Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 440: Second Base

"She...killed...Wei Yun..."

Taiwanese Novel Networkโ†’๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ

Han Feng, with his eyes blank, stared at the wall and said word by word.


A whisper as thin as a mosquito's voice came out of Han Feng's mouth...

The mysterious girl is the Holy Lord and the Matrix. Before the mysterious girl "admitted it in person", Han Feng had always regarded this as an impossible guess.

A moment later...

"Luna...just now she said I saw...what?"

After a long silence, Han Feng asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, I'm sorry...I don't know what she is talking about."

"She said in the laboratory, what did I see...what was it? What did I see..."

Keeping his eyes blank, Han Feng spoke incoherently. Just like...his heart at this moment.

"I want to watch the playback...bring up the record for me..."

Shaking his eyes slightly, Han Feng thought of the system's function of recording pictures.

"Okay, Captain Han, the system is retrieving all the images in the main laboratory that day, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng slowly walked to the bedside.

After sitting down, he closed his eyes...

For half an hour, Han Feng kept pausing what he heard and saw at that time, but still did not find anything special.


Opening his eyes, Han Feng suddenly thought of it again. There were five other radiation engineers who "went down the well" with him at that time.

"Luna, retrieve the memory playback of the other five radiation engineers in the main laboratory at that time."

"Okay, Captain Han, the system is retrieving the memories of the five radiation engineers, please wait..."

After listening, Han Feng continued to close his eyes and waited for the screen to open.

After a few seconds, the dim scene gradually emerged in front of Han Feng's eyes...

After half an hour...nothing was found. The search route of this radiation engineer was no different from that of himself that day. Whatever he saw, he also had a "backup" in his memory.

After eliminating the first radiation engineer, Han Feng concentrated on watching the memory screen of the second radiation engineer...

An hour later...

Han Feng eliminated four radiation engineers in succession...At this time, only the last one was left.

Holding a try-it attitude, Han Feng finally saw a different "picture"!

In the memory screen of the fifth radiation engineer, Han Feng saw many files.

On each file, there was information about a "victim".

In the screen, the radiation engineer quickly flipped through them...

"Play ten times slower."

Staring at the files in front of him, Han Feng gave an order.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna replied, the screen of these files was replayed and played ten times slower.

In his sight, Han Feng felt like he was "reading a book", looking at this thick pile of files...


When the screen was halfway through, Han Feng suddenly stopped.

And in the picture frozen in his mind, the female file named Liu Meng was displayed, which was striking.

To be precise, it was not the name Liu Meng that attracted Han Feng. But...a photo on this page!

In the dim environment, Han Feng clearly saw this young and beautiful girl, and she looked familiar.

"Report to Captain Han, the video of the experimental body of the mother will be played now, please wait..."

Luna sensed Han Feng's guess and played the video of the mother data that Han Feng had obtained a long time ago.

After Luna finished speaking, the "display screen" in front of Han Feng split into two.

One side kept the picture of Liu Meng's file file, and the other side began to play the record of the laboratory mother...

"Ah! I was wrong! I will do it! I agree to do whatever you ask me to do! I will never resist again! Please..."

In the dynamic video, the girl screamed miserably.

Han Feng looked at the girl in the file photo while turning his eyes to look at the "mother" and secretly compared them.

"It's her... That's right..."

Although the girl kept shaking her head in the video,... Han Feng could still find common ground between the two.

The next moment after he finished saying this, Han Feng finally realized...

No wonder he felt familiar with the appearance of the Matrix at that time. It turned out that...she and the mysterious girl...are so similar!!!

Although the mysterious girl has made some changes in her appearance, she can still recognize that they are the same person between her eyebrows!

"Liu...Liu Meng..."

After closing the picture in his mind, Han Feng opened his eyes and muttered these two words...

Standing up, Han Feng took off the bath towel around him and began to put on his clothes.

He wanted to find something, but he didn't know where to start.

Now even if he knew who the Matrix was, what could he do? !

Since the first time he saw the mysterious girl, Han Feng has never seen her "in person" again. Except...in his dreams...

After putting on his clothes, Han Feng walked around the room. Under his frowning brows, he didn't know what he was thinking...

In the past few days, hidden tasks have been completed one after another.

The truth has slowly surfaced.

But... Han Feng always felt an inexplicable "suffocation feeling", following him like a shadow...

It seemed that the closer he was to the truth, the stronger the "wind" would be.

Standing in the wind, even if he opened his mouth and breathed deeply, he could not catch any "oxygen"...

"Luna, open the hidden task bar."

Pausing, Han Feng suddenly remembered something...

"Okay, Captain Han, the hidden task bar has been opened."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned his attention to the system and began to watch...

"Task 1: Upgrade all main buildings to the full level."

"Task 2: Build your own forces and become a perfect leader. The task target is to protect at least 10,000 survivors."

"Task 3: Find out the cause of the GS virus and seal or destroy the main laboratory."

"Task 4: Find the hidden mother."

"Task 5: Upgrade all main buildings of the second base to full star status."

"Task 6: Unknown (unlock Task 6 after the commander completes Task 5)"

After reading it carefully, Han Feng focused on the hidden Task 4...

"Luna, this Task 4... It clearly says that it has been completed, why is there a "half" word at the end? Is it... the mother body has not been found in full?"

As Han Feng asked this question, he expressed his absurd thoughts in his mind.

The mother body has not been found in full? Haha... Could there be two mother bodies? !

"Report to Captain Han, yes."

"What... what?!"

Hearing Luna's unexpected answer, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly! And his playful expression just now also changed drastically...

"How many maternal bodies are there?! Isn't there only one?!"

Holding his head with both hands, Han Feng exclaimed!

"Report to Captain Han, the content of the hidden mission 4 is just to let you find the hidden maternal body, and there are no other requirements. You have completed this mission now, and it will not cause any abnormalities in the subsequent hidden missions. Please rest assured."

Luna may have misunderstood, thinking that Han Feng thought that the word "half" would cause abnormalities in the subsequent missions, so she made this explanation.

"No..." After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng felt that his brain was even more confused...

After a pause, Han Feng reorganized his language and continued, "I mean... the maternal body is not the only one. There are other maternal bodies, right?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know."

"Then how to explain the word half of the word at the end of this hidden mission 4?!" After speaking, Han Feng thought of something again, and then said, "How much does the system know?! It even knows whether there is only one maternal body! What else

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