Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,243 Waiting for a possibility

Due to the particularity of the structure of the demon world, after thousands of years, most of the areas that connected with other dimensions in the past were the Main area.

This also created the Main area, which is still the main living place for those monsters that invaded from different dimensions, and the side that connects to Arad is the central area of ​​the orbit.

The ambitious Demon King Charles Foz opened the entrance to the hell dimension in the Harlem area.

If someone is looking at the starry sky at this moment, there is a broken space in the upper half of the demon world, and endless malice is coming.

"I don't like staying with you. I feel uncomfortable all over. That guy Charles Foz has been manipulated by you until he died. I'm afraid he doesn't even know it, haha."

Casillas cut through the space with a knife, and when he left, he bluntly complained that I don't like you very much, which made Held's beautiful and smooth cheeks slightly embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything.

She often walks by the river and her shoes don't get wet. The more secret tricks she makes, the easier it is for her to show off her flaws and make others aware of her.

When they were in Silent City, the Conqueror was still willing to go with her and "play" with Old Luke, but now, he has begun to "hate" her.

Maybe Monica and others are also suspicious of her behavior.

But it doesn't matter, for that goal, that thing that she must search for and get, she is willing to risk everything!

St. Patrick's Cathedral is also a mysterious ancient ruin in the Demon World. It is located in a dangerous place, on the top of a majestic cliff. The reason why the conqueror chose to live here is that it is clean and can calmly hone his sword skills.

A hundred meters out of the church door, there is a cliff, a thousand meters deep, lightless and extremely dark, as if it leads directly to the bottomless underworld.

There are criss-crossing sword marks among the rocks, and the sword's will is still ringing. They were all used casually by the conqueror during his training.

There was originally a majestic stone statue in St. Patrick's Cathedral with only half of its body left. It was unknown which great man it was dedicated to. Later, Casillas found it an eyesore and threw it into the cliff.

Held turned into a breeze and dissipated, leaving only a trace of muttering in the place.

"Perhaps you are right, I am an ignorant person and a poor pretender, but I must take a look at the erased truth."


One fried egg, two pancakes, a little shredded mustard and a small bowl of millet porridge was Ye Lin's breakfast. However, the eggs were a bit burnt, and Chef Xi accidentally made a mistake today.

Gu Yu, who came back from the door, yawned continuously and felt tired. He pulled out a chair and sat at the dining table, and said slowly:

"News came from the Moller Valley in Brooklyn. Held angrily rebuked Charles Foz for his extreme behavior, and then there was a bunch of blah blah... Finally, he said that the suspended Apostle League was changed to kill the Demon Emperor. , and the five invaders from another dimension... By the way, how did she know there were five?"

Cai Parrot didn't go to the central arena, so he didn't know much about the news about the hell dimension and the indescribable deal between Niyali and Held.

Mai Lou had a thick stack of sesame cakes in front of her, and she counted on her fingers. It was clear that there were only five missing apostles in the Demon Realm, but there were six places to fill them?

Although there are many real apostles, the demon world has always adhered to "nine" as the limit.

Just like the original Ninth Apostle, Dragon King Bakar, and the current Ninth Apostle, Maker Luke.

"Oh, by the way, Held also said that she can give up her position as the second apostle. She has invested a lot of money. What exactly does she want to do?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Yu sipped her porridge. She was a night owl and liked to stay in bed. Early in the morning was often when she was sleepiest.

In the past, she slowly adjusted her schedule with the team, but ended up living alone in Van Ness for a while, then changed back again, and now she is in a difficult state of jet lag.

"The plot must be very important, and Naiyali doesn't know about it, unless I tie her up and read her mind." Ye Lin shrugged, then suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Gu Yu, is there nothing else?"

"You mean breakfast? If you want to eat it, I can give you this egg to make up for the lost protein." Gu Yu pushed the plate towards him.

"Eternal Chicken doesn't need that, I mean Held didn't say anything else?"


The information was obtained from Aizela, who was responsible for Wuxuan's intelligence information. As expected, three shocking news broke early this morning.

