Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 498: Time Machine

sThis book will be finished tomorrow~Stay tuned~~

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A dozen seconds later, accompanied by a sudden brake sound, Han Feng came back.

"Luna, report the casualties."

All along the way, Han Feng only saw the endless corpses of zombies all over the field, but no Red Alert soldiers in military uniforms. I can't help but feel curious...

"Report to Captain Han, our personnel losses are 0 killed and 0 injured."

Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ


After hearing this, Han Feng felt a little incredible...

How could there be no casualties with so many zombies surrounding them...

But thinking of this, Han Feng choked up. Everything... is self-evident.


With a sigh, Han Feng walked towards the time machine next to the hospital.

Now, the most urgent thing is to go back to the past! One minute! One second! Han Feng doesn't want to waste it!

"Luna, introduce the time machine."

Looking at the time machine not far away, Han Feng decided to learn more about this ultimate building first. So as to avoid...breaking any "taboos" later.

"Okay, Captain Han, let me introduce you to the ultimate building - the time machine."

"The time machine was invented by Dr. Einstein. Einstein used and improved the time machine many times, which was a necessary condition for turning defeat into victory in the war. In the end, Einstein died because of this machine."

"There are three generations of time machines. What you see is the latest product of the third generation."

"Take the time machine back to the past, and it can transport three people at a time. (Note that every time the time machine is turned on, there will be a one-month stagnation period. During the stagnation period, the time machine cannot be used. Coming back from the past does not count the number of times.)"

"If you successfully return to the past with the time machine, you can cancel the return program by yourself. That is, you can stay in the past forever."

"In the past, please do not act arbitrarily, so as not to change the existing historical development and cause a time paradox."

"Pay special attention to the time machine when you return to the past. It is forbidden to carry vehicles. That is, it can only carry humans, and no vehicles, tanks, fighters, etc."

"What about weapons?"

Hearing this, Han Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Report to Captain Han that a small amount of metal objects can be carried through time and space."

"That's good..."

Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief after getting Luna's "permission"...

"Captain Han...please remember one thing.

At this moment, Luna suddenly changed her tone, more like a caring tone, "Everything you have done in the past will change the existing historical trajectory. If you successfully prevent the outbreak of the zombie virus, it is very likely that...you will not meet Lin Lan and others."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng suddenly stopped...

"That is to say...all this will change, right..."

Glancing around, Han Feng asked.\u003cb


"Not necessarily, but very likely."

Luna did not answer Han Feng's question directly, but changed the subject and gave an ambiguous answer.

"She can be resurrected, and millions of people can be reunited and happy. Isn't this...what I hope for?"

Han Feng lowered his head and responded. It was more like...he was talking to himself.

"Captain Han..."

"For those who achieve great things, how can there be perfection? Don't they all have to make sacrifices? ~”

Stopped Luna's subsequent concern, Han Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"By the way, Luna, if I succeed, will you still be there?"

At this time, Han Feng suddenly remembered a question...that is, his own Red Alert system, which came to him after the zombie outbreak.

When the zombies will not break out...whether the Red Alert system is still in his mind, Han Feng is really unsure about this question.

"Report to Captain Han, no. The Red Alert system has been bound to your soul consciousness and will not disappear because of time travel."

"Haha~Then what am I worried about~!!!"

Laughing loudly, Han Feng seemed to be "bringing up courage" for himself!

After laughing, Han Feng raised his legs again and walked towards the time machine not far away.

"Han Feng..."

Suddenly, a female voice sounded in front of the base gate nearby...

Looking sideways, it was Lin Lan who was pregnant...

"Where have you been? Didn't you promise me...you would come back soon? "

Lin Lan may have felt something, and asked Han Feng with red eyes.

"Have you found Hu Hu?"

Lin Lan asked again without waiting for Han Feng to respond.


Looking at Lin Lan, Han Feng's eyes twitched slightly...

When he thought of Hu Hu, Han Feng's heart was instantly broken...

"I'll go find her... She'll be fine."

Han Feng said after thinking for a few seconds.

"You haven't eaten yet... How about... Eat a bite first?"

Looking at Han Feng who was so close, Lin Lan actually had some tentative meaning.


After hearing this, Han Feng turned around and walked straight to the base next to him.

"Notify everyone to gather in the restaurant! Let's eat!!"

As he spoke, Han Feng strode towards the restaurant.

Following behind Han Feng, Lin Lan looked at his back, and for some reason, she felt a little helpless... It was clearly a breakfast that couldn't be more ordinary, but it had a sense of farewell, and it became stronger and stronger...

"Wei Peng has gone to rest..."

"Wake him up, no one can be late for breakfast today."

