Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,242 Charles Foz, Gender: None

east harlem training ground

The neatly arranged members of the Kaxiu sect picked up special weapons and armor, and followed the slogans to do basic combat training.

These were originally the most numerous hunters in the Ka Xiu sect. They were like hungry wild wolves that had smelled something rotten. Their eyes were fierce and sharp, but they also had a kind of discipline that worked well together.

The reason why the Ka Xiu Sect was able to sneak attack on the base camps of various organizations was not only the emergence of the Eye of Darkness (Scale of the Abyss) weapon, but also a high degree of integrated discipline.

In the past, the Kaxiu faction acted alone, or they were led by cadres or senior combat specialists. A team of more than a dozen to dozens of people carried out bloody plundering of target areas.

It basically relies on unexpected sneak attacks or crushing strength. It comes and goes as fast as the wind like a locust, and like a hidden poisonous insect that suddenly comes out and bites you.

The Kaxiu sect has always accepted all comers, which has resulted in the organization as a whole being very bloated and mixed, like a snake with a bulging belly.

But now the situation has changed drastically. With the help of the former Elytra of the Seven Gods Giselle Ron, the Kaxiu Sect has unified military management and a high degree of discipline. The overall strength of the Kaxiu Sect has leapt by more than one level!

When Jurgen first arrived in the Demon World, he directly stated that he could treat the environment of the Demon Realm as Mospis in the Heaven.

Why Celestial Kallet was able to capture Ghent for a time? Landilus's military training played an important role.

Take a plate of loose sand, add water and cement, and hold it tightly!

Therefore, how to deal with the Kaxiu sect and improve the overall combat effectiveness is just a matter of "copying books".

Militarization is the strongest.

In the Schaller Foz Manor area, one of the institutions rebuilt on the spot in the ruins, the Research Academy, was formerly a laboratory for Sislin of White Rust.

The Spiral Throne was demolished by Ye Lin and his team. Now there is no sign of reconstruction. Only the silent chapel and laboratory have been newly built.

Several mechanical claw arms were protruded from the ceiling of the laboratory and were frequently moving and working in an experimental cabin. From time to time, cold dark energy overflowed from the cabin, affecting Gisele Rogen, who was standing aside to observe the progress, shivering.

He is dressed in a white coat, wearing glasses with high myopia, his beard and hair are all white, and his face is full of wrinkles, which can be said to be ugly.

Duoheide glanced at Giselle casually, but still felt disgusted. She was old, ugly and weak. Any slave would be more pleasing to the eye than him.

However, the leader needs him now, so he might as well keep him temporarily to deal with other "dead" garbage.

"The new body created by my artificial human technology, using the Eye of Darkness plus crystals, and the energy of the hell dimension, is not much worse than the eternal water of life, if not more."

The girl who was talking was sitting on a revolving chair. She had a white rabbit doll on her knees. She had slightly curly blue hair and a red and elastic mouth. She looked as cute as a doll.

"Xislin, you have brought a lot of trouble to the leader." Duoheide stared deeply, as if he had murderous intent, but the girl didn't care.

"Are you referring to Held? Geez~ Even without me, that woman would not join forces with the Demon Emperor."

"Why?" Duohead asked with a frown.

"Because, what the Demon Emperor wants is the Demon Realm, to kill all the apostles to establish his ultimate rule, but Held himself is the master of the Demon Realm!"

Xislin jumped down from the chair and jumped away with the rabbit doll in his arms. The smell in the laboratory was not very good, and various disinfectants and chemicals were mixed together, which was disgusting.

She understood that her position had been exposed. The noble apostle of the demon world had strictly prohibited Ho Mengkuluz's research, but she had no other place to go.

Pray for good luck to the Kaxiu Sect!

But why? Why should there be restrictions on research? What’s the point?

Perfect artificial humans should be the mainstream in the demon world from now on, and are the most suitable for life in the demon world.

Regardless of illness or aging, as long as the soul is transferred to Homonkuluzi, isn't it like achieving eternal life in another sense?


Giselle's voice instantly made Duoheide look away from Xislin's back. A muscular arm was resting on the edge of the experimental cabin, and black liquid was sliding down.

The leader's heart was broken by that damn Ye Lin's sword. Faced with the siege of many strong men, he had to ignite part of the eyes of darkness to have a chance to take the best option.

When the leader fell near the manor's laboratory, he was forced to cut off his own legs and separate the ignited crystallized Eyes of Darkness.

