Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 280: Meeting the Special Forces Again

Returning to the zinc mine with the semi-trailer carrying supplies, Han Feng pointed to the large warehouse not far away and said, "Simon, take someone to unload the goods.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After watching Simon leave, Han Feng turned and went upstairs.

After dinner, Han Feng took a walk downstairs alone. Touching the exclusive weapon on his waist, the corners of Han Feng's mouth unconsciously raised a bit...

"Psychic power! Activate!" Walking to a deserted place, Han Feng felt itchy and couldn't help but summon the silver shuttle and silver wings.

Twenty gleaming cold lights kept shuttling around Han Feng. Using his telekinesis, Han Feng arranged groups of attack "formations" for them.

"Whoosh! Zheng! Howl!!" The Silver Shuttle Silver Wings attacked from points to lines in the air, and then from lines to planes. Suddenly there was a loud roar!

The more Han Feng played, the more excited he became, and the flying speed of the Silver Shuttle and Silver Wings became faster and faster. In less than five minutes, Han Feng felt a slight pain in his brain...

Rubbing his temples with his right hand, Han Feng slowed down the flying speed of the silver shuttle and silver wings, and asked Luna, "Luna, do I have any sequelae? Why do I feel a little pain in my head?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is a sign of mental weakness. It is a normal phenomenon and not a sequelae."

"Ha?! Not enough mental strength?!" What Han Feng didn't expect was that Luna actually gave an answer that she couldn't accept no matter what!

"Impossible?! My mental power has greatly increased now, and it is much stronger than before! I can only control such a small amount of things to fly back and forth, how can it be consumed so fast?!" In the spirit of inquisitiveness, just ask if you don't understand. , Han Feng asked the doubts in his heart.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the mental power consumed by controlling objects is faster than the mental power used by confinement. In addition, there are more silver shuttles and silver wings, so this situation occurs.

Before Han Feng could speak, Luna continued to report, "According to the system's real-time monitoring and calculations, with your current mental power stock, it is best to control the customized weapons to less than ten to ensure that the mental power consumption in normal battles is not too high. quick."

"Within ten?" Han Feng curled his lips and still couldn't believe it...

"Yes, Team Korea, with ten customized weapons, you can continue fighting for more than ten minutes with ease."

"What about using it all?"

"Five minutes is the limit."

After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng chuckled and said, "Haha~ Impossible~ Didn't I play for five minutes just now?~ But I still have a lot of mental power left~?"

"You were just familiar with using it, not a real battle."


After Luna's words, Han Feng choked up and followed up... Yes, if there were level four zombies in front of him just now, would he still be as relaxed as he is now?

Frowning in thought, Han Feng picked up the Silver Shuttle Silver Wings with both hands and said to himself, "I'll know the answer tomorrow..."

The next morning, Han Feng didn't have a good rest all night because of excitement. With dark circles under his eyes, Han Feng got up "excited" because today is the first day that Silver Shuttle and Silver Wings officially debut!

After hurriedly finishing breakfast, Han Feng summoned the third and fourth teams to set off with him.

Two and a half hours later, the convoy arrived at Building Materials Street again.

"Captains of the 3rd and 4th Brigades, you are in charge of this place now~" After the order was given, Han Feng added, "The ghost and a magnetic blast infantry will set off with me~ The other magnetic blast infantry will stay here in case of level 5 Zombie~"

After saying that, Han Feng randomly found a Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle and got into it. Because...the multi-purpose infantry vehicle does not have enough seats to carry three people traveling together...

"Boom!" Press the accelerator, and the Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle gallops out!

Han Feng randomly found a direction and drove away, giving instructions to Luna halfway: "Luna~turn on radar scanning~!"

Han Feng knew that the radar would scan out supply boxes, and there were often dangers where supply boxes appeared. This is exactly what Han Feng has been dreaming of at this time: a good place to brush the "dungeon" and test the Silver Shuttle Silver Wings!

"Report to the Korean team. The radar scans the surrounding five kilometers. It costs 100 gold coins. Please confirm."

"Confirm~Start scanning~!"

"Okay, Korean team, the radar is scanning the surrounding five kilometers, please wait..." After a second or two, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team, the radar scan is completed."

"Is there a supply box?!" Han Feng asked excitedly after hearing the radar scan was completed.

"Report to the Korean team that no supply boxes were found."

"Oh...it doesn't matter, maybe I haven't found it yet..." After muttering in a low voice, Han Feng stepped on the accelerator harder, and the Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicle charged away again!

"Luna~ Start radar scanning!" Han Feng gave the instruction after driving five kilometers.

"Report to the Korean team, radar scan..."

"Confirm scan, hurry~"

"Okay Team Korea, the radar is scanning..."

"Is there a supply box?" Han Feng asked before Luna could finish speaking.

"Report to the Korean team that no supply boxes were found."


Pursing his lips, Han Feng continued to fly away without stopping...

"Luna, scan! Confirm!"

"Okay, Team Korea..."

"Are there any supply boxes?"

"Report to the Korean team that no supply boxes were found."

"Tsk tsk..." Han Feng made a tsk tsk sound in his mouth, thinking when did his luck become so "good"? ! Not even a high-level zombie can be seen! !

Could it be that... half a million zombies were killed some time ago, making the high-level zombies in this city "extinct"?

While continuing to accelerate, Han Feng felt a little anxious...

It seems that more than half an hour has passed, and it takes more than half an hour to return to Building Materials Street... There are no high-level zombies anymore. Wasn't today's trip "in vain"? !

"Next time, if nothing happens, go back!" After Han Feng muttered to himself, he pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"Luna, radar scan, confirm." The armored vehicle drove another five kilometers, and Han Feng gave the scanning order.

"Okay, Team Korea, radar..."

"Is there a supply box?!" Han Feng took a deep breath and asked while holding his breath. He knows...this is the last chance to find it! It's time to go back if you can't find high-level zombies anymore, because time is running out.

"Report to the Korean team, radar scan found two supply boxes."

"Yeah yeah!!!" Han Feng said "yeah" three times in succession, and he pumped his fist excitedly!

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people! Finally let yourself find the dangerous place! ! !

"Luna~Navigation~Quick, quick, quick~" Han Feng shouted as he turned the car around. Time is running out and a quick decision must be made!

"Okay, Korean team, the navigation is on, turn right at the intersection ahead..."

At Luna's prompt, Han Feng drove a distance of 3.4 kilometers. According to the radar display, both supply boxes are about one kilometer in front of the car.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!"

As he got closer and closer to the supply box, Han Feng actually heard bursts of fire!

At first, Han Feng thought he heard it wrong, but now... he is getting closer and closer to the supply box, and the sound of firing is getting clearer and clearer!

"Luna! What's going on?! Are they survivors?!!!" Han Feng frowned and asked Luna.

"Report to the Korean team that there are 134 human lifeforms ahead, indicating a gathering."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's frown deepened...

While accelerating, Han Feng suