Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 341: Distribution Library

More than 20 minutes later...

Han Feng arrived at the bank with a silly smile all the way. Ye Yan)

A few meters away from the bank gate, Han Feng parked the car.

Staring at the closed door of the bank, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit one...

"Huh..." Han Feng exhaled a breath of turbid air with trembling lips, and tried his best to calm his heart.

"This is... robbing a bank..." Han Feng muttered softly, holding the cigarette butt in his hand.

On the way here, Han Feng had no psychological burden at all. But when he really stood in front of the bank, his inner guilt and timidity broke out.

Han Feng... It's not too late to stop now! There are police outside!!! I don't know when, this sentence suddenly rang in Han Feng's mind.


With a mouthful of saliva, Han Feng pushed open the car door. Throwing down the half cigarette in his hand, he laughed at himself again.

"The whole world is full of zombies now, who will care about me!" After talking to himself like a cheer, Han Feng ordered, "Simon! Lead the team around the bank! Wait for orders!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

"Ghost, follow me!!" Han Feng waved his hand and raised his foot while walking towards the bank.

Approaching the bank, Han Feng saw a protective fence similar to a rolling door behind the glass door.

It seems... this bank took precautions when the zombies just broke out, but it's a pity... it's useless.

After frowning and thinking, Han Feng turned his head and said to the Terminator Ghost, "Leave it to you~"


After receiving Han Feng's order, the Terminator went forward and punched the glass door without saying a word!


The huge glass door and glass wall shattered and turned into debris all over the ground.

"Bang! Squeak... Bang! Bang!!"

After the Terminator smashed the glass, he grabbed the protective net inside with his bare hands and pulled it outward with force, causing it to make a sharp cracking sound.

After about seven or eight seconds, the first line of defense of the bank was completely "terminated" by the Terminator.


Without the protective net blocking the way, Han Feng took the lead in raising his legs and stepping into the bank hall.

Scanning the mess around, Han Feng frowned slightly.

On the floor of the hall, papers of various colors and...zombie corpses were scattered.

Also...for more than half a year, zombies did not eat or drink. Even if their skin's ability to lock in moisture was strong, they could not resist the end of death.

Continuing to scan the surroundings, until confirming that there was no danger, Han Feng ordered "Engineer, come in."

A few seconds later, Han Feng heard a trotting sound approaching.

"Open this door." Han Feng did not look back and pointed directly to the anti-theft door in front.

"Okay, Captain Han." After the engineer responded, he stepped forward and "pulled" open the blocked anti-theft door.

Han Feng was no longer surprised by engineers opening the door in seconds...

Once this door was opened, the bank hall and the counter inside were no longer blocked.

Walking behind the bulletproof glass, Han Feng looked at the safes one by one and said thoughtfully, "Open them all."

"Okay, Captain Han."

Ten seconds later, all the safes in the counter were opened by the engineers.

Han Feng just glanced at the things in the safes and said nothing more...because all the things sealed inside were banknotes.

Banknotes, in the current world, are just waste paper among waste paper and have no use at all.

"Luna, guide me to the room with rare metals." Han Feng said to Luna with his arms folded.

"Okay, Captain Han."

In this way, Han Feng, the Terminator and the engineer passed through several anti-theft doors and finally came to the so-called "vault".

Since the vault was deep inside the bank, it was pitch black. As a last resort, Han Feng had to turn on the flashlight function on his mobile phone first.

"Can you open this door? "Pointing to the super heavy metal door, Han Feng turned his head and looked at the engineer and asked.

"Yes." The engineer's answer was very brief...

When the metal door was opened, golden light flashed from the vault...

Don't be surprised, this is just the reflection of the gold bars on the light in Han Feng's mobile phone.

"Wow..." Looking at the neatly stacked gold bars on the shelves in the vault, Han Feng opened his mouth and exclaimed!

"Xi, Simon! Bring people in to "move bricks"! Quick!" Han Feng called Simon hurriedly, wishing to move the gold bars to the car in an instant!

"Yes! Captain Han!" Simon replied after receiving the order outside the bank.

"Engineer, go find emergency equipment! Light up this place!" Turning around, Han Feng continued to give orders.

"Okay Captain Han." The engineer said, and disappeared in a flash...

Looking back at the vault, Han Feng said to Luna in his mind, "Luna, you know what I need. In addition to money, I want everything else that is valuable! Haha!! ! ”

After saying this contradictory sentence, Han Feng raised his legs and walked outside.

Before leaving the bank, Han Feng met the Red Alert soldiers who came in.

After stepping aside, Han Feng walked out of the bank.

When he came to the car, Han Feng excitedly took out a cigarette, lit it and took a few puffs.

But what happened next... surprised Han Feng!

"Report to Captain Han, all the rare metals in the vault have been collected, please give instructions!"

"What? !" Han Feng looked at the half-smoked cigarette in his hand and asked in astonishment.

"Report to Captain Han, all the rare metals in the vault..."

"No! Is that it? !" Han Feng interrupted Simon's repeated answers and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Captain Han."


While Han Feng was stunned, rows of red police soldiers walked out of the bank, each holding a small pile of gold bars in their arms.

"Dang! Dang!"

At this time...the bank has just turned on the power...

"No... I'm going? This, this..." Han Feng hesitated as he watched the Red Police soldiers loading the truck...

"Luna, there are a lot of gold bars in the vault! Are you sure you have moved them all?!" Helpless, Han Feng had no choice but to ask Luna. At this moment, he desperately hoped that Luna would say that the Red Alert soldiers did not see clearly because of the darkness...

"Report to Team Han that the gold bars have indeed been transported. This bank is just a small branch, so it does not have a large reserve of gold bars." Following Han Feng's question, Luna explained.

"Branch?" Han Feng frowned in confusion.

"Yes, Team Korea. If you want to get a large amount of gold bars, you still need to go to the central bank of the bank or the issuing warehouse."

"Let's go! Navigation!" Hearing this, Han Feng didn't waste any time and got in the car and shouted for the navigation.

"Okay Team Korea, the navigation is planning a route for you, please wait..."

An hour later...

Under Luna's guidance, Han Feng finally arrived at the so-called central bank and distribution warehouse 20 kilometers away.

"Report to the Korean team, according to the road map and radar, there is only one distribution warehouse in this city."

Listening to Luna's introduction, Han Feng opened the car door, got out of the car and watched...

Here...it's fair to say it's biased, it's fair to say it's wild. There are also schools and other buildings around, but it gives people an indescribable "deserted" feeling.

Maybe it's because of the zombies... Han Feng comforted himself in his heart.

"Everyone get out of the car! Simon, take the team around to see if there is any danger. Ghost, Engineer, you two stay with me."

Han Feng ordered as he walked towards the distribution warehouse. Now the gold bars and the like basically belong to you. The premise is to do a good job of "security" around them.

"Okay, Korean team." Simon responded, and then he got out of the car with a large group of red police soldiers and ran to explore in various directions.

"Luna, turn on the scan and confirm ~ find the location of the vault." Getting closer and closer,

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