Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 443: Goodbye, Mr. Bo

After a few pleasantries, everyone at the table got up and went back to the bedroom to pack their daily luggage.

"Let's go~ Let's go to Brother Wang's place together and say goodbye~"

When Wang Dafa was the only one left in the restaurant, Han Feng smiled and walked out first.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ]

The next morning...

Han Feng stood downstairs with a large bag and small items. Behind him were three Nightingale transport planes.

In order to reach Bo Lao faster, Han Feng didn't want to continue to sit on the transport ship for a whole day... So last night, Han Feng decided to order the summoning of three Nightingales as vehicles.

Two for people and one for luggage. After all... Each transport plane can only accommodate five people. Even if the pilot is included, there are only six seats.

Looking back at the transport plane behind him, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind, "How long will it take us to fly in this thing?"

"Report to Captain Han, the maximum carrying speed of the Nightingale transport plane is about 250 kilometers per hour. It is estimated to take about two hours to reach Central City."

"This thing is still fast..."

When Han Feng sighed, he remembered the first time he went to Central City, but it took a whole day to walk...

"Brother-in-law, it's so early~"

Suddenly, Wei Peng's voice beside him pulled Han Feng's sight back.

"Put the luggage over there~"

Looking at Wei Peng, Han Feng raised his hand and pointed at a Nightingale transport plane.


"Where's breakfast? We are in such a hurry, should we still have breakfast?"

As soon as Wei Peng finished speaking, Lin Lan's question followed.

"Whoever is hungry will be given a nutritional paste. Anyway, it only takes two hours to take a transport plane~" Looking at the transport plane, Han Feng continued, "I want to save my stomach for tofu pudding~ This pure Chinese breakfast is not an option in military rations~"

After saying that, Han Feng pretended to lick his lips...

"Haa... There is tofu pudding?! Great! A bowl of hot, spicy and fragrant tofu pudding, with three fried dough sticks, it's perfect~"

Han Feng's joking voice was heard by Liu Rui, and he heard him talking about food before he saw him.

"Bullshit! Do you know how to eat it?! And salty tofu pudding?! I tell you, sweet tofu pudding is the best in the world! Besides, three fried dough sticks? You'll be stuffed to death~!"

Holding the oversized luggage, Liu Zhe teased Liu Rui while "forcing" out of the unit door...

"Put the luggage over there and take the transport plane.

Looking at the two bickering, Han Feng smiled and pointed at the nightingale.

"You guys are busy first, I'll go help Hu Hu get something. "

Lin Lan got off the transport plane, said without looking back, and turned back to the color steel house.

"Sweet tofu pudding is the most disgusting. I had the honor to eat it once last time, and I almost vomited my overnight meal!"

"Salty tofu pudding is not decent! It tastes weird and ruins the bean flavor!"


Han Feng stood there in a daze, watching Liu Rui, a northerner, and Liu Zhe, a southerner, debate...

More than ten minutes later, everyone gathered.

With Master Zhi and Boss Wang, there were still one or two empty seats on the two transport planes.

Among them, the transport plane carrying people was driven by two heroic soldiers, Tanya and Natasha. The other transport plane storing luggage was driven by a SEAL.

"Da da da da da..."

Under the rapid rotation of the propeller, the three Nightingale transport planes slowly took off from the ground and flew towards the direction of Midtown...

"Brother, if you say that again, I will be angry with you. Salty tofu pudding, delicious!"

"Angry? Believe it or not, I will roast you? ! Sweet tofu pudding is delicious!!! "


Hearing the two still arguing, Han Feng pursed his lips helplessly... At the same time, he thought to himself that when he got there, he must order two bowls of tofu pudding.

One bowl of sweet, one bowl of salty... Try it yourself to see which one is better...

Two hours later...

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Han Feng and his party finally arrived in Midtown.

In a burst of dust (dust generated when the helicopter drives the airflow), Han Feng covered his mouth and nose and got off the plane.

"Boss, where is the breakfast shop? Let's eat breakfast first!"

Because the propeller was still turning and the noise was loud, Han Feng almost shouted this sentence. โ†’

"Okay! Follow me! It's over there! ! !"

Pointing to the street in front, the boss responded.

"Tanya, Natasha, turn off the engine! It's so noisy..."

After talking to the two of them, Han Feng contacted the Navy SEALs in his mind without making a sound, and continued, "After we finish moving the luggage, you will fly back alone. It's a hard trip to pick up the four Terminators."

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

Listening to the response in his mind, Han Feng opened the "luggage compartment" and took down the luggage of different sizes.

"Luna, summon five... no, ten mobilized soldiers, confirmed."

Looking at the large and small luggage on the ground, Han Feng frowned... Looking back, the price of mobilized soldiers was not expensive...

"Okay, Captain Han, ten mobilized soldiers are being summoned, please wait..."

"Da da da da da..."

After Luna finished speaking, the empty transport plane slowly took off. After turning 180 degrees in the air, it flew towards the zinc mine again.

