Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 617 I’m not, I didn’t

After a glass of wine, Xi Lan almost had contempt written on his face, as if I had really made a mistake and didn't expect him to be this kind of person.

Sitting on both sides of the low table, Ye Lin and Sha Ying, who happened to be looking at each other, looked at each other in confusion and could only make a few noises in agreement while picking up vegetables.

Xi Lan was also a dashing prodigal when he was young. He was strong and handsome, and many ladies and ladies had a favorable impression of him.

However, he was really too chic, and he was also very talkative and a heavy drinker. No matter how much girls admired him, their expectations had been dampened.

Xi Lan drank a lot of wine and shook his head a little: "Hey, I think back then, I was also a handsome Su Nan..."

He seemed to be lamenting the past, recalling his past appearance. Shi Ying's face turned dark and he was busy eating. The master was about to start nagging again, and he probably wouldn't be able to finish it within an hour.

Instead, Ye Lin realized that Xi Lan had the ability to travel through time and space in the past. He could reach the lamenting cave and see his past self.

Ten long years have passed, and this feeling of watching his former self with his own eyes probably has a sad past that only he himself can understand.

Xi Lan, who was slowly getting drunk, began to trace the past, starting from his first experience, and then traveling around the mainland.

It's obviously a diary-like reminiscence of the past, which is actually quite interesting, but when it came out in his mouth, it came out in fragments, which made people confused.

Ye Lin and Sha Ying shrugged together, and then began to warmly persuade Xi Lan to drink, full of words of praise, and made him drink half a bottle of wine.


Xi Lan fell down and hit the table, snoring loudly. The world finally became quiet.

After finishing the meal, Shaying put down his chopsticks and stared out the window quietly, saying, "Listen, the howling of the cold wind is like the howling of an evil ghost. It's really chilling."

"What the hell, you're a ghost yourself and you're still afraid of a ghost crying?" Ye Lin dismissed him and didn't bother to pay him any attention.

However, Shaying nodded and smiled, and then silently stared at the wooden door of the dojo, his expression slowly falling into thought.

"I said~" Ye Lin blinked, a little surprised: "You won't feel bad just because you lost to Aisha, right?"

Aisha understands the power of the storm. Her punch can shake the earth. All the fluctuations in the air are her extra arms. The secret of the extreme hand can hit the enemy's vitals at the critical moment.

She has always been in a state of suppression against Shaying, who has always relied on the second ghost.

"A bit..."

Shaying admitted it simply. He lost to a woman in two seconds, which was a serious blow to his self-esteem.

"Then you have to be stronger, not only to control ghosts and gods, but also to control darkness and become the monarch of darkness!" Ye Lin said with passion and passion, which made Shaying also look forward to it, but his words immediately changed, solemnly Said: "Of course, before you become the Dark Lord, get your master into the house first."

It was extremely cold at night in Sunan. If no one took care of Xilan after she was drunk, she would have to be buried by a professional team early the next morning.

Shaying carried the drunken Xilan on his back and nodded helplessly: "Then I won't greet you, and close the door when you leave."

"Okay, okay."

After the master and apprentice left, Ye Lin looked at the messy cups and plates on the table and used magic to clean it up. Then he wrapped his windbreaker tightly and was about to open the door and leave.

"Sir, are you leaving Su Nan?"

Suddenly there was a faint sound from behind. Ye Lin was about to open the door. He turned around in surprise. Behind a pillar as thick as a single person could barely hold his arms, stood a woman with an alluring appearance.

The thick blue one-piece pajamas could not hide her graceful figure. Her makeup was simple and elegant, and her hair was not pulled back, but was simply tied and scattered on one side of her shoulders.

Although she was holding an ink folding fan, it was obvious from her clothes that she had fallen asleep and was awakened by the noise outside.

"It's cold here, you'll catch a cold easily if you only wear pajamas."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he glanced at the low table with some embarrassment. There was only one third of the bottle of wine he brought, so he didn't put it away and left it for Xi Lan.

"Thank you for your concern, but the inside is made of cotton. But sir, you haven't answered my question yet." Nuo Yu took a step closer and escaped from the shadow of the pillar. His beautiful body was bathed in the dim moonlight, hazy but full of energy. Kind intention.

"The people on the side are like the moon, and their bright wrists are covered with frost and snow." Ye Lin praised softly, then nodded and said: "Ancestor Xu's business is over, probably the day after tomorrow."

Nuo Yu had already discovered the wine bottle on the low table, and a look of helplessness appeared on her beautiful brows, but she was not a person who didn't know how to be funny. If guests were coming, it wouldn't hurt to have a few drinks.

