Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 444: Second Base Construction Location

"Captain Han, is there anything you need?" Looking at Han Feng, Bo Lao continued, "If you can use me, just ask! I will fully cooperate with the country... and you!"

Last time, Han Feng repeatedly warned him not to reveal his "identity". Bo Lao was so excited that he almost spit out the word "country". Fortunately, he reacted in time and forced himself to change his words.

"No big deal."

As he spoke, Han Feng slowly stood up. When he saw the face of the captain of the guard behind Bo Lao, who looked like he had seen a ghost, he instantly knew what this kid was afraid of.

Turning his eyes, Han Feng looked at the captain of the guard and suddenly smiled.

When the two of them looked at each other, the captain of the guard suddenly "clicked" in his heart! For the captain of the guard, Han Feng's meaningful smile was like a "death warrant"...

"I like this captain~"

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What the captain of the guard didn't expect was that Han Feng didn't "report" him! And... and he was still speaking well of him?

"Haha~ Captain Han knows my heart very well!" Hearing Han Feng's praise for the captain of the guard, Bo Lao paused, turned around and said to a secretary or attendant beside him, "Xiao Li, go and talk to Director Liu and transfer him to the captain of Zhongcheng, go."

"Okay, Bo Lao."

Bo Lao's secretary took the order, responded, and turned to leave the restaurant. It seems that he is going to handle the captain's promotion...


On the other hand, the captain of the guard himself stood there in a daze. With a blank look in his eyes, he didn't know what to do...

Thinking back to the past, he had worked so hard to practice his professional skills and finally managed to get into the middle city. After more than a month of struggle, he barely got the status of a regional team leader.

And with Han Feng's "pleasing to the eye"...he has become a phoenix? ! ! !

"Why don't you thank Captain Han?"

Keeping a kind smile on his face, Bo Lao turned his head and looked at the captain of the guard.

"Thank...thank you, thank you, Bo Lao, thank you, Captain Han."

After hesitating for a long time, the captain of the guard finally ranked Bo Lao ahead of Han Feng.

"Do a good job! Protect people's safety!" After saying this to the captain of the guard, Han Feng looked away and looked at Bo Lao, laughing and said, "During this period, we have mainly been playing. Who made you develop so well here~"

"Relax when you come~If you need it, I will send some people to be your guide~You can also know where there are delicious foods."

When Bo Lao said this, his eyes swept around Liu Rui, Wei Peng and others. When he saw Lin Lan, he changed his original intention to take Han Feng to experience "worldly life" to the word "delicious food".

"Forget about the guide~If possible...get me a few cars? I have a lot of people and things, it's not convenient to carry them."

"Okay! Okay! There are many parked at the door, you can drive away directly if you like~"

Following Han Feng's words, Bo Lao readily agreed.

"Then I won't be polite?~"

Grinning, Han Feng looked out of the restaurant.

"Okay~ You do your thing, I'll just walk around~"

After secretly selecting a few cars in his heart, Han Feng walked out.

"Liu Rui, Liu Zhe, Xiaopeng. The three of you drive a car each, follow the boss, and put everyone and the luggage back to the hotel. I'll do some things first, and we'll go to the night market together when I get back later~"

In a few words, Han Feng arranged everyone's itinerary.


Everyone simply responded and got into the car. And ten mobilized soldiers helped carry the luggage.

Tens of seconds later, four or five off-road vehicles started and drove towards Dongcheng.

"Mr. Bo~ See you later~"

Waving to Mr. Bo on the steps, Han Feng got into the car and prepared to find the site for the second base.

"Captain Han, drive slowly~"

After Bo Lao responded, Han Feng stepped on the accelerator and left...

After Han Feng walked away, Bo Lao retracted his gaze, turned his head and looked at the captain of the guard and asked, "Do you know Captain Han?"

"Ah? Um... I have met him several times..."

Not knowing how to respond to Bo Lao's question, the captain of the guard chose a half-answer.

"Oh..." With a slightly long tone, Bo Lao continued, "Then you will be responsible for all of Captain Han's affairs during his stay. He arranged his luggage and accommodation in the East District, which happens to be your "hometown" and you are familiar with it."

"Yes! Bo Lao! I will complete the task perfectly!"

For the first task after his promotion. And it was Bo Lao who ordered it personally... The captain of the guard patted his chest and promised.

"Well, let's go now."


After that, the captain of the guard walked down the steps, trotted back to the bureau, and prepared to leave for the East District.

“Luna, start scanning, check the surrounding environment, and confirm.”

On the way, Han Feng ordered Luna.

“Okay, Captain Han, the radar is starting to scan, please wait…”

Two seconds after she finished speaking, Luna continued, “Reporting to Captain Han, the radar scan is complete. The scan results found a supply box.”

“Supply box?!”

Hearing the result of finding a supply box, Han Feng was surprised and happy.

What was surprising was that since the supply box was found, it meant that there were powerful zombies nearby. Even if he could kill them, it was not good news. What was good was that he hadn't heard the word supply box for a while...

"Report to Captain Han, yes, the radar found a supply box. The location is 413 kilometers away from you."

"So far?!"

Hearing this, Han Feng temporarily breathed a sigh of relief. It seems... the powerful threat is not near the city.

"Report to Captain Han, this supply box was scanned three days ago."

"Huh? Three days ago???"

At this moment, Han Feng was a little confused...

"Oh, right! I remember it!"

The next second, Han Feng said while patting his thigh!

Three days ago, he drove alone to get the 7-energy injection. When scanning, I found a level 7 zombie, which was attacking the SEALs...

Since it was the level 7 zombie that sent me back after the battle, I forgot about this supply box...

"Forget it, I'll go get it myself when I'm free." Shaking his head, Han Feng put the matter aside for the time being.

A few seconds later, Han Feng continued, "By the way, Luna, is there any place nearby that is suitable for building a base vehicle?"

"Report to Team Han, three kilometers, six kilometers, and fourteen kilometers east of East City all meet the conditions for building an Allied base vehicle."

"Wait, let me see..."

As he spoke, Han Feng slowly stepped on the brakes and stopped the vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng shifted his attention to the system and came to the sand table of the radar.

Looking at the 3D sand table built according to the actual terrain, Han Feng began to study it carefully...

The location of the Central City is close to the edge of the big city.

West City is closer to the city center. There are tall buildings there, so it was excluded first.

And most of the areas in South City and North City are adjacent to the city. Although it is also a remote area, it is mostly woods and slopes. If you really want to build a base in these places, you need to do a lot of preliminary work.

Then the only thing left is... East City.

"Three kilometers... six kilometers... fourteen kilometers..."

Looking at the three locations marked in the 3D sandbox, Han Feng squinted and muttered.

"Let's go to the field to investigate first."

After talking to himself, Han Feng shifted his attention out of the system. Then he stepped on the accelerator, drove out of East City, and rushed towards the three locations.

In less than five minutes, Han Feng arrived at the nearest location given by Luna - three kilometers east of East City.

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