll accept it for our school flower.”

“You?” Song Wei’s eyes widened, “Why are you!”

“I have a good relationship with our family and school, I will keep her safe.”

Song Wei swallowed, his eyes almost staring out.

This is 20,000 yuan in real money.

If Yan Xuemei appreciates it, it will be given.

But she obviously doesn’t appreciate it, isn’t it just throwing it away?

Song Wei shook his head: “No, you have no right to interfere if the school girl says you won’t accept it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Shu, who was the first to change his clothes, also walked into the ward.

She chose Jiang Wen’s favorite cotton and linen dress.

The top is plain snow white, and the skirt is brightly decorated with graffiti.

It looks elegant and intellectual, yet lively.

The slender waist is fully gripped, and the curve is exquisite.

The smooth calves under the skirt are almost carved with white jade.

Jiang Wen looked at Yan Shuyi, “Senior sister, shall we keep this thing?”

“Huh? Okay, you decide, I’ll listen to you.”

Jiang Wen looked at Song Wei: “Okay, you can go now.”


Song Wei was furious and felt that he had suffered a great loss this time.

Jiang Wen ignored him, took out the pendant, and hung it on his dormitory key.

“Well, it’s pretty.”

Yan Shu also looked at him suddenly: “What about me?”

“It’s also pretty.”

“Student brother is the most sensible.”

Yan Shu also nodded in satisfaction: “Huh? Second in the country, why are you still not leaving?”

Song Wei felt black before his eyes and almost fell over.

Why on earth do you want to be humiliated by yourself? ?

“Jiang Wen, this is not over!”*

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