Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 499: Dawn and Darkness (End)

After this chapter, the book is finished. Thank you for your support along the way.

——Separating line——



Natasha glanced at the sniper rifle behind her, then hesitated to take it off and throw it away.

Taiwan Novel Network→ⓣⓦⓚⓐⓝ.ⓒⓞⓜ

Tanya's reaction was very casual. Anyway, compared to Natasha, Tanya's melee combat ability was better.

After the two disarmed, Han Feng reached out and took off the crazy knife from his back, and threw it outside the teleportation platform...

"Luna...that's enough."

A few seconds later, the three of them were ready, Han Feng said silently in his mind.

"Okay, Korean team, please confirm the shuttle coordinate mark." .🅆.

Luna asked before the time machine turned on.

"Scheduled to be on the day... Liu Meng was kidnapped in the laboratory."

After thinking about it, Han Feng knew that it was impossible to actually come to a foreign country... Therefore, he could only save Liu Meng first, stop the leakage of the gs virus first, and then think of a follow-up plan to stop it.

"Okay, Team Korea, the time machine is charging. The time travel countdown is expected to start in five seconds. Please be prepared before the time travel..."



After finishing the previous sentence, Luna started counting down.



"Buzz! Buzz buzz..."

When the countdown ended, the huge shuttle platform of the time machine suddenly burst out with crystal blue electricity.

To the outside world, Han Feng and the others were wrapped in a blue "electric ball"...


As the surroundings gradually faded into nothingness, Han Feng squinted his eyes and kept muttering these words...

"call out!!!"

With the flash of lightning, Han Feng instantly felt a helpless weightlessness!


The next moment, Han Feng fell from mid-air for no reason... and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.


He stood up in panic, but before he could take a step forward, Han Feng knelt on the ground again, vomiting loudly...

"Haha~Team Korea~"

Seeing Han Feng vomiting next to her, Tanya laughed mercilessly.

"You... vomit!"

Just as he was about to speak, Han Feng continued to lower his head...

"You told me earlier~ I definitely wouldn't ask you to have breakfast~"


Half a minute later, Han Feng calmed down slightly and raised his head to look around.

"It's dark...?"

Looking at the sky shrouded in night, Han Feng said in surprise.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the time machine can only roughly return to the same day, and it cannot be accurate to the minute or second."

"Oh...so that's it..."

After hearing Luna's explanation, Han Feng was no longer surprised.

After resting for a few more minutes, Han Feng put his arms on the ground and stood up slowly.

Looking back at the pale Natasha, Han Feng knew...she also had

A little unbearable, but much better than myself.

"Luna, where is this? Where is the laboratory?"

After scanning the surroundings again, Han Feng found that he was in the woods, which was even somewhat familiar... In order to confirm the location, Han Feng had to ask Luna.

"Reporting to the Korean team, we are now at the original site of the second base. The main laboratory is 672 kilometers away from you, to the northeast of you."


After hearing this, Han Feng was dumbfounded...

Nearly more than 700 kilometers! ! ! It will definitely not be possible in a short time...

After lowering his head and thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng looked in the direction of "East City"...

"Tanya, go get a car."

Two seconds later, Han Feng ordered.



After Tanya finished speaking, she disappeared into the woods...

"Let's go slowly..."

Lifting his legs, Han Feng walked in the direction where Tanya disappeared. On the way, think about the next plan...

Twelve hours later, Han Feng drove the "stolen" vehicle and successfully advanced into the mountainous area near the main laboratory.

When there was no way to go in the mountains, the three people got out of the car.

As soon as he got off the car, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, scan the surroundings, and by the way... 3D modeling. Confirm."

"Okay Team Korea, the system radar is scanning, please wait..."

Two seconds later...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the system radar scan is completed and the 3D sandbox modeling is ready. Please move to the system to watch.


With one word of response, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

In the huge mountainous sand table, Han Feng accurately found the location of the main laboratory...

"Hmph...wait to die!"

"Hey! What do you do?!"

In his mind, while Han Feng was talking to himself, a discordant voice suddenly reached his ears.

Opening his eyes, Han Feng looked at the sound... It was a man holding a whip and looking like a shepherd.

"Report to the Korean team that this person has a thermal weapon."

When Han Feng stared at the "villagers" more than ten meters away, Luna in his mind gave a timely warning.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, Han Feng simply said softly.


The words fall and the body moves! Tanya disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, Tanya's figure flashed behind the other party.

Then... the "sheepherd" slowly fell to the ground...

"We may have been discovered, let's fight quickly!"

