Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 95: Irreconcilable

"Pfft!" Han Feng squinted his eyes and spit out the dust in his mouth. Then he said, "Luna, where is the supply box?! Is the supply box okay?!"

"Report to Captain Han, the supply box is intact." Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief after getting Luna's affirmative answer...

The first thing Han Feng did after getting up was to look for level 3 zombies everywhere. Looking around, the number of zombies was obviously much less, and the gaps between the zombies gradually widened, but there was no trace of level 3 zombies.

After searching in vain, Han Feng saw the staircase leading to the third floor. Thinking carefully about the moment before the high-explosive grenade exploded, the figure of the level 3 zombie seemed to dodge in this direction...

(The unfinished building only has a small number of load-bearing walls and supporting columns, so there will be several staircases. The staircase here is not the staircase behind Han Feng. Specifically, there are several units in this unfinished building, and there will be several staircases.)

Han Feng thought, maybe the level 3 zombie went upstairs.

Since the third-level zombies were not on the second floor for the time being, Han Feng did not hesitate and directly ordered, "Everyone move forward!" After the order was issued, the remaining 19 Red Alert soldiers accelerated their pace.

About 30 meters away, under the suppression of the Red Alert soldiers' firepower, they slowly approached. In less than two minutes, Han Feng and others successfully pushed the protection circle to the position of the supply box shown on the radar.

The Red Alert soldiers outside the protection circle were still firing, suppressing a small number of zombies. And Han Feng was confused...

"Luna? Where is the supply box? Where is the supply box?!" Looking at the empty ground at his feet, Han Feng searched around and around. Not finding anything, Han Feng could only ask Luna in an anxious tone.

It was not that Han Feng was anxious, because Han Feng did not know whether the radar could accurately reach the number of floors. What if we are at the same spot, but the supply box is on the third or fourth floor...

"Captain Han, the supply box is right at your feet. Yes, your right foot just stepped on it..."

Hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng also felt that his right foot seemed to have stepped on something just now. He immediately squatted down and found the thing that had hit him just now... Because this area had been swept by high-explosive grenades before, the floor was a little uneven, and Han Feng didn't take it to heart.

Han Feng found the position of his right foot just now, and kept digging with his hands, blowing the dust on the ground with his mouth.

After a few seconds, Han Feng finally found something...but his body gradually petrified in place.

"This, this, this..." He said this several times, and Han Feng didn't finish.

With a shaking hand, pointing to the ground, Han Feng said in disbelief, "This...this is...a supply box?!!! It's not worthy of being called a box?!"

On the ground, a silver-white object lay quietly on the ground...how to say it? It's like...like a piece of chocolate painted with silver-white paint.

"Report to Captain Han, this... is indeed a supply box." Hearing Luna's affirmative answer, Han Feng wanted to laugh.

Staring at the "supply box" on the ground that was not even as big as his little finger, Han Feng really couldn't think of what could be in it... Could it be half a bullet!

Looking at the small supply box, Han Feng couldn't help but recall. The first time he got a supply box, it was a normal-sized box, and after opening it, it contained 5,000 gold coins. The size of the box was indeed like the silver box used by gangsters in the movie.

The second time he got a supply box, it was an equipment with unlimited time. The size of the supply box just fits the size of a box of bullets...

From this point of view, what is in the supply box can basically be confirmed by looking at the size of the supply box. But... but this?

"Haha..." Han Feng smiled bitterly and slowly picked up the "little guy" on the ground. After putting it in the palm of his hand, he prayed in his heart, hoping that this is a star-up supply box! At worst, it would be okay to give a full member recovery!


A few seconds later, there was a slight sound, and the small supply box opened in Han Feng's expectation.

"... Uh... Hmm?" After a long time of no movement, Han Feng looked through the supply box in his hand. But he didn't find anything, so he could only frown and hum in confusion.

"Luna? This... supply box is empty?" Although it felt unbelievable, Han Feng still asked.

"Report to Captain Han, you... you opened the permission to use the CD-free construction once. Congratulations, congratulations..." Hearing Luna say congratulations with an apologetic tone, Han Feng's heart "clicked".

Taking a deep breath, Han Feng calmed down. From Luna's tone, this supply box should not be able to help him, but this CD-free construction is the first time Han Feng has heard of it.

In the game of Red Alert (Red Alert 2: Glory of the Republic), it is not a surprise that the supply box opens money. Opening unlimited equipment, I can accept it! After all, this is the real world. But...what the hell is this CD-free permission? !

"One-time CD-free permission means that when you build a building, you are exempt from waiting time once." Luna seemed to sense Han Feng's doubts and explained to Han Feng.

"Fuck!!!" As soon as Luna finished explaining, Han Feng burst into unprecedented joy!

No need to wait for construction! No need to wait for construction! Doesn't that mean Xiaopeng and Guo Yongxing are saved? ! ! !

The first thing Han Feng thought of was the combat laboratory, although he didn't understand what this laboratory was used for. But Luna said that the laboratory might be able to save Xiaopeng's life. Is this...is this God's arrangement? !

Holding his fist that was shaking with excitement, Han Feng smiled and said, "System! Use this opportunity on the combat laboratory! Quick!"

"Build without CD usage permission once, do you want to complete the construction of the combat laboratory in advance? Please confirm."

"Confirm! Confirm!" Hearing the system's answer, it really works! Han Feng, who was extremely excited, responded with the word "confirm".

"Build without CD usage permission is in use, using the target combat laboratory. Please wait..."

"The combat laboratory is built."

In a few seconds, the combat laboratory was built!

"Quick! Save Xiaopeng! Save Guo Yongxing!" Han Feng knew that the system was about to start talking about the introduction of the combat laboratory. In order to avoid the system wasting time, Han Feng directly gave the order first.

"The combat laboratory is temporarily unable to carry out rescue due to the lack of research projects." The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded particularly cold at this time...

"Fuck! No research projects?! How is it possible! Research how to save Xiaopeng! I order you! Let the combat laboratory research how to save Xiaopeng!" Han Feng was a little anxious at this time... Just seeing the light of hope from the abyss of despair, the system's words shattered Han Feng's hope again.

"Commander's command is wrong, Commander's command is wrong. Commander, please give the correct command." The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded again, confirming the fact that the combat laboratory would not study to save Wei Peng...

"Luna? Tell me quickly, how can this combat laboratory save Xiao Peng? How can he study things!" Han Feng asked in a voice as calm as possible, suppressing the desperate anger in his heart.

"Report to Captain Han, it is very simple to let the combat laboratory study the project. You can specify anything and give it to the combat laboratory. The combat laboratory will analyze the composition of the various structures of this thing, including their molecular atoms, and..."

Listening to Luna's words, Han Feng couldn't help interrupting and asked, "How to save Xiao Peng? Let the combat laboratory study the structure of the human body? Let the combat laboratory perform surgery?"

After asking here, Luna paused and did not reply to Han Feng immediately.

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