Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 618: One fallen leaf tells the world about autumn

The day after tomorrow is when he leaves, and Nuo Yu doesn't know if he will be free tomorrow, or when and where the next meeting will be.

So now I am a little anxious and want to answer my doubts quickly.

People who love poetry and learning, but cannot clearly understand the profound truth contained in it, often make Nuoyu pace back and forth in the courtyard, and then he can't sleep at night.

"Sir, in this untitled poem, Nuo Yu can barely understand the first few sentences, but this last sentence, there is no way to get to Pengshan, and the blue bird is diligent to explore, what does it mean?"

While holding the pot to make tea, Nuo Yu seriously acted like a student and treated him like a student, calling him "sir".

Probably because of the view, she moved the stool closer. A candle burned quietly in the room, and above her head, there was also a bright lamp using small colorless crystals as fuel.

"This, Pengshan, you can compare it to an auspicious valley, and the blue bird is an auspicious animal that is close to people, similar to a homing pigeon..."

The nose smelled the freshness of a strand of hair. The hair tied to one side seemed to have been washed with some kind of floral fragrance, which was particularly pleasant.

Nuo Yu held his chin with one hand and thought hard. After his detailed explanation, he finally came to an understanding. He sighed with relief, "The little girl admires the poem that I have been puzzled by for months. Sir, you are concise and to the point in your words. It is really a profound enlightenment."


He was ashamed of himself and wanted to defend himself, but Nuo Yu took the lead and shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "The beauty of poetry is like a thousand-mile horse to Bole. It must not only be of excellent quality, but also have people who understand it."

Ye Lin was stunned, and after a while, he nodded slightly and said with emotion: "So then again, although the poems are beautiful, the one who knows me is Miss Yu~"

Accompanied by two teasing chuckles, the atmosphere became more peaceful and elegant. The poems were recited, the words were analyzed, and the sentences were analyzed, just like a conversation between famous and handsome people.

The pot of hot tea gradually becomes colder, and the burning candle gradually drains away the tears, leaving only a bright lamp above the head, spreading light into the room full of meaning.

It wasn't until Nuoyu felt a little thirsty and was about to make tea that he suddenly realized that two hours had passed and it was already late at night in autumn.

This thin collection of poems contains more than a hundred exquisite words. Each sentence seems to be able to be broken into pieces and chewed carefully to feel the meaning.

It was also at this time that she just discovered that the poetry collection had only turned one page, and she had only talked about three or four ancient poems with "Mr."

After the combination of the unfinished thoughts and the feeling of loss at the thought that such opportunities would be difficult to find in the future, Nuoyu's expression turned gloomy, and his heart was empty, with nowhere to put it.


A sigh, endless sadness.

"If it was Nuo Yu, it would be better if she met Mr. earlier."

Her words, which were full of melancholy and regret, made Ye Lin stunned when he heard it, but he didn't say anything. He thought Nuo Yu would explain it himself.

Sure enough, Nuo Yu's beautiful eyes were blurred, staring at the shadows touching each other under the light in front of the tea table, and murmuring resentfully: "Nuo Yu is also a person who loves adventure. He once traveled to the mainland with his master, even though the master was later injured and became... Being lazy, Nuoyu often rides alone in the car and travels as he pleases."

Ye Lin nodded in agreement. Although Xuzu had been in seclusion before, it was not impossible to go out or enter if some tricks were used.

For example, Aganzuo, who came to recuperate after the battle in the Screaming Cave, was an outsider.

"When they first met Hedunmar, Nuoyu was impressed by his thoughtfulness. He was well-informed and well-spoken. His majesty had a share of the credit for his help in opening up the country."

Yelin felt ashamed again. Aska lived on the second floor of the store at that time. It happened that the store had more people coming from adventurous families. It was difficult for her not to accept new things.

Although he did have help from the side, he was able to announce the opening of the country when he was crowned because of Aska's own strong courage.

"At that time, your adventure team had taken shape. Sister Isabella, Huizhi Lanxin, was more knowledgeable than me. However, there happened to be a sudden change in Xu's country."

Nuo Yu unconsciously took a sip of cold tea. Although the tea was cold, the fragrance still lingered on her lips and teeth.

"If I could meet you earlier, I could analyze my poems every day and add fragrance to your red sleeves..."

Envy, taking advantage of the warm environment to unconsciously speak out what was in her heart, it happened that the strong wind outside suddenly roared, and Nuo Yu suddenly woke up. After being frozen for a moment, she became shy and speechless.

The autumn wind was raging outside and the room was as warm as spring. Ye Lin carefully linked up with Nuo Yu's "advanced" behavior. How could he still not understand what was going on? He immediately smiled and said: "You are thinking that I will never come back. Tonight's discussion , become a stunning sight?”

