Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 441: Preparing for Transfer

After Luna asked, Han Feng pursed his lips and thought for a long time. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

During this period, Han Feng also opened his mouth and wanted to build a second base nearby.

But... the zinc mine is so small. It’s not that there is no place to build, but Han Feng thinks it’s unnecessary.

Even in the game "Red Alert 2 - Glory of the Republic", placing two bases in the same position is a "very stupid" decision.

Let’s not talk about the problem of slow deployment of troops. If the enemy attacks in large numbers, the two bases may be "destroyed in one pot".


After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng touched his chin and began to think carefully about the construction location of the second base...

"Materials, transportation, construction time..."

Muttering the necessary conditions for building a base, Han Feng gradually had an idea.

"The second base, let's build it over there with Bo Lao!"

Finally, after thinking for a long time, Han Feng determined the direction.

First of all, Han Feng "licked" all the cities around the zinc mine. It is not impossible to collect another four or five thousand tons of steel, but the difficulty will definitely increase exponentially!

You can't... tear down the house to extract the steel bars, right?

But it's different with Bo Lao.

Bo Lao is more than 500 kilometers away from the "barren land" of the zinc mine!

In that "unmined" city, the reserves of various materials are easier to collect. For the construction of the base, the supply exceeds the demand, which will greatly shorten the construction time.

Secondly... Bo Lao is, after all, a survivor protected by his "men". Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

The distance between the zinc mine and Bo Lao is too long. With a distance of more than 500 kilometers, if there is a problem on either side, Han Feng will not be able to support it in the first time.

But if the second base is placed near Bo Lao, this problem will be solved.

Even if the zombie frenzy attacks Bo Lao, Han Feng can control the second base to produce a large number of Red Alert soldiers and "countless" artillery shells!

"Report to Captain Han, the location of the second base must be selected by you in person."

Just as Han Feng was thinking about it, Luna suddenly spoke.

"Well, that's good. It's been so long, I should go back and take a look."

As he spoke, Han Feng nodded gently, indicating that he understood.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the bedroom...

"Brother Han, are you back?"

As soon as the knock on the door fell, Wei Peng's voice sounded.

"I'm coming~"

With a promise, Han Feng walked to the door and opened it.

"Haha! Brother Han, I knew you were back!"

Seeing Han Feng, Wei Peng said excitedly while walking into the bedroom.

"How did you know I was back?"

Seeing Wei Peng's confident face, Han Feng was a little curious.

Last night, it was a "level 7" zombie that sent me back. And it must not have disturbed anyone, otherwise... Wei Peng and the others would have knocked on the door long ago.

"I saw your car parked downstairs~ The car is back, and the people must be back too~" As he spoke, Wei Peng's tone gradually became low...

Han Feng turned his eyes and saw Wei Peng staring at the large pool of blood on the mattress in a daze.

"This..." After a pause, Wei Peng continued, "Brother-in-law, yesterday... did something happen... Why is there so much blood?"

Wei Peng knew the "side effect" of Han Feng's blood rage superpower, which could make Han Feng bleed so much... It means that the battle must have been very fierce...

"It's okay~ I'm back~"

Han Feng said casually with a laugh.

"Is it... the Holy Lord?"

Moving away his gaze from the mattress, Wei Peng looked at Han Feng and asked.


Han Feng answered very straightforwardly.

"Oh..." After a lost murmur, Wei Peng continued, "Brother-in-law, let's eat first."


Han Feng frowned and asked in confusion. The next second, Han Feng walked to the bed and picked up his phone.

"Oh my god...it's already noon?!"

Looking at the time on the phone screen, Han Feng was stunned. Unconsciously, time passed so quickly...

Putting the phone in his pocket, Han Feng followed Wei Peng out of the bedroom and went to the restaurant.

"Everyone has lived in the zinc mine for more than half a year~I just have a plan here~How about we go to other cities to play around?~"

During lunch, Han Feng and everyone talked about the idea of ​​"travel".

"What are you up to again, kid? You said you were going on a trip, but are you going to abandon this place and "run away"?" Liu Rui glanced at Han Feng while eating the self-heating military rations, and continued, "Did you offend someone again?~"

Looking at Liu Rui, Han Feng smiled... thinking that Liu Rui is indeed Liu Rui, this "timid" and calm guy must not want to leave this familiar "comfort zone".

"If you want to stay, stay and "watch the house"~ We can go out and play~"

Raising an eyebrow and looking at Liu Rui, Han Feng knew that only by using this "provocation method" could Liu Rui be fooled.

After all... this time, it is very likely that he will not return to the zinc mine for several months. Han Feng was still a little worried about leaving Liu Rui alone here.

"Brother Han, where are you going to travel? Like last time, are you going to the mountains?!"

Before Liu Rui could reply, Wei Peng excitedly put down his bowl and chopsticks and asked first.

"This time we are going to a farther place, more than 500 kilometers. But it's not in the mountains, but a serious city~!"

Keeping his eyebrows raised, Han Feng said mysteriously.

"Ah... city..."

When Wei Peng heard it was a city, his face fell instantly...

In Wei Peng's impression, what's fun in the city? The dilapidated buildings are all depressing and dull... Moreover, on every street, there are "shaking" zombies wandering...

"What I just said is a "proper" city~ the kind of city that is the same as before the end of the world! There are night markets, small stalls, hotels and nightclubs~"

Han Feng saw what Wei Peng was thinking, so he emphasized some of his tone and explained it again.

"Hotel? Nightclub?"

Hearing these words, Liu Rui, who is a "playboy", became interested.

"Is there really such a place?" Suddenly, Lin Lan, who was eating quietly on the side, said incredulously.

After saying that, Lin Lan continued, "Will the zombies let this city go? They won't attack?"

Narrowing his eyes in doubt, Lin Lan added, "For zombies, such a city is like a delicious "canned meat". They will do everything they can to attack and plunder this city regardless of life and death. Until this city is completely dead."


Hearing what Lin Lan said, Han Feng, who wanted to refute something, stopped talking for a while...

Yes... Such a human "paradise"... Why didn't he see any traces of a large-scale invasion of zombies last time?

Although Bo Lao only occupied a "corner" of the city, there were more than tens of thousands of zombies in that city? !

But after thinking about it, Han Feng suddenly remembered that there were nearly 10,000 survivors in the city. They selected powerful humans through various selections to protect the city lord and fight against zombies.

Maybe before, their number was larger, but it was reduced to less than 10,000 during the fight against zombies...

Besides, among these 10,000 people, there are many magical superpowers. For example, Mr. Shitou who turned into a stone, Master Zhi who had a golden body...

Thinking of this, Han Feng raised his eyes and looked at Master Zhi who was eating slowly and silently...

"Master Zhi?"

Looking at Master Zhi, Han Feng called softly.

"Donor Han, what's the matter?"

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Master Zhi still called Han Feng "Donor Han"... Even though Han Feng had told Master Zhi his real name, Master Zhi still did not change his words.

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