Arcane Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: Cold reaction, calm down the magic network

"Randall, what's wrong here? Does the magic net riot count?"

"The Monet riot counts, but it's not the main one. The real anomaly is here—"

With that said, Randall created a magical image among several people. If you only look at its shape, it is probably a state diagram of this etheric overlapping area, but it highlights the link between the boundary of this area and the etheric plane. .

"Explain, you know me, I have never been interested in the realm of planes."

Randall gave Horn a blank look. Even if Kiran Tower focused on the bloodline domain, he didn't believe that Horn had no knowledge of plane common sense. If this were the case, this guy would never become Kiran Tower's. controller.

"The magic net riot can be quelled, but the link between this area and the etheric plane will not be easily released. I guess it may be that Master Iolum's spell in the dead zone was out of control. All kinds of coincidences have caused the current situation. condition."

"Then there is no way to recover here?"

"Of course it can be restored. Even if we don't do anything for no more than a hundred years, the place will be restored to its original state. If we actively intervene, this time may be even shorter."

Having said that, Randall dismissed the magical image, turned to Iolum, and continued: "But I think the reason why the master reminded us of the anomaly here might have other meanings!"

"Yes, I do have an idea, but this requires the assistance and support of the Seven Towers."

"Master, please say-"

"After the magic net environment here is calmed down, I will build this place into a forward base deep into the etheric plane. I think the seven towers have a better understanding of the benefits of the etheric plane."

After Iolum finished speaking, he paused, as if he was giving Randall and the others time to think, or simply observing the attitude of the three.

The interests of the seven towers are not exactly the same. If I can convince the three people in front of him, Iolum is confident to convince Budigaal again, which is four-sevenths.

As long as Fenwick and Nasifu Tower do not strongly object, the matter can be settled in this way.

It's just that after the three of Randall exchanged glances, they didn't give any positive response. Instead, they quickly changed the topic:

"We can't make the decision for others on this matter. We will reply to the master after we go back to discuss it. Anyway, let's restore the magic net here!"

Although Iolum didn't deal much with the current controllers of the Seven Towers, he could still hear the vague rejection from Randall's words, and he could only sigh secretly in his heart.

"Then calm down and repair the magic net first!"

The six Great Arcanists acted separately, and the efficiency was naturally far higher than that of ordinary Arcanists, especially when Xia Duo discovered that in addition to Horn, Randall and Hadrian all mastered the macro restoration method.

Rather than the micro repair method most commonly used by general arcanists.

The efficiency of the two is almost completely different. The former starts from the macro structure of the magic net and goes deep into the micro. It can almost be regarded as the most ideal method to repair the magic net.

The latter is purely starting from the microcosm, repairing the strings of the magic net one by one, which is not only inefficient, but it will almost inevitably leave a dead zone that is difficult to repair in the end.

This is like arranging a ball of wool. The macro method can coordinate the overall situation until the direction of each line, while the micro method only focuses on one line. If you don't tie the knot, then there will be ghosts!

It's just that in the past, Master Nishite knew little about the macro magic net, and was far inferior to the elves who had long been able to build complex puzzles.

Xia Duo was able to master the macro restoration method, but also because of the knowledge of the mysterious lock in the projection plane, he could sum it up by himself.

As for the seven towers, they are all capable of building a mystery in Sevinton, and it is not surprising that they have mastered the macro restoration method.

The six people acted at the same time, and it took only two days to reduce the magic net riot in this ether overlap area to the extreme.

Except for part of the damage that could not be completely repaired, only the magic net level from the surface layer to the third layer is still slightly oscillating.

But basically just be careful, even low-level mages can move around here normally.

Of course, during this period, Lowe was sent by Iolum to the Great Temple for training, and the other five people except Xia Duo had left more or less several times.

The Seven Towers even changed people in the end. Not only did the arrival of Nasifu Tower Harris fail to speed up the repair, but because he kept asking Iorem for the statue of the elves, he even frequently harassed Chateau and Brod for this. Makes the repair progress far from the beginning.

Two days later, it wasn't that I couldn't continue the repair, but Iolum couldn't stand Harris, and he didn't want to work in Qita for nothing, so he simply ended the repair work ahead of schedule.

Afterwards, Iolum scolded Harris in front of Chateau and Broad for a long time. Chateau briefly summarized these two sentences—

"Outside the outside fighting, inside fighting inside the inside" and "the elbow is always turning outside"!

Although there was only a short time of contact, Xia Duo felt that Harris was somewhat unworthy. This reminded him of Li Hongzhang, a modern man in his hometown. He thought he could mediate the world, but actually did a lot of stupid things.

Perhaps this is the survival strategy of the Nasifu Tower, but it really makes Xia Duo unhappy. UU reading

Iolum Study.

The masters and apprentices got together again, and even Luo Wei, who was supposed to be trained in the Great Temple, also came. This guy did not leave any hidden dangers on his body, but was a little weaker than before.

However, the ability to cast spells was almost completely lost, from a senior arcanist with strength and status to an ordinary mid-level mage at once.

Not to mention the Austrian fire, when the will can't reach the deeper magic net, the part of the Austrian fire structure that is combined with the will will naturally break away.

It is impossible for a mid-level mage to have an arcane fire at all, and there is no possibility for an arcane fire of this level to exist.

Of course, as long as the link between Lowe's soul and body is restored in the future, his ability to cast spells can also be restored. If you don't skip the level, it won't be a problem to reshape the Arcane Fire by the way.

Or, learn to cast spells through pure souls, but this method has no clue even for Xia Duo, and it is even more impossible for Lowe to use it.

"Teacher, did you have anything to tell us when you came here? I—"

Rowe didn't say the following words, but his lonely expression seemed to tell everyone that he was already a useless person, what use could it be?

"Rowe, your business still has a chance to change, I will tell you later."

Iolum's words gave Lowe a great encouragement, and his eyes brightened in an instant, but the teacher had other things to say, and now he can only endure the excitement in his heart and listen patiently.

Lowe cheered up again, but Iolum didn't show how happy he was. On the contrary, his heart became more serious. There was a turn for the better, but it might still be quite a distance from Lowe's expectations.

He looked around, keeping his gaze on Xia Duo a little longer, and then said: "I am here to discuss with you the official name of the independent Austrian fire device."

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