Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 489: Who is lying?

The next morning...

"Ring, ring, ring!"

"Ring, ring, ring!"


A quick alarm woke Han Feng up beside his pillow.

Reaching out to turn off his phone, Han Feng "tried" to open his eyes... He really wanted to sleep a little longer.

He propped himself up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, got out of bed, washed up...

More than ten minutes later, Han Feng finished his housework, dressed neatly and walked out of the tent.

Looking at the base as usual, Han Feng smiled intriguingly and nodded slightly.

Entering the base, Han Feng walked towards the restaurant. Halfway through, an alarm suddenly sounded in his mind!

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected an attack intention!"

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected an attack intention!"

"Level 2 warning..."

"What's wrong, Luna?!"

"If you want to eat, go get it yourself! Why do you always steal my food?"

Before seeing the person, hearing the voice first...

Liu Rui's voice shouted before Luna opened her mouth.

No need to guess... I guess he and Liu Zhe are "in conflict" again.

"Report to Captain Han, the mind detector detected an attack intention in the base. After the mind detector's own judgment, it is a level 2 alarm. But... the time of detecting the attack intention is too short to accurately locate it on an individual..."

Luna explained, mixed with the sound of "argument" in the restaurant.

"Attack intention inside the base?~"

Raised his eyebrows, Han Feng continued, "Haha~ I guess Liu Rui, the old guy, is getting impatient~ But this also fits the image of a fleeting attack intention. It's okay~ Let's lift the alarm."

Han Feng kept walking while replying to Luna.

"I heard you guys practicing your voice early in the morning~ What's up? Do you want to do a "warm-up" exercise?"

When he arrived at the restaurant, Han Feng shouted across the air.

"Boy, you come and judge! Liu Zhe always grabs my breakfast every time he doesn't order it himself!"

"We are all family, why don't you just give it to him?"

"Then I have to wait for another minute! No!"


Looking at Liu Rui and Liu Zhe, the two of them are half a century old, how can they still be so childish...

"Then next time, you wait for Liu Zhe to finish ordering, then you order..."

At this moment, Han Feng came up with this compromise.

"Tsk... Damn, reward you!"

Seeing Liu Zhe's face full of laughter, Liu Rui "generously" threw the self-heating breakfast rations on the table, then turned and walked towards the rations outlet, ready to order another one...

"Captain Han, look at him, how fat he is? He still eats such a greasy breakfast every day."

After Liu Rui left, Liu Zhe stepped forward and said.

"Want to eat, at worst, give him liposuction surgery~"

Say this, Han Feng thought that the hospital would be put into use tonight

The doctors inside are all produced by the system, not to mention

there are top medical equipment.

A simple "finger reduction surgery", a small scene~

"But Captain Han..."

"Okay, okay~ Let's eat~ You're so angry early in the morning."

After a "scold", Han Feng followed Liu Rui's footsteps and lined up behind him to wait for ordering...


"I ordered your meal for you, don't stand here stupidly~"

Suddenly, Lin Lan flashed out from the side and gently patted Han Feng's shoulder. Looking back, I saw Lin Lan holding a breakfast and said with a smile.

"Thank you..."

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected the intention of attack!"

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected the intention of attack!"

"Level 2 warning..."


Han Feng just opened his mouth to thank him, but was interrupted by the warning in his mind.

Looking at Liu Rui standing in front of him, Han Feng was a little helpless... This kid is quite angry.

"Thank you~"

After speaking again, Han Feng took the breakfast with both hands, then turned and walked towards the dining crowd.

"Hey? Where's Master Zhi?"

After sitting down, Han Feng turned his head and looked around, but didn't see Master Zhi.

It seemed that he hadn't seen him for a few days since the last time they parted.

"Master Zhi went into retreat."

Liu Zhe answered on the side.


With a surprised look on his face, Han Feng thought, isn't this the same situation that only appears in movies?

"Well, you're busy, you don't know~ Master Zhi will lock himself in the bedroom every once in a while and won't come out.♦♦  ♦♦ said... to concentrate on studying Buddhism."

Swallowing a mouthful, Liu Zhe smiled.

"Isn't he hungry..."

"Who knows~Haha~"

"Skinny guy, eating can't stop your mouth."

"Fatty~Sit down~"

Facing Liu Rui's complaints, Liu Zhe smiled. It seems...the two of them have been getting along like this for a long time.

"Sit down by yourself, I'm going to find my girlfriend~ Single dog!"

After saying that, Liu Rui turned and walked to another table...

"Come and try it, this is the egg custard I made~"

Holding the soup bowl and soup spoon, Lin Lan squeezed to sit next to Han Feng.

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected the intention of attack!"

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector detected the intention of attack!"

"I'll go..."

Take the soup bowl, Han Feng frowned and looked at Liu Rui.

I'm so angry, but I shouldn't be like this? ! In more than ten minutes, three or four warnings made Han Feng a little angry.

But the next second, Han Feng secretly smacked his lips and wondered if he hadn't cared about the team for too long?

As a rich second-generation, Liu Rui is indeed a little spoiled...Facing Liu Zhe's "provocation", it is possible that he would feel resentful.

The next moment, Han Feng remembered the murder news before the end of the world...

What if one day Liu Rui gets involved and Liu Zhe is really injured?

Sigh... I'll give Liu Rui some "psychological counseling" later...

After thinking about it, Han Feng picked up the soup spoon and tasted the soft egg custard.

"Yeah! Delicious!"

"Hehe~ You eat first, I'll get it for Huhu~"

Patting Han Feng on the shoulder, Lin Lan proudly turned and walked towards the kitchen.

More than twenty minutes later...

"Liu Rui, have you finished eating?"

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Han Feng asked.

"You've finished eating, what's wrong?"

"Let's go for a walk with me~"

"Yeah, okay."

Promising Han Feng, Liu Rui turned around and whispered a few words to his girlfriend, then stood up.

"Smoke a cigarette~"

Outside the base, Han Feng took out a pack of cigarettes, took out two and gave one to Liu Rui.

"What's going on? Why did you think of taking a walk after breakfast?"

Liu Rui asked as he lit up his cigarette.

"What's going on between you and Liu Zhe?"

Han Feng was not one who could hide things, so he asked straight to the point.

"The two of us? What can happen to the two of us? It's just a little fight~"

Liu Rui knew that Han Feng was talking about what happened in the morning, so he answered lightly. His expression was quite sincere.

"Luna, analyze Liu Rui's expression and emotions to see if he is lying."

Looking into Liu Rui's eyes, Han Feng wanted to see a deeper message. But... I am not an "old detective" after all, and I don't have such skills.

"Okay Team Han, the system is analyzing Liu Rui, please wait..."

"Are you afraid that I'll beat him up?" Liu Rui raised his eyebrows and continued, "Impossible~Absolutely impossible~I'm not a child~"

"Reporting to the Korean team, according to the system's analysis of Liu Rui, there was no sign that Liu Rui was lying."

While Liu Rui was speaking, Luna also read out the newly "released" report.

"What if one day you can't help it? What if you hurt him?"

Asking again, Han Feng signaled Luna in his mind to continue monitoring.

"No, I know this guy is just joking. We don't have any grudges, how could we hurt him?"

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector has detected an attack intention!"

"Level 2 warning, the mind detector has detected an attack intention!"


"Luna, what's the result?!"

Liu Rui

Right in front of him, they were talking about the "assassination" of Liu Zhe!

At this node, the system issues a level 2 warning, which must be...

Just when Han Feng thought of this, Luna suddenly reported in his mind, "Report to Team Han. After system monitoring, there was no sign of Liu Rui lying."


At this moment, Han Feng's mood went up and down, like riding a roller coaster...

The system said there was a Level 2 warning, but it also said Liu Rui was not lying...

Could it be...not Liu Rui? ! Is it Liu Zhe? !

"Okay~ You can go back~"

Pretending to be relaxed, Han Feng asked Liu Rui to return to the base first.

"Okay~ Call me if you need anything~ Hurt Liu Zhe like you said, it's all nonsense~"

"Oh, by the way, call Liu Zhe out."

Seeing Liu Rui turning around and taking a few steps, Han Feng suddenly spoke.

"Don't be so nervous, okay? This is not a big deal~Okay, okay, I'll call you~"

Turning around, Liu Rui "comforted" Han Feng in turn, and then agreed to call Liu Zhe out.

"Well, I'll wait for him."

Waving his hand, Han Feng nodded.

Actually...this is really not Liu Rui's overthinking. But...there is a problem with my own internal team!

And I must find this dissatisfied person!

With the help of the psychic detector, Han Feng learned about this hurtful warning.

If you just let it go...if someone really takes a "knife" in the future, that would be extremely stupid! ! !

"By the way Luna, we have detected so many attack intentions this morning. Can... can we find out who sent it?"

Watching Liu Rui walk into the base, Han Feng turned to Luna and asked. If Luna could tell her directly who she was, that would save the "interrogation" step.

"Reporting to the Korean team, I'm sorry... because the time for detecting the second-level warning was too short, the system was unable to track the precise positioning."


After hearing this, Han Feng felt "deflated"...

"Team Han, are you looking for me?~"

A few seconds later, a playful questioning voice came to mind.

"What happened to you and Liu Rui this morning? I think you two are quite angry."

When asked this question, Han Feng immediately contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, start the test!"

"Okay Team Korea, the system is being started for testing, please wait..."

"Haha~ Liu Rui, the damn fat guy, told me just now. It's nothing~ just daily operations~ just bickering."

As he spoke, Liu Zhe smiled. But looking at his eyes... Han Feng couldn't tell whether what this guy said was true or false.


While staring at Liu Zhe for a few seconds, Han Feng was waiting. Waiting for Luna's report...

"Reporting to the Korean team, after preliminary system testing, no signs of Liu Zhe lying were found."


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