Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2947 Mo Mei’s Divine Path

The Garden of Eden is described in many ancient books and myths as a pure paradise with only joy and no sorrow and pain.

It is the original pure land created by God. All noble and holy things sprout and grow from here. Only goodness and beauty exist in paradise, without evil and sin. It is the most ideal living environment.

The final fire and spiritual seeds, as bright as stars, fell quietly in the Garden of Eden, fell on the treetops, fell to the petals, melted into the holy river, and fell silently.

"It's a pity that it's not the original pure land of Eden, because sin already exists..." Wei Kucha sighed with his eyes narrowed, and then nodded to Mo Mei, "Are you ready?"

"Ah? What are you preparing for?"

Mo Mei was startled and blinked. Are you ready? Didn't you ask me to come to the Forbidden City to strengthen the protection of the Garden of Eden?

My mind mask is super powerful!

Narrowing his eyes and smiling, he pointed with his green-white jade finger at the brilliant energy that was slowly rising from the Garden of Eden. Light particles were rising from the river, treetops, and flower petals...the densely clustered light particles were like billions of them. Fireflies are flying in the sky, and the rippling light patterns are like the night tides on the Starlight Coast. It is the river of stars flowing, which is so beautiful that it makes people immersed in it.

"If there is no Garden of Eden, the Last Fire will use its own power to protect the spiritual seeds until it exhausts its energy and is completely extinguished and falls into eternal decay and darkness. But the purest Garden of Eden protects the most basic spiritual seeds, then the Last Fire The power of fire will be superfluous."

Mo Mei was enlightened, and she instantly understood that if the final power of the dimension that even the gods were moved by was fused into her body, she would undergo a great sublimation and transformation.

The regrets and final strength of the dimension are all entrusted to her. In a sense, it is equivalent to the youth version of the boss flowing against the river of time.

"Mo Mei, you are the person closest to the divine realm, so I chose you, and only you have the highest probability of success."

The tone with narrowed eyes was a little more serious, and he reminded: "The last fire, Mo Mei, when you accept its power, you will also bear the heavy responsibility of guardianship, and you will have to fight for the existence of the dimension in the future. You must not stay aloof and watch with cold eyes until the dimension collapses and you shed your last drop of blood."

Her description was exaggerated, but the general picture was correct.

"I..." Mo Mei became excited and couldn't help but clenched her fists. Her cheeks turned rosy. She took a few deep breaths and was about to say something... Prana couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes. He quickly interjected: "Can you give me half?"

This is why I came here in the first place!

"It's possible, but the premise is that you can be recognized by the Demon Land. There is a high probability that the Last Fire will only choose one person. Mal, you can give it a try if you have contributed."

Mal, who looked like an old man, smiled and waved his hand, and declined: "Even if I get recognition, I can only enter the demigod realm at most. I'd better gather the strongest power and forge the strongest blade."

"Ha..." Prana didn't care about those things that were there or not. She couldn't wait to go to the Garden of Eden she created. She was already looking forward to it. She believed that she had a natural advantage. It was her Garden of Eden that protected the spiritual seeds.

Don’t choose who I will choose.

Mo Mei hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the Garden of Eden with narrowed eyes of encouragement.

She was not worried about whether she could fight for the dimension and shoulder this important mission and responsibility, but she had been worried about whether she was qualified for this great thing.

The creation that all the gods coveted now had the opportunity to fall on her.

The colorful sea of ​​​​stars floating in the sky above the Garden of Eden entwined towards Mo Mei and Prana, like bees and butterflies attracted by the fragrance of flowers, and instantly enveloped the two of them. The brilliant energy of light particles coated their bodies with a misty and hazy divine veil. , against which their appearance becomes more and more beautiful, they are fairies in the sky.

Mo Mei clearly felt that these light particles seemed to have spiritual consciousness and wanted to communicate with her, including grievances, anger, unwillingness, regret... The emotions of the light particles were so vivid and vivid.