"Let's go? Aren't you hungry? Why are you still standing still? โ€

Withdrawing his gaze from the transport plane, Boss Wang asked Han Feng.

โ€œWait a minute~ Iโ€™ll ask someone to help me carry all this luggage.โ€

After Han Feng finished explaining, the boss asked in confusion, "Why don't you call someone? You are just standing here stupidly, how can you..."

Halfway through his words, Boss Wang stopped talking... because in his sight, a "group" of fully armed men suddenly appeared...

"Report to Captain Han! Move..."

"Shhhhh... Help me with the luggage~ Thank you~"

Facing the mobilized soldiers who saluted and prepared to report, Han Feng made a gesture to silence.

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After receiving the order, the ten mobilized soldiers bent down and picked up the luggage one by one.

"Let's go~ Let's eat~"


After walking for minutes, Han Feng came to a breakfast shop across the street. As for the two transport planes parked on the street, Han Feng was not worried about "losing" them at all, because no one dared to steal them. And the vehicles summoned by Red Alert were marked on the radar.

Since it was more than ten o'clock in the morning, no one else was eating in the store.

"Boss~ Two bowls of tofu pudding~ One bowl of sweet and one bowl of salty. And one fried dough stick, thank you~"

As soon as Han Feng entered the door, he said what he wanted to order.

After ordering, Han Feng turned around and said to the people behind him, "Order your own, just don't waste it~"

"Okay." Standing behind Han Feng, Lin Lan took a step forward and said, "Two meat buns, a bowl of wontons."

After that, Lin Lan lowered his head and asked Hu Hu, "What do you want to eat?"


When they were halfway through their "breakfast", a group of "uninvited guests" suddenly came to the restaurant...

"Hey? Captain? Hello~"

Looking at the "old acquaintance" guard captain who rushed in with his men, Han Feng smiled and greeted him. But he did not stop eating because of this.

"Haha, it's you?~" Seeing Han Feng, the captain of the guard was stunned at first, and then laughed, "Just now I received a report that a large number of armed personnel appeared. I was wondering who it was~"

"Yeah, it's me, it's okay." After swallowing the food in his mouth, Han Feng looked up at the captain of the guard and asked, "Aren't you a guard in Dongcheng? Why are you in Zhongcheng? Where is Xu Long?"

"Xu Long, the traitor, wanted to assassinate Bo Lao secretly, but was discovered by Bo Lao and died a long time ago~" Waving his hand, the captain of the guard casually recounted Xu Long's "obituary".


After a moment of silence, Han Feng felt that this was reasonable... After all, Xu Long was ambitious but weak. If he didn't die, who would die?

"As for me, because of my outstanding performance, I was selected and sent to Zhongcheng during the guard selection."

In the gap when Han Feng didn't speak, the captain of the guard briefly talked about the news of his promotion.

"Well, go find Bo Lao later and tell him I'm here."


Hearing Han Feng say this, the captain of the guard took a small step back in fear.

The captain of the guard didn't know Han Feng's "real identity". He only knew that Bo Lao was the most powerful person in the city! No one else...

"Just go, don't worry, I can't hurt you."

Holding a half-fried dough stick, Han Feng said slowly.


"Go quickly? Why are you still standing? Waiting to have breakfast together~"

Having a laugh, Han Feng pushed the stunned captain of the guard.


Nodding absentmindedly, the captain of the guard was "inexplicably" asked to leave the restaurant.

"Captain, let's..."

As soon as he went out, the other guards surrounded him and asked about the next action.

"It's okay, pack up..."

After saying this with a frown, the captain of the guard got on a police car by himself and prepared to go to Bo Lao's mansion alone.

In the captain's mind, even if Han Feng was lying to him, he would not lose anything. He was just an unknown little guard anyway, and he had no status or impression in Bo Lao's mind.

If the bet was right and Han Feng was really... then at least in Bo Lao's mind, he would have "made a contribution".

After finalizing his plan, the captain stepped on the accelerator and drove straight to Bo Lao's side...

Not long after the captain left, Han Feng put down his bowl and chopsticks to wipe his mouth, thinking that salty tofu pudding was still delicious...

Took out a cigarette and lit it, Han Feng sat on the stool, quietly waiting for others to eat breakfast.

About ten minutes later...

"Tap tap tap..." Outside the door, there was a sound of many unified footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Han Feng raised the corner of his mouth, thinking that Bo Lao should come to greet him in person.

Sure enough, dozens of seconds later, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Bo Lao walked in with a smile on his face.

"Haha~ When I woke up this morning, I saw a few magpies chirping by the window. I was wondering what good things would happen today~ It turned out that Captain Han is here~"

The captain of the guard following behind Bo Lao's eyes widened after hearing what Bo Lao said!

This was the first time he heard a big man like Bo Lao address him as "you"!

But at the same time... the captain of the guard was also scared and broke out in a cold sweat...

I had personally brought Han Feng to the "police station"... What if Han Feng "bites back" at this time... Then I'm dead!!!

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