Noticing that the other party was dead, Han Feng realized that he might have been "exposed".


The two of them understood each other and immediately took steps towards the main laboratory!

The three of them approached at full speed, and after a few breaths, they stood at the entrance to the main laboratory.


The three of them had just stood still when a crisp and thick gunshot sounded! It's a sniper rifle!


Almost instantly, Han Feng opened a mental barrier around his body, perfectly protecting those around him.

"Psychic power, Kai!"


Just because Crazy Blade didn’t come here doesn’t mean that Silver Shuttle Silver Wings didn’t come here!

As Han Feng finished speaking, a small silver wing drew out from his waist and headed towards the sniper in the distance!

Just kidding... you will be under the radar, no matter how awesome your disguise is! You can’t escape the radar’s eyes!

A few seconds later, all the secret sentries around the main laboratory were killed by this silver wing!

"The show... begins~"

Looking sideways, Han Feng looked at the perfect and traceless ground, and his telepathy came back to life!


Sudden! Like a cork popping out of a red wine! A thick steel secret door was suddenly "pulled out" from the ground!

"I'll go!"

Seeing the heavy door flying out of a height of more than ten meters, Han Feng was shocked by his ability!

Others don’t know, but you know it! I only used a small part of my telekinesis power, how could it be... so powerful? ! !

In the rush, Han Feng never thought of... When Liu Meng "sacrifice" himself, he transferred nine out of ten of his power to Han Feng...



A few seconds later, the secret door fell from the sky and hit the ground with a loud muffled sound. Even the soles of my feet felt a violent vibration...

"Haha...it's work~"

Looking back, Han Feng looked at the passage that looked like the mouth of a well, and continued to whisper softly, "Psychic power...activate!!!"




In an instant, many mental weapons suddenly flew out from his waist and flew down towards the dark hole! !

"Let's go."

With the "first march" of telekinesis weapons, Han Feng raised his legs and said.

"Yes! Team Han!"

At this moment, Tanya and Natasha were gearing up, following Han Feng towards the main laboratory with excited faces...


The three of them floated to the ground. Han Feng looked at the frightened scientific researchers around him and said hello.


Regardless of the people around him, Han Feng walked towards the passage where the experimental subjects were held with ease.



At this time, a soldier wearing a war uniform from another country stepped forward to stop Han Feng.


r\u003e  But how is he Han Feng's opponent?

Not bothering to do it himself, a small silver wing "took care" of Han Feng...

"Liu Meng...I'm here. I'm late..."

Through the window of the iron gate, Han Feng saw Liu Meng, who was dressed in tatters...

At this moment, Han Feng regretted why he didn't come one day earlier!

"The Kingdom of Magnesium, the Kingdom of Japan, and Korea... you three countries are finished. What I said..."

Holding the railing on the iron window with one hand, Han Feng continued to whisper, "Tanya, Natasha!"

"Bang bang!"



Behind him, Tanya and Natasha transformed into Shura from hell, killing everyone!

In an instant, the entire laboratory turned into a bloody slaughterhouse!


While the two were fighting, Han Feng used his telekinesis to destroy the iron gate and walked in.

"Liu Meng...I'm here to save you. Come with me..."

After Han Feng finished speaking, a faint smile appeared on his face and he extended his hand to Liu Meng...

"Luna, can you think of a way to erase Liu Meng's memory of this episode?"

Pulling the distracted Liu Meng, Han Feng suddenly asked Luna for some reason.

"You can report to the Korean team, but... please build a base first. Only the combat laboratory can erase specific memories of humans."


"It's okay~"

After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng gave up the idea and turned to Liu Mengnai with a smile.

"Let's go, close your eyes..."

Han Feng knew that there was blood outside. In order to protect Liu Meng's fragile nerves, he reminded her kindly.

A few minutes later, the three of them walked out of the underground laboratory with Liu Meng...

As for the other experimental subjects in the basement, Han Feng was not in the mood to continue "rescuing" them and let them go out on their own... Anyway, the locked door was opened.

"All this...should be over..."

Standing in front of Liu Meng, Han Feng slowly raised his head, looked at the windy and sunny wilderness, and murmured...

at this time.

"Mother" - Liu Meng has been rescued by himself.

The zombie virus will not break out.

As long as the laboratories of subsequent countries are eliminated, the zombie virus will be buried in the cradle forever!


Thinking of this, Han Feng smiled happily!

Because everyone... no longer has to suffer! ! !


Han Feng forgot something...

That is...

In this whole world...

Suddenly a body containing the gs virus appeared...

That was Han Feng who had been injected with maternal blood to make energy potion...

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