The first one is what Gu Yu just mentioned, about the new methods and regulations for completing the apostles. The second one is that Schaller Foz opened the door to the hell dimension. It currently starts from East Harlem and has spread to more than half of Harlem. area.

It is estimated that in three or four hours, it will affect Central Park and the Boronx area.

The Spin Demon Society and the Oathkeepers, who were seriously damaged by the Kaxiu Sect's sneak attack, may no longer be able to stop the army. The power of Katie and Niwu cannot match an entire dimension!

It is probably only a matter of time before the hell dimension comes into contact with the Witch's Forest and the blast zone in the center of the orbit.

The opened door of sin is like pouring clear water into a glass of thick ink. No one can see the "reality" inside, and what terrible things are hidden inside.

Third, when his ambitions were revealed in the Central Arena, Ye Lin suppressed the Demon Emperor's powerful strength throughout the whole process, which was personally verified by many powerful people, shocking everyone who heard the news.

It turns out that the rumor circulating in the Harlem area that leader Wuxuan once defeated the Demon King with one move was actually true.

The demon world, whose atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme, shines like the blazing sun and rises, an unstoppable and invincible strong man. The first one is the first apostle Destiny.

He suppressed all dimensional invasions with his invincibility, making other apostles tremble in silence.

Now, who will be the new dawn and savior?

In other words, Kahn, will he take action again?


Mavis stood on the stairs and said hello. The "dark circles" in her beautiful eyes that could never be erased seemed to be heavier.

It was troublesome to walk downstairs, so he turned into a shadow energy and came to the dining table, served himself a bowl of porridge, and added a little marshmallow to it.

In fact, no one slept well last night, because the terrible threat the team has to face now is not a very powerful person, but the arrival of an entire hell dimension.

It's not fear or excitement, it's more like a simple confusion about the future.

Can we?

Mavis absentmindedly stirred the sweet porridge and looked up in the direction of the Harlem area. After a long time, she couldn't help but sigh and said: "Usiel's will told me that many people's lives are being extinguished quickly."

Usiel's power is the death of the beginning. Every time a life withers away, a drop of rain will fall around her that can never return to the sky.

She respects every dead soul, but especially hates the nature of death caused by unnatural actions, such as war!

Yuena wiped her lips lightly and put away the bowls and chopsticks. She specially wore a uniform of the Holy Order today to enter the state and let her holy power peak at the moment!

Although the demon world does not fall within the scope of Remedios's gospel, it is still sad to see a meaningless swath of life extinguished.

Anyone who is not a cold-blooded person cannot help but turn a blind eye to the tragedy in Harlem, which is already an endless hell.

Siatt subconsciously adjusted her tight clothes and said, "It's hard to imagine that the despair of dimensional invasion is not the first time this has happened in the demon world."

None of us are from the Demon World, and our sense of belonging to this world is actually not that high.

But the various photos and videos coming from Silent City, the collapsed and ruined houses, the residents with gray and helpless eyes, and the raging and crazy monsters still made them feel that something must be done.

"The cracked gate in the hell dimension can be forcibly destroyed by external force." Ys has similar experience, which is good news for the team.

But she also made it clear that there would be countless monsters guarding the cracks, which were very dangerous and very difficult to approach.

After discussing for a while, they finally turned their attention to Ye Lin, who was thinking quietly.

If there is anyone in the demon world who can free up his hands and quickly kill the massive invaders of the hell dimension with a strong posture, it is probably the only one in the Association Square and Ye Lin.

Wuxuan has a few hidden but very terrifying trump cards, and he has not played any of them so far.

"hold on."

Ye Lin raised his head slightly, and his deep gaze seemed to cross the realm in an instant, looking directly at Harlin's Spiral Throne and the cracked door.

There are some very powerful beings in the hell dimension who are still cautiously testing the outside world.

And, if the first apostle Kahn comes again after more than a thousand years of dimensional invasion, will he ruthlessly suppress it again?

He was waiting for a possibility from Kahn.

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