Then, use Xislin's technology, combined with the reshaping and vitality of the Eye of Darkness, to construct a new body.

The leader has completely given up his previous physical body except for his brain and spine. His new body can be called a divine body and will be even more powerful!

Charles Foz sat up from the experimental cabin, calmly tore off the various tubes on his body, and landed firmly on the ground with one hand, and the black liquid slid down his toned body.

Compared to before, Charles Foz's body is now "thinner", his complexion is the color of obsidian, and his streamlined muscles contain unparalleled explosive energy.

"Have I reached the limit of evolution?" Charles Foz shook his shoulders, shook off the water droplets on his body, and picked up the clothes that had been prepared nearby.

From double transplantation to triple transplantation, to the replacement of bones with artificial lenses, and now all flesh and blood have been replaced, except for the brain and spine.

Theoretically speaking, he has reached the limit of "man-made", a man-made transcendent!

If you want to become stronger, you can only rely on some legendary things to achieve evolution, such as the Water of Life, Taichu Wuxuan, etc.

"No, God is your goal!" Duohead bowed his knees respectfully in front of him, lowering his head like a believer praying for God's blessing.

Although Giselle was not happy, she had to bend down.

"Get up, we have important things to do."

Duoheide stood up slowly after hearing the words, and then stared at Wau for a moment in shock. The Demon Emperor seemed to be missing something. There were no bulges or depressions, and it was as smooth as a piece of leg skin.

Although she remembered that the Demon King specifically requested the most perfect fighting body when he was repairing his body, she never expected that he would directly "delete" that thing.

"You deliberately?"

Duohead grabbed Giselle by the collar, his eyes flashing with a beastly glare. Is the current leader still a real man? !

"No, no, this is the Demon King's request. The most perfect and powerful fighting form in the universe is a fighting race called the Cosmic Demon! That's what they are."

Unsatisfied with the explanation, Duoheide slowly revealed his sharp teeth. The Demon Emperor is perfect, so what should she do?

But Charles Foz had reached the door and was calling her to leave. There were more important things to do.

After the two left, Giselle shook his head and sighed, and began to pack up the materials in the laboratory. His intuition told him that he could no longer stay here.

"It's a pity. There are so many perfect experimental materials. Where should I go next? Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Giselle packed a large backpack, and then pressed the switches on the other two experimental cabins. The gray-black nutrient solution gradually drained out, and the mechanical conduits began to fall off.

The people in the other two experimental cabins were actually Richard, who had his heart ripped out, and the fallen Commander Workman in Central Park!


The ruins of Charles Foz Manor, where the Spiral Throne was originally located, are now cleared and filled with dark red crystal fragments, exuding majestic energy.

By analyzing the information of the ancient demon Greta, he obtained the magic circle that communicates with the hell dimension, and he established an intimate connection with the huge existence on the other side of the dimension.

"Release the existence of the hell dimension to destroy all enemies in the demon world, and then I can reap the benefits." Charles Foz raised his hand, shattering the crystals into mist and turning them into a torrent of energy.

The boundary between dimensions. The hell dimension lacks a special existence similar to the space ruler Gaunis, so as long as the space gate is destroyed, the invasion of the hell dimension can be cut off.

So as long as you stay near the passage of the hell dimension, and when the demon world falls into despair, destroy this door, you can catch the turtles in the jar and kill them one by one!

At that time, the demon world will still be yours.

"Come on!"

The endless torrent of magic power formed a skeletal door in the void. The moment the crack of the door opened, the sky suddenly became dark and dark, and terrifying malice crazily leaked out. The entire demon world seemed to tremble.

Since settling in Arad, the demon world has been stable for more than a thousand years, far away from the tragic era of constant invasion by other worlds, and has been fortunate to develop to this day.

Now, a new dimensional invasion is coming again, oppressing the heart like a huge mountain, making the demon world breathless for an instant.

St. Patrick's Cathedral

"Have you started? He is crazy."

Casillas had a strong voice, mocking disdain, and wiped the sharp blade with a soft cloth.

"He thought we were afraid of the Eye of Darkness, but in fact, we just used him as a springboard."

The person leaning on the church door was the calm-looking Herder. She had already launched a crusade against the Kaxiu sect early this morning, claiming that the other party had shaken the roots of the demon world.

"You are crazier than him. After this battle, the Harlem area will become a paradise for monsters. Even if we work together, we can't clean it up unless..."

Casillas glanced in the direction of Association Square, then remained silent.

He should be able to.

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