Even though they didn't understand each other, Mo Mei couldn't help but feel her heart throbbing, as if she was feeling the same thing, her eyes slowly filled with sadness, and she clenched her fists for what they had experienced.

On the other side, Prana stared expectantly at the light particles surrounding her. She immediately raised her hand, grabbed a few particles in the gorgeous sea of ​​stars, and submerged them into her body. She immediately received a stronger increase.

"Yes, this is it. It's so comfortable."

"No snatching is allowed. If you reach out again, I will break your hand. It depends on your fate." The reminder with narrowed eyes was like thunder, which brought Prana back to her senses. The latter tugged the corner of her mouth unwillingly.

The flying light particles gradually made their own choices, and they gathered into a gorgeous sea of ​​stars. Most of them floated near Mo Mei, and turned into substantial "water" and "light".

"I know, I will do it..." Mo Mei nodded lightly, seeming to have reached some kind of agreement with the light particles. In an instant, all the light particles burned and converged into a powerful energy, the last flame and will of the dimension. , submerged into Mo Mei's eyebrows, forming a small lotus mark.

Prana opened her mouth, wanting to complain about something, but she was dissatisfied. The moment the words reached her lips, they turned into a helpless sigh.

She was a god from the beginning. She did not offer any help when she suffered disaster in the Demon Land. Instead, she focused on swallowing the final fire.

Being able to share about one-tenth of her energy is already the Garden of Eden that these last wishes thank her for.

"Okay, okay, I'll be generous and give it to you."


In the Forbidden Dimension of Heaven, it was as if a person shivered, a chill swept through him, and a mysterious sound of ocean surges sounded in the void.

It was blurry at first, but soon became bigger and louder, accompanied by bursts of thunder, just like the waves crashing on the shore and hitting the sky.

There is no way to block the sound from entering the ears, and the demon land on the other side can hear it clearly.

Yelin is back?

Pushia's beautiful eyes lit up, and she penetrated the dimensional barrier with one glance. Then she shook her head in their expectant eyes and said: "It's not that he is back, it's that Mo Mei is about to break through to the divine realm, and the Sea of ​​Taichu is taking the initiative to take over. she."



The void of the Forbidden Dimension of Heaven was filled with thick white mist, which was the sacred mist of chaos. Mo Mei stood in the mist, in a state of selflessness. She could not see or hear any movement outside.

The light of Mo Mei's soul is shaking slightly. Because of being with her for a long time, it's like a part of her "thought" has disappeared. She can't feel the existence of the thought at all. The sea of ​​​​primordial is like the virtualization of the boss, blurring the origin of her power. .

"Nian, what is it? It is the majesty of mountains, rivers and seas, the vastness of the sky and the scorching sun, it is the source of the universe, it exists in everything, and it is also the existence of everything..."

Soon, Mo Mei's eyes turned firm and peaceful, but passionate pride slowly surged in her heart. If her thoughts didn't exist in the Sea of ​​Absolute Beginning, then she would be the first thought in history.

She once again lit up the light of thought energy, accompanied by the thick mist of chaos, calmly walked toward the waves of the Sea of ​​Absolute Beginning, and disappeared.

For a sudden moment, Pushia frowned, and suddenly threw the ancient war spear, piercing the two worlds at a speed that exceeded the dimension of time and space. The bright ancient god's light shined to the extreme, hitting something hard in the chaos, knocking it out. Knock back damage.

"You are interfering randomly at this time. Do you want to die? If you have the ability, change your path yourself, give up the divine realm, and touch the beginning again." Puxia is very strong, and the character of the Valkyrie has emerged, directly threatening death. She doesn't mind fighting for the devil. There is a third divine death in the land.

"Someone wants to take advantage of Mo Mei's move towards the Sea of ​​Beginning to do something." Puxia later explained that she didn't know whether the other party had ideas about the Sea of ​​Beginning or wanted to stop Mo Mei. No matter which one, they must be vigilant and Prevent.

Siatt breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Pushia's keenness, and said with a smile: "We have already set up the protection of fate and chaos for Mo Mei, and with triple blessings, maybe she can still meet Ye Lin."

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