"Yes, since I, as the special envoy of Xuzu, met with you when I went to see Queen Skadi two months ago, would you never have set foot in Xuzu if it hadn't been for His Majesty's coming-of-age ceremony?"

There was a slight resentment in his tone that was hard to detect. He had intentionally left a hairpin, so why didn't he have the romance of traveling a long distance and returning it on a moonlit night?

Ye Lin felt that no matter what excuse he gave, it was not perfect, so he simply confessed: "I am an adventurer. Do you think I would let go of a magical country?"

Before Nuoyu opened his mouth to say anything, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Tomorrow night, I will open a space door in Aska's secret cabin, spanning the two capitals."

There is no need to finish all the words. With Nuoyu's intelligence, she will not be unable to guess what it means.

Sure enough, Nuo Yu's eyes sparkled, her empty heart was fixed, and her pretty face couldn't hide her joy.

"Sir, your strength is really unfathomable..." Nuoyu was so surprised that it was difficult to express his feelings for the first time. He stood up hurriedly with the teapot and wanted to go outside to make another pot of hot tea.

"Don't go, it's cold outside."

Ye Lin hurriedly waved his hand and refused. It was already late at night. If he went to fetch water and make tea, he would catch a cold.

However, perhaps because he had been sitting for too long while lecturing, Nuoyu stood up too quickly. Suddenly, his ankles became weak and he felt dizzy.

He stretched out his arms to hug Nuo Yu, who almost fell backwards. Her pajamas were slightly spread out, her shoulders were soft and smooth, and she felt as if she was falling from the abyss.

Nuo Yu's dressing style has always been very simple, and her underwear is also relatively traditional, with a tube top and bellyband that can be very concealing. But even so, justice still proudly holds up the sky.


With a red face, Nuoyu lay back and had not yet straightened up. The hands on her shoulders were warm, and her heart was in confusion. She no longer looked like the famous talented woman Xuzu was.

"Ah! Sorry~Sorry!"

Ye Lin looked away, helped Nuo Yu up, and touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Seeing that he really let go of his hand and looked embarrassed, Nuo Yu found it funny, but at the same time, there was a hint of resentment in his heart.

"I accidentally delayed you until midnight. If you don't mind, I will go and prepare a guest room for you to stay temporarily."

Opening the door, cold wind poured straight into the house. Nuo Yu, who was only wearing pajamas, shivered obviously. For a moment, she couldn't move forward. She held the door with both hands and stared at the tea tree in the yard.

"Don't go, it won't be a problem."

Ye Lin didn't have the nerve to look through the woman's wardrobe, so he simply put on his trench coat.

"Ah, what should you do?" Nuo Yu wrapped herself in a windbreaker, enjoying the warmth while worrying about how he would leave.

"Otherwise I won't leave tonight..."

He said the words without thinking, and then twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, trying to quickly explain that he was not leaving, but he actually meant to stay in the guest room.

However, Nuo Yu's beautiful eyes were full, and her fingers that were holding on to the windbreaker tightened, and her beautiful and shy face slowly lowered, covered with a layer of red clouds.

"That, I have admired for a long time, but never thought..."


As if a volcano erupted after centuries of accumulation, Ye Lin no longer had the polite temperament he had before, but a completely different domineering one, gaining a touch of rosy warmth.

He asked for the windbreaker back, and then the cotton pajamas. The temperature in the room was cold because the door was opened earlier, and Nuoyu shivered for a moment.


With a snap of her fingers, the room temperature rose. Nuoyu's tight and trembling body slowly relaxed, and she reached out to grab her shoulders and entangle them passionately.


The pure wooden furniture seems a bit overwhelmed.

The hand of justice!

Nuo Yu's eyelashes were like reeds blowing in the breeze, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, her hands covered her mouth, and her voice still inevitably trembled.

The toe marks left by some kind of animal that can live in the desert when it steps on the soft yellow sand.

Ye Lin blinked downwards, then coughed dryly and said in a nervous voice: "Let me teach you another poem."

"What? I am listening."

"The flower path has never been swept by visitors, but now the gate is opened for you."

Nuoyu's tightly closed eyes suddenly widened and burst into tears. She suffered internal injuries!

The autumn wind blew one night, and the streets and alleys of Suran City were covered with withered yellow leaves, which made a rustling sound when stepped on.

"A fallen leaf knows the world is full of autumn." Nuo Yu was wrapped in a blanket, looking confused.

The tea tree in the yard finally found the person it wanted to invite last night, and the last one fell completely the next morning.

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