Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 96: System Intervention

The first one-star mobilized soldier who had finished firing the bullets put away his pistol and pulled out the most primitive weapon from his back - the fire axe.

"Ka Ka..." Han Feng was about to say something, but the sound of empty guns continued to come to his ears.

The first ones who ran out of bullets were all mobilized soldiers. Although they were upgraded to one star, the number of bullets was far less than that of American soldiers. Including the Winter Soldier, the only three remaining one-star mobilized soldiers all took fire axes and went forward to chop zombies.

Han Feng's previous order was to prepare enough weapons and equipment, and even Han Feng did not consider the fire axe. Unexpectedly, the Red Alert soldiers thought more carefully.

"Hey! Don't get too close to the stairs! Go back..."


Since the mobilized soldiers were holding cold weapons, they would inevitably come into close contact with zombies. On the second floor, the place where the zombies gathered was the stairs not far away... The third-level zombies took a fancy to the three mobilized soldiers who were approaching, and without hesitation, the attack came in an instant.

"Quick! Cover! Quick..." In such a short time, Han Feng had no time to give orders.


The third-level zombie jumped down from the stairs and landed on the back of a mobilized soldier. The powerful fist hit the mobilized soldier's back hard, making a dull sound.

This was the first time that Han Feng saw the attack of the third-level zombie so clearly. This punch seemed to hit his heart, shocking and terrifying...

The third-level zombie's fist hit the mobilized soldier's body, and it didn't move at all.

"Puff!" Under the gas mask, the sound of blood spurting came out.

It was not until this time that the third-level pulled out his fist and turned to jump towards another mobilized soldier.

"Da Da! Da Da Da!" The Red Alert soldiers who received Han Feng's order began to attack the third-level zombie.

What Han Feng didn't expect was that although the Red Alert soldiers were attacking the third-level zombies, there were mobilized soldiers in front of the third-level zombies! With the shooting accuracy of the Red Alert soldiers, it was impossible to separate the two targets.

"Don't..." As soon as the first word came out, Han Feng saw the third-level zombies and the mobilized soldiers were shot...

"Shoot..." These two words were completely said by Han Feng subconsciously. But the Red Alert soldiers received the order very accurately. In an instant, all the Red Alert soldiers in the unfinished building stopped shooting and attacked the zombies with fists, gun butts, fire axes and other objects.

The body of the third-level zombie was hit by several bullets, and it disappeared again at the stairs after jumping on one leg. And the unfortunate mobilized soldier slowly knelt on the ground, lay down, and died after a stalemate for a few seconds...Hearing the scene of the Red Alert soldiers "killing each other", Han Feng was a little confused, and even the sound of firing around him disappeared, he didn't notice it.

"Hehe...Hehe...Winter? Winter Soldier?"

"Report to Captain Han, Winter Soldier is still alive and has not been attacked."

Han Feng was just talking to himself in self-deprecation, but Luna reluctantly told him good news at this time. Among the two mobilized soldiers who were attacked just now, there was no Winter Soldier.

"Are they... still alive?" Han Feng asked blankly with his eyes wide open.

"Report to Captain Han, two mobilized soldiers have died. The first mobilized soldier's spine was broken, and a large number of broken bones were inserted into the heart and lungs and other major organs. Although there was still weak brain activity, there were only 19 seconds left before death. The second mobilized soldier, the bullet shot into the heart..."

"Why! Why did the Red Alert soldiers shoot at their own people! Why!"

In just a few dozen minutes, Han Feng's mentality collapsed again and again. From birth to now, Han Feng has never experienced such a desperate day, no, two hours of despair...

"Red Alert soldiers absolutely obey the commander's orders and will. Even if the commander asks them to commit suicide, they will never hesitate." Suddenly, the voice of the system sounded, echoing in Han Feng's mind.

"I asked them to die... Will they execute it? But in the situation just now! I didn't say..."

"The system will make the backup instructions that are most beneficial to the commander's actions. Any behavior of the Red Alert soldiers is to protect the commander's life and safety." Before Han Feng finished his question, the system forcibly interrupted Han Feng's words.

At this moment, Han Feng recalled the No. 1 and No. 2 mobilized soldiers who were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect themselves...

"Da Da! Da Da!" The sound of gunfire suddenly rang in his ears, waking up Han Feng who was standing there.

"Gunfire?" At this time, Han Feng's brain was in a mess, and the continuous bad news consumed all his energy. He even forgot the order he had just issued not to shoot.

After the system re-enables the Red Alert soldiers to use hot weapons, it asked Han Feng again, "Is the commander's consciousness clear? Please answer. If there is any abnormality, the system will forcibly intervene in the subsequent battle."

"What?!" The first sentence Han Feng heard after "waking up" was the mechanical sound of the system.

"Captain Han, can you lead the next battle? If you answer that your consciousness is definitely clear, then you can still lead the next battle." At this time, Luna stood up to explain the problem with the system.

"What if I say that my consciousness is not sound?" Han Feng asked back.

"Then the system will force the Red Alert soldiers to take you to a safe area." Luna answered Han Feng's question in a short sentence.

"What about Xiaopeng, Guo Yongxing, and all the Red Alert soldiers here? What about them? What about the level 3 zombies?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, this is not a problem the system should consider."

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng gritted his teeth. If the system is allowed to take charge of the battle at this time, Xiaopeng and Guo Yongxing will undoubtedly die. Depending on the "urinary nature" of the system, it is likely that the maximum strength will be retained and the red alert soldiers will be evacuated... No! I don't allow it!

"The consciousness is definitely clear! I can lead the battle!" After saying that, Han Feng raised the assault rifle in his hand, checked the bullets, and then entered the battle.

"Received, the system will withdraw the commander's abnormal command."

After the system finished speaking, the gold coins in the system immediately jumped by 10,000... Before Han Feng could understand, the order to summon the American soldiers was revoked.

Han Feng observed that only a dozen American soldiers were summoned, while the remaining gold coins were returned. Is this also considered a self-protection mechanism of the system? Han Feng thought to himself.

At this time, Han Feng's mind was slightly clearer. Recalling his excessive reaction just now, it is indeed easy to cause greater changes...

"Okay, in that case...Winter Soldier, come back." Han Feng rubbed his temples, thinking about the next battle plan, and called the Winter Soldier back.

The battle has been made clear, it is only a matter of time to kill the level 3 zombies. Regardless of combat capabilities or weapons and equipment, our side has an absolute advantage! Now, playing it slow and steady is the best strategy!

Looking at the few remaining zombies on the second floor, Han Feng ordered, "Everyone, quickly kill the remaining zombies on the second floor! Pay attention to the defensive formation!"

The red alert soldiers who received the order slowly gathered into several piles. In less than a minute, the zombies on the second floor were cleared! Looking at the messy second floor, Han Feng slowly squatted down to rest.

"Be alert." After giving the order, Han Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

Looking at the smoke slowly dispersing in the air, Han Feng smiled bitterly. I thought to myself that even if I killed level 3 zombies this time, what would be the use... If I had known this, I shouldn't have come to this ghost place in the first place!

"Xiaopeng...what can I do to save your life..." Exhaling a puff of smoke, Han Feng muttered to himself sadly, "If life can be transferred, I really want to..." At this point, Han Feng seemed to have thought of What did he say? He stopped talking immediately.

"Life? Life!" Han Feng slowly opened his eyes and murmured to himself.

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