Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 488: Level 3 Warning

"Reporting to the Korean team, due to Lin Lan's pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone increased, leading to endocrine disorders, thus affecting her mood."

"The system recommends that Lin Lan keep her mood as comfortable as possible and participate in moderate outdoor sports to improve her mood. This can not only relieve Lin Lan's nervousness, but also contribute to the healthy growth and development of the fetus."

After Luna explained the crux of the problem, she asked the system for suggestions again in the second half of the sentence...

"..." 🄲

Listening to Luna's answer, Han Feng understood. No wonder, no wonder...

"You were captured, what should I do..."

Wiping her tears with both hands, Lin Lan cried helplessly...

"No way..."

"Why not?! No matter how many people you have, can you go against the country?!"

Lin Lan, who has a military background, knows how powerful the state machine is.

Just Han Feng's "militia"... the country will be able to defeat you in less than a minute!

Thinking of the child in her belly, Lin Lan looked at Han Feng with red eyes and begged, "No matter what happens in the future, you promise me that you will never go against the country! You can't be the enemy of the country!"

"I promise you."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Han Feng answered directly without even thinking about it.


Seeing Han Feng give the answer so quickly, Lin Lan was stunned... This was different from what he thought...

Think about it, you finally have so many loyal armed forces, how can you "surrender" just because of a word from the country?

Thinking about it this way, Lin Lan felt that Han Feng was lying to herself...

But she didn't know that Han Feng had no idea of ​​taking over the mountain and becoming the king.

"Don't worry, if the national troops come, I will hand over all military power."

While speaking, Han Feng put his arm around Lin Lan's shoulders and stroked her belly with the other and continued, "It would be better if I was put under house arrest in the barracks. I have a country to support me. You are with me. I have children to bother me." Haha~"

While chuckling, Han Feng pretended to look into the distance, not daring to look into Lin Lan's eyes. Because he thought of Wei Yun... It would be better if she was here...


After hearing what Han Feng said, Lin Lan burst into laughter.


Lin Lan asked in a low voice with red eyes.

"Of course it's true~"

Looking back, Han Feng joked, "What do you think I am doing now? Isn't it for our safety?~"

"When the national troops regain this land... that means the zombies will be eliminated. I don't have to worry anymore..."

"When the country regains this place... I will no longer need to protect everyone. This is a good thing..."

Listening to Han Feng's voice getting smaller and smaller, Lin Lan lowered her head and continued, "Thank you for your hard work..."

"Aha~little things~"

With a wave of one hand, he held Lin Lan in his arms, and Han Feng smiled happily.

Do you want me to release my military power? Haha~impossible! The red alert system is bound to me alone~ Even if you take away everything from me, you can’t take away the gold coins in my system~

With this guarantee, Han Feng doesn’t have to worry at all~

While the two were chatting and joking, they returned to the base wall soon.

"Oh, by the way, why don't you go back to the base to rest every day?"

Passing by the tent where Han Feng slept every night, Lin Lan continued, "I understand that you lived here before the base was established. But now the living environment in the base is much better than here, why don't you come back?"

"It's nice here. I fall asleep listening to the chirping of insects every day. It's very pleasant~"

Telling lies, Han Feng said casually.

It's not that Han Feng is just letting his "life" go, but... Han Feng has always had an ominous premonition in his heart, and there is always a faint sense of crisis lingering in his heart that refuses to dissipate...

Living in a tent is equivalent to setting up a strong protection here, especially since it is only "a few seconds" away from the base.

In case of a night attack, he can immediately pierce the tent to respond to the enemy. But if you are inside the base...you still have to wait for the base to open.

Although it didn't last long, when the seventh-level zombies led most of the sixth-level zombies, the base was destroyed in just a few seconds...

"Then let me sleep here at night~ I also want to listen to the sound of insects and fall asleep~"

Shaking Han Feng's right arm, Lin Lan said in a coquettish tone.

"Nonsense! You are six months pregnant now, how can you live here? What if the temperature suddenly drops and you get sick?!"

Just as he said this, Han Feng suddenly remembered the building he had missed - the hospital! ! !

Yes...who hasn't had a headache or fever?

Especially in three months, Lin Lan will give birth. What will happen if there are no medical staff to deliver the baby? !

Thinking of this, Han Feng immediately contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, build a hospital!"

"Report to the Korean team that two hundred thousand gold coins are needed to build the hospital. Please confirm the construction."

"Confirm, build!"

Not to mention a mere 200,000, even if it's 2 million, it must be built!

"Okay, Korean team, please choose a site for the hospital. Note that the area for building the hospital should be no less than fifty meters long, no less than thirty meters wide, and no less than ten meters high."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was in trouble...

The hospital alone covers an area of ​​1,500 square meters! Where is this place within the walls of the base? !

"Isn't there treatment medicine in the base? Besides, my physical fitness is absolutely strong, how can I catch a cold easily?~"

At this time, Lin Lan responded to Han Feng's previous rejection...

"No, no, this is non-negotiable."