Before, knowing that

Wei Peng was still resting, Han Feng spoke directly, leaving no room for "bargaining".

"By the way... I'm going to change my clothes first, so I'll just do your part and inform them."

Pausing, Han Feng noticed that his clothes had some holes in the battle last night...


With a slight consent, Lin Lan watched Han Feng walk aside...

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Standing in the bathroom of the bedroom, Han Feng soaked in the warm water and let the water slide down his body.

Silently, he put on his clothes after a few minutes and walked out of the bedroom.

Arriving at the base restaurant, Han Feng saw that each of them had scrawls from the flames of war.

"Where's the fox? Where has this little guy gone?"

Seeing Han Feng coming in a spotless condition, Liu Rui, who didn't know why, asked.

"Huhu went out to play, I'll go find her later."

With a smile on his face, Han Feng immediately took his seat.

"Thousand-mile Embankment... Haha~ Master Zhi is indeed a master!"

After sitting down, Han Feng looked at Master Zhi and said an opening sentence.

"It's not too late."

Their eyes met, and Master Zhi said four more words.

"Haha! Yes, yes! It's not too late!!!"

"What riddles are you two playing?"

Listening to the Zen-like conversation between the two, Liu Rui asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing~eat, eat!"

In response, Han Feng took the lead in using his chopsticks.

Half an hour later...

This breakfast seemed extremely long...yet so short.

After breakfast, Han Feng took Lin Lan's hand and slowly walked outside...

"Is it dangerous……"

Following Han Feng, Lin Lan suddenly asked, with a hint...

"Not dangerous."

Understanding the meaning behind this question, Han Feng answered casually.

"When...are you coming back?"


"You said the same thing last time."


Pausing, Han Feng pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer...

At this time, the morning fog was dispersed by the early sun. Beams of sunlight penetrated the sky, shining on the earth and also on the two of them...

How could Han Feng not know that... his departure might be a farewell forever...

As long as the outbreak of the GS virus is prevented, Lin Lan... will not appear in the police station's equipment warehouse.

In the same way... Lin Lan, who is in the military, will never interact with him again.

Even if he insists on looking for her...she won't remember him because this memory hasn't happened yet!

Turning around and looking at Lin Lan's clear and anxious eyes in front of him, Han Feng still "lied"

"The slowest, one month? Maybe faster~haha~ By then, you will be seven months pregnant~"

"I'll be seeing the baby soon!"

Underneath the cheerful tone, there were tears that Han Feng desperately held back...

"How long does it take to..."

After hearing "A Month Long", Lin Lan pursed her lips and said coquettishly.

"For everyone~ I have to go in person on this trip~"

Under the playful response, Han Feng also hid the second half of the sentence...for this world!

"Then you should pay more attention to safety..."

Holding Han Feng tightly with both hands, Lin Lan felt numb and confused...

"wait for me……"

After saying these two words, Han Feng knew it was time to hit the road!

If he doesn't leave...he's afraid that he won't be able to let go of everything here!

"Wait for you!"

Behind the scenes, Lin Lan's clear tone contained a hint of determination.

Han Feng didn't dare to look back, he just nodded to himself...

Two minutes later, Han Feng boarded the "shuttle platform" of the time machine alone.

"Luna... let's get started."

With a soft word, Han Feng slowly closed his eyes.

"Reporting to the Korean team, each teleportation can carry three people at the same time. Are you...are you sure you want to act alone?"


Han Feng paused as soon as he said the word "confirm".


The time machine can carry three people at a time, so there is no need to go alone!

"Luna, call Tanya Natasha over here."

After thinking about it, Han Feng decided to bring two powerful helpers!

Now, all zombies have been exterminated, and no opponent can invade the impregnable second base!

Han Feng was extremely relieved about this.

"Okay Team Korea, Tanya and Natasha are on their way, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng slapped his forehead with his right hand... He forgot one thing! That is, after the three of them leave, who will give the leadership of the Second Base?

While waiting for Tanya and Tanya, Han Feng thought about it and finally said to Luna, "Luna, during my absence, the base summoning power and military power will be given to Lin Lan. Simon...as her partner." hand."

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Hi~Team Korea~"

After Luna finished speaking, Tanya and Tanya arrived just in time.

"Are you going to take a time machine again? ~Haha~ I like this dizzy feeling the most! Do you know that the Korean team..."

"Put the gun away and take it back. I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

While Tanya was chatting, Han Feng noticed the guns at their waists and behind their backs.

After thinking for a while, Han Feng decided to ask them both to hand over their weapons...

After all, we will soon be in a world with sound law and order before the end of the world.

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