Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 340: Gold, Silver and Treasures

Three and a half hours later, Han Feng, who was full of joy, returned to the city again.

"Luna, navigate to the largest mall!" Han Feng ordered directly after confirming the "plunder" destination.

"Okay, Team Korea."

More than twenty minutes later, under Luna's precise navigation, Han Feng came to the shopping mall pedestrian street for the third time...

"Simon, lead the team to block all intersections. Ghost, follow me." Opening the car door, Han Feng ordered as he walked towards the shopping mall pedestrian street.

"Yes! Team Korea!" After Simon responded, he began to assign combat positions. As for himself, he found a sniper spot and hid it.

"Ghost, turn on the accompanying mode. Don't act without my permission for a while." Han Feng also gave a special instruction to the Terminator ghost because he was afraid that he would "rob" the zombies.

That's right, Han Feng came here not only for the "rare" ore, but also to kill zombies.

After all... every time you kill a zombie, you can get as little as ten gold coins or as many as a thousand gold coins.

"Okay, Team Korea." Terminator Ghost responded angrily.

Nodding, Han Feng quickened his pace...

"Psychic power! Activate!" Han Feng whispered softly, and twenty custom-made weapons slowly surrounded him, ready to assassinate at any time.

"Luna, start scanning and look for the jewelry and diamond counters~" Han Feng ordered while standing in the middle of the pedestrian street.

"Report to the Korean team, turn on the radar, and scan the surrounding ten kilometers..."

"Confirm~" Before Luna could finish speaking, Han Feng spoke first.

"Okay Team Korea, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team that the radar scan has been completed. The diamond counter and rare minerals have been marked by the radar. Please watch it on the radar display."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng immediately turned his attention to the system...

"Huh?" As soon as his attention was focused on the radar, Han Feng made a confused voice.

A few seconds later, Han Feng frowned and asked, "Huh? Are these golden dots on the radar...supply boxes? No, not supply boxes. Why are they different sizes?"

"Report to the Korean team, the golden marks on the radar are rare precious metals and diamonds. As for the different sizes, it is just to identify the difference between their large and small numbers."

"Oh..." Han Feng paused after understanding and continued to ask, "I just took a look. The largest golden dot is seven or eight kilometers away. It is bigger than the golden dots in this commercial street. Is it possible that it is there?" Is there a bigger shopping mall over there?”

"Report to the Korean team, the location you mentioned is the bank."


Hearing these two words from Luna's mouth, Han Feng was stunned...

"Oh no... why didn't I think of it!!!" A few seconds later, Han Feng slapped his thigh and cursed "I regret it".

On where is the most gold in the world today?

Apart from those buried deep underground, there are most of them in the vault!

Thinking of this, Han Feng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth... He thought that if he could get the gold in the vault, wouldn't the number of gold coins increase exponentially? !

Thinking about it, Han Feng didn't know when to change direction...

The next moment, Han Feng stopped walking. Then I thought about it...Today I was choosing a "proposal" diamond ring for Wei Yun, so let's put it away in the vault first! Anyway, the zombie outbreak has been going on for more than half a year, and no one wants this gold~

After straightening out his thoughts, Han Feng turned and walked towards the shopping mall next to him...

According to the direction given by the radar, Han Feng entered the middle of the first floor of the mall.

"It's so dark...I can't see anything clearly." Han Feng looked at the darkness around him and muttered.

Standing there, Han Feng thought for a while and said, "Luna, summon an engineer to confirm."

"Okay Team Korea, engineers are being summoned, please wait..."

Tens of seconds later, an engineer came to Han Feng carrying a toolbox.

Looking at the blurry figure of the engineer running over, Han Feng ordered, "Ghost, accompany the engineer to restore the power. In such a large shopping mall, the power distribution room should have something to temporarily generate electricity."

"Okay, Team Korea." The Terminator Ghost took the order, turned around and left with the engineer...

Standing alone and bored, Han Feng took out a cigarette and prepared to light one.

"Da..." The lighter sparked a flame, instantly illuminating the surrounding area for several meters...

"Ouch!" The light brought by the lighter allowed Han Feng to see a low-level zombie a few meters away... Han Feng, who had no psychological defense at all, was severely "scared"!

The moment he subconsciously cursed, the moment his upper and lower lips parted... a cigarette fell smoothly to the ground. At the same time, a silver wing quickly attacked under the guidance of Han Feng's telepathy, killing the "eyeless" zombie instantly!

"Da..." The zombie's head fell to the ground, and the light of the lighter also disappeared...

"Hoo... Damn... Damn! You scared me to death!" Han Feng, who was still in shock, slapped his chest and yelled at the same time.


"Ho ho ho!"

"I'm so instigated..."

In the mall, the zombies, disturbed by Han Feng's subconscious exclamations, began to roar louder and louder...

"Rubbing..." Listening to the close call, Han Feng helplessly speeded up the silver shuttle and silver wings around him.

There is no light now. Instead of letting the silver wings of the silver shuttle "fly around", it is better to save some energy and just protect the whole body.


The moment Han Feng finished thinking, the sound of electricity came from everywhere in the mall.

The next second, the lights lit up in rows.

"Hehe~ It's still comfortable to see with the lights on!" When his vision was brightened again, Han Feng chuckled, and then uttered "Telekinesis! Start!"

"Swoosh! Howl! Clang!"

Twenty customized weapons fired at full power! It shows what it means to be a man standing against ten thousand men!

In just half a minute, there was no more intact zombie on the first floor of the mall.

There were also a few level 4 zombies among them, but in front of Han Feng, whose strength had skyrocketed, killing them was nothing more than wasting a few seconds.

At this time, the zombies on the second floor rushed downstairs after hearing the sound. But with the silver shuttle and silver wings guarding the stairs connecting the second floor, no zombie could come down.

"Simon~ Is there any situation outside?" This time, Han Feng could finally take out a cigarette and light it safely...

"Report to Captain Han, there is no situation outside, everything is normal."

"That's good~ Let the mobilized soldiers come in, take away all the pearls, agates, gold and silver treasures! Not a single one is left~" Han Feng ordered, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"Okay, Captain Han, the mobilized soldiers are entering the mall."

After Simon finished speaking, less than a minute later, forty mobilized soldiers rushed into the mall.

At this time, the Terminator also came in with the engineer.

Coming to Han Feng, the engineer reported, "Report to Captain Han, the mall's emergency power equipment can only last for about an hour. After an hour... the mall will fall into darkness again."

"What emergency equipment?" Han Feng asked after taking a puff of cigarette.

"Report to Captain Han, diesel generator."

"Tsk~ I thought it was something else~" After listening to the engineer, Han Feng smiled nonchalantly, then looked at the Terminator and said, "Ghost, find a clean bucket and pump some oil out of the mailbox of the semi-trailer. An hour later, if the mobilized soldiers are not finished, you can add diesel."

"Okay, Captain Han." After taking Han Feng's instructions, the Terminator Ghost turned and left to find a clean bucket...

"Aha~" Taking a deep breath, Han Feng stretched his body. Looking at the busy mobilized soldiers, he raised his legs and walked towards the stairs alone...

Twenty minutes later... All the zombies in the mall were killed by Han Feng alone. Hundreds of zombies could not even get a "face-to-face" in front of Han Feng!

"Where are the level 5 zombies... It would be great if there were level 5 zombies~" When going downstairs, Han Feng was a little "depressed"... Ever since Tanya said that she

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