However, Ye Lin's hymn just now made her feel secretly happy and a little shy.

"Sir, what does "円" mean?"

"Long can also refer to wine. Look, you happen to be bathing in the moonlight with wine by your side. It's a beautiful scene. Also, don't call me sir..."

Ye Lin touched his nose and felt a little ashamed. Nuo Yu's poetry and painting skills were unique to Xuzu. He could only compete with the competition by using the unique talents left by his predecessors.

"There is no end to learning, only those who have mastered it come first. You are so humble."

With a slight smile on his lips, Nuo Yu seemed to recognize that he was a master of poetry, and his tone and words were still very respectful.

"I didn't, I wasn't..."

Ye Lin was about to refute, but a cold wind blew outside the dojo, whistling and whimpering, and the temperature seemed to drop by three points out of thin air.

"It's cold in the dojo hall. Why don't you move in and have a chat for a while? Nuoyu has some good tea."

Unable to reject the hospitality, Ye Lin raised his hand and said, "That's really... annoying."

Walking through the dojo hall, there is a long indoor corridor at the back, with about a dozen rooms on both sides. These were originally intended for students to live in when Xilan opened the dojo.

But Xi Lan herself never thought that as people become more lazy in middle age, these bedrooms will not be used much, but become utility rooms one by one.

The back door of the dojo leads to two small open-air courtyards, separated by stone walls in the middle. There are two rooms in each courtyard.

"The courtyard on the left belongs to Master, and on the right is mine. There is a bedroom and a study room."

Nuo Yusu pushed open the unlocked door with her hand. There was a well in the yard. Next to the well was a tea tree as tall as one person. The branches were tied with straw and cotton cloth to keep warm.

"The well water is sweet and the tea trees are fragrant, but the temperature in Xuzu is low and the leaves are all falling off now."

Nuo Yu sighed upon seeing this. She is a tea lover, and her preference for tea is comparable to Xi Lan's alcoholism. She has put a lot of effort into this tea tree, and the royal family is full of praise for the leaves it produces.

"Sir, come into the room and sit down slowly. Let Nuoyu make a pot of good tea and then discuss the poems."

There was a small extinguished stove next to the well. Nuoyu used a bucket to get the well water and picked off a few remaining leaves on the tea tree. The well water was warm and he washed them with bare hands.

She has no inventory of roasted tea leaves, but fresh tea leaves can still be tasted somewhat clear.

Nuoyu's boudoir was small in size, and the furnishings were extremely simple and clear, including a bed with an embroidered quilt, a wardrobe, a tea table and several round stools.

There was a clear round mirror inlaid on the wardrobe, but other than that, there were no other things like cosmetics on the dressing table.

Ye Lin saw at a glance that there was a thin book beside Nuo Yu's pillow. Although the paper was exquisite, it had no cover. It was the book of poems he had given to him.

"The humble house is so humble, it makes you laugh."

Nuo Yu came over with a small teapot and poured two cups of hot tea with skillful and natural techniques. The tea was light green and fragrant.

"There are no strings and bamboos to mess with the ears, and there are no official documents to burden the body. How can it be so shameless?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he secretly felt ashamed. Nuo Yu was a woman with magical charm. Her natural elegance made her look as if she had come from a painting and calligraphy. It could make the vulgar feel ashamed and the evil belittle themselves.

"Mr. Talented!"

"Farewell, I'm just a layman. How can I be called a master of elegance?"

He can be so unscrupulous with Siatt and the others that they are chased three streets apart, and he can do whatever he wants with his fat thighs, but when facing Nuo Yu, he can't help but be straight and upright, turning into a humble gentleman.

"You are self-effacing. Talent and learning are not limited to poems, songs, or conversations. Only by governing the country and bringing peace to the people can a person's true talent and learning be tested."

Nuo Yu's jade hands like frost and snow gently picked up the tea cup, smiled and gestured a little, and rolled up the cuff of her other hand to sip the tea.

Ye Lin suddenly understood that the other party didn't mind who wrote those beautiful poems, but praised him for helping Xuzu from the side.

"Haha, maybe I don't regard myself as a noble after all, so I can understand what the people really need...good tea!"

Gently putting down the folding fan, Nuo Yu stood up and walked to the bed, then bent down to pick up the book of poems. She walked gracefully and didn't realize that her fat muscles were sticking out under her pajamas.

Ye Lin, who was accidentally pulled away, quickly lowered his head to drink tea, feeling secretly guilty in his heart.

"Nuo Yu couldn't put it down the collection of poems you gave me and never left his pillow, but in the end some words were difficult to understand..."

Her faintly ashamed expression seemed to reflect her self-blame for her shallow knowledge and her desire for real answers.

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