Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2948: It’s for your own good to kill you

"Some existences in the beginning don't seem to be very friendly to us." Siatt said bluntly, without deliberately avoiding anything.

Whether it was the arrogant man-made god or the "prophet" killed by Pushia's ancient war spear, they all seemed to have natural hostility towards them, which they did not understand.

The corpses of the prophet and the artificial god are still bleeding out with divine blood. They are bright red and full of vitality. The blood river containing the laws of the divine realm dyes the dark starry sky red. But they are indeed dead and completely wiped out. "Coroner" Black Dress Gui The woman decides for herself.

The goddess of death and darkness said that if you are dead, you are dead. Even if you were not dead in the first place, you will really be dead after she finished speaking.

It's strange. Didn't Master Remidios say that there are no camps among the gods? The only difference lies in their attitude towards the universe.

Now that the end is ahead, everyone should work together to find a way to solve the destruction of the end.

"The gods have been in high positions and have been pampered for too long. A small number of gods have developed the possessiveness of human kings and rulers." Puxia did not mind telling them about the past of the gods and commenting on it. Even the reptiles of original sin were not like the gods. Can be "tarnished".

Pushia sat on a vine flower chair, put away the eye-stinging Valkyrie armor, and transformed the ancient divine light into an elegant bright yellow dress, with a graceful and moving figure.

She took the cup of black tea brewed by Sophie and said thank you. Pushia's current temperament is natural and easy-going, bright and clean, and she seems to be trying hard to stick to the taste of ordinary life.

"The great will pushed forward the long river of time and created a vibrant universe. The gods were also born according to his order. Some gods were created by him with his own power and fulfilled the duties he ordered. Some gods were I opened my eyes in the established order of the universe and listened to the radiance of the great will.”

The original Taichu universe was full of energy and infinite possibilities, which also attracted the greedy coveting of the outer gods. Sniping against the outer gods was an important duty that existed as early as the Taichu era.

Nimer, the God of Wisdom, drank the tea brewed by his daughter. There were too many leaves in the tea, the taste was too strong, and it needed hard work. He added: "No matter which kind it is, all the gods in the beginning were born because of him. In a sense, Including you, so He is the Lord of the gods and the Father of the gods.”

Niemeer is a general concept describing the great will. The "existence" of the entire universe traces back to its past source. Whether it is gods or mortals, it will ultimately point to the great will.

He is the all in all, the undisputed source.

"Except for that person, Ye Lin... This is why Remy and Mal chose him when they were looking for the final change." Pushia smiled slightly and took a sip of black tea with her red lips. She happened to like richer and richer tea. Taste.

The topic went a little far, but the lady in black dress caught it and said, "You must have heard of that fairy tale."

Then she recounted the passage...

"The great will caused the gods to be born at the end of the world. They are both whole and infinite, infinite and whole. Their will and power are omnipresent and omnipotent."

"But one day one of them suddenly lamented: Although we are omnipotent, no one worships us. We have been wandering in this eternity. So what if we have great power, it is still useless."

"When the other gods heard this, they also fell into sadness. 』

"At this time, another person spoke: For the glory and faith that should belong to us, we should create a world that belongs to us. 』


Mavis was surprised and said directly: "Chapter 1 of Gu Terra's "Age of Creation", isn't that a lie? It was a false prophecy used to imply that Held was planning to murder the apostles."

Feng Ying, Gu Yu, and Qian Ying are all recovering from their injuries, listening without speaking. Sophie and Yi Su are like good children who can win a little red flower. Someone needs to answer the words of the goddesses.

"Yes, the prophecy is false, but part of the content is true." The smile on the corner of Nimeier's mouth is a bit meaningful. The truest lie is actually a half-truth.

The gods were born in the beginning, and they can be immortal without the faith of mortals. However, in the universe at the beginning, only the gods existed. They had power but were useless, and they did not know the meaning of existence.

Thus, a race of intelligent life was born!

"When wisdom and life intertwined, original sin also emerged..." The elegant lady in black dress added sugar to the coffee and said leisurely: "This is not in line with our original idea. The original gods wanted to create A world full of life, filled with only truth, goodness and beauty, they work diligently, praise the gods, and make the existence of the gods more meaningful."

This is the original concept of the Garden of Eden.