Holding Lin Lan in hand, Han Feng walked in and said firmly.

"I am tonight..."

"You go back and have a rest first and think about what to eat at night~"

After arriving at the entrance of the base, Han Feng ordered the springboard to be lowered. Finished, Han

Feng immediately turned around, not giving Lin Lan a chance to continue...

Just kidding, I live outside to protect the safety of the base...it's not like I want to suffer this.

Standing at the opening of the wall, Han Feng watched Lin Lan enter the base and then began to work on the "expansion" matter...

There is no way, the wall was a little small at first, now we have to find a way to enlarge it. In this way, the "big guy" of the hospital can be accommodated!

"Luna, tear down the wall here."

Walking to the corner of the wall, Han Feng pointed to one side.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"call out……"

After Luna finished speaking, the hundred-meter-long wall "collapsed" in an instant, leaving only a remnant on the ground that dispersed in the wind...

"Extend the wall on this side and the wall on the other side by fifty meters each,"

Pointing his toes, Han Feng looked into the distance.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Dong dong dong dong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, several walls appeared from the sky and fell to the ground to stand firm.

"Fill in the missing wall and dig out an entrance in the middle."

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Dong dong dong..."

After communicating with Luna, Han Feng turned around and looked.

I saw two sentry guns and machine gun bunkers inside the wall, which looked out of place...

Scratching the back of his head, Han Feng frowned and ordered, "Sell these four defensive weapons..."

"Report to the Korean team that the defensive weapons will be sold at a discount of 50% of the gold coins. That is, the recycling price of the sentry gun is 2,500 gold coins."

"Sell, sell, sell."

Waving his hands, Han Feng continued.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"call out……"

Five seconds later, Han Feng received 7,500 gold coins...and the four defensive buildings disappeared, leaving only two mobilization soldiers (internal personnel left behind by selling off the machine gun bunkers) standing there waiting for orders.

"Alas...Luna, build two sentry guns and two machine gun bunkers."

Because the wall was expanded fifty meters outward, the original defensive weapons had to be moved as well...

"Report to the Korean team to build two sentry guns and two machine gun bunkers. A total of..."

"Make it, make it."

Interrupting Luna's inquiry, Han Feng gave the order directly.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"You two, wait until the new machine gun bunker is built, and then go back to work."

Looking at the two mobilized soldiers not far away, Han Feng ordered.

"Yes! Team Han!"

In response, the two conscripts walked in unison to the gap in the new wall, waiting for the new machine gun bunker.

"Luna, there is room to build a hospital this time."

Looking at the huge open space in front of him, Han Feng laughed to himself.

"Report to the Korean team, are you sure the hospital will be built?"

Stand here? "

At this time, Luna was making her final inquiries.

"Yes, confirmed."

"Okay Team Korea, the hospital is under construction. The estimated construction time is twenty-four hours."


Nodding, Han Feng turned and walked towards the tent.

Sitting on the camp bed, Han Feng held a cigarette in his mouth, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the time was already around seven in the afternoon.

"Time flies so fast?"

Looking at the time, Han Feng knew that there was not much time until dinner~

After dinner, Han Feng did not go out for a walk, but chose to rest early.

Maybe it's because I waited a little late for the psychic detector last night, so I feel a little tired at the moment...

At night...

"Level 3 alert, unauthorized personnel are preparing to approach the base!"

"Level 3 alert, unauthorized personnel are preparing to approach the base!"

"Level 3 alert..."

"Huh? What's wrong?!"

It wasn't until the system's cold mechanical sound was about to broadcast the third alarm that Han Feng woke up from the cot and asked Luna in his mind.

"Report to the Korean team that there are four Dongcheng residents who want to get closer to the base."

"Where did they go?"

Upon hearing that it was a resident, Han Feng's speed of getting dressed suddenly slowed down.

"They haven't left yet, they are still in Dongcheng at this time."


Pursing his lips, Han Feng stopped dressing...

The second base is twelve kilometers away from Dongcheng!

It's such a long distance and it takes a while to drive, so why should I be anxious?

"What are they going to do?"

Sitting on the camp bed, Han Feng continued to ask.

"Report to the Korean team that they will approach the base every once in a while. According to the information we know, they are just curious about the base."

"If they come, just give them a warning...if they don't obey, fire a warning shot!"

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng began to take off half of his clothes...

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Luna, what was the level three warning just now? What's the danger level?"

Lying down, Han Feng suddenly thought of the alarm in his mind just now.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the level three warning is the lowest level warning. There is no threat and it is only used as a notification."

"From now on, the level 3 warning will be left to you to handle on your own. As long as there is no threat, don't tell me."

While talking, Han Feng took out his phone and looked at it. It was only 3:30 in the morning...

"Okay, Team Korea. From now on, non-threatening level three warnings will be handled by me, Tanya, and Natasha."

Following Han Feng's new order, Luna dragged the other two hero-level soldiers...

"Well, I'll sleep a little longer...good night."

After saying that, Han Feng turned over and narrowed his eyes...

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