Pushia's slender and clean hands were holding the tea cup, and her nails were not painted with the nail polish that girls like. She looked at the God of Original Sin, Prana, who was in the Forbidden City, and she was arguing with Mi Miyan about something, and smiled. said:

"So the birth of Prana is considered to have slandered the gods. Her existence prevents the gods from creating natural and perfect life. The attribute of original sin always exists, and the gods no longer seem to be omnipotent."

Of course, there is also a special situation, that is, the gods actively interfere with the thinking of life, eliminate all sins and evils, and create a saint with flawless quality in an absolute sense.

But if you really intervene to create a race of saints, new conflicts will immediately arise. A country where everyone is a saint is very scary, and ordinary moral issues will rise to an extremely serious level.

A host of other questions arise, such as which god's moral standards make him a "saint," Remedios's or Moros's?

Therefore, as long as Prana, the god of original sin, exists, she will always imply that although the gods were born in the beginning, they are not perfect.

Prana can also see the "dark side" of some gods' desire to be praised, their desire for vanity, and a series of other negative issues, which are then directly exposed publicly without thinking.

Offended all the gods.

In fact, the truth is very straightforward. Even the great will has stripped away its dark side, thinking that this is the dark and evil side and will be its own weakness.

"So..." Nimer's gentle expression suddenly showed a trace of apology, and said: "An angry god once proposed to completely erase the attributes of original sin from the universe in order to create an absolutely perfect world."

"Ah, could it be..." Siatt was surprised and then hesitated. After hearing this and combining it with what had happened, it seemed very much like Nimeier's suggestion. In the end, it was Squint who took action because of certain things.

"It wasn't my suggestion, it was Venus, the goddess of beauty. At that time, she was just angry because she failed to snatch the golden apple from the first tree."

"Facts have also proved that the seeds of original sin of jealousy and anger had already sprouted in Venus's heart, and later directly caused the tragedy of her falling madly because of love. It was not until she was reborn that she took on a new look... God also has original sin. "

"Remy found an excuse to kill Prana. It was actually a kind of protection." The lady in black dress mentioned a piece of news that surprised everyone. How could it be possible? It was for her own good to kill Prana.

The lady in black dress added: "Venus's original suggestion was to erase all concepts of original sin, which would completely destroy Prana."

Remedios used the excuse of Prana to talk nonsense about his "life" order all day long, and killed her. He vented the anger of the gods and warned other gods not to interfere with the life race I created.

"The order of life has been stabilized, the rules of evolution have long been written in books, and the concept of original sin will continue with life and wisdom for eternity, unless someone overthrows all the billions of lives in the universe and starts over..."

The lady in black dress put her fingers between her lips, signaling to be silent. Prana didn't know about this matter. It involved the past scandals of the gods. If it weren't for today's chance, they wouldn't be willing to mention it.

They neither nodded nor vetoed when Venus made the suggestion. In a sense, "silence" was tantamount to agreeing with Venus's opinion.

"Later, as time passed and the universe prospered, the gods began to accept the praise of the world, and gradually realized their own shortcomings. Perfection in the sense of beauty does not exist, and therefore they acquiesced in Prana's return." Niemeyer As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Prana next door with an angry look on her face, and she seemed to have broken up with her narrow-eyed chat.

"What does Prana's past have to do with the hostility of the God of the Beginning towards us?" Mavis quickly brought back the topic of flying so far away.

"Because some of the gods in the beginning have not yet fully recognized the original sin, and still have an arrogant, superior and exclusive mentality. They believe that innate nobility is the real nobility, and latecomers are tarnishing this field." Niemeyer then said. An example.

The God of the Beginning was a natural aristocrat, and those who later became gods were commoners who obtained aristocratic titles because of certain things.

"I understand." Siatt, who was born in a noble family, had the most say on this point. He nodded and said: "Even if your ability is particularly outstanding, even if your future is brilliant, there will still be nobles mocking you for your muddy legs. Golden Boot.”

The example she mentioned was a name that everyone had almost forgotten, Barn Bachut, one of the Four Sword Saints who became famous at a young age. He was appreciated by the emperor and given the title of viscount.

She seems to be high-spirited and enviable, but in fact she has just reached the threshold of the Kruger family and is barely qualified to marry Emily, who is a descendant of the family.

Thanks to the boss "20230217889236" for the 100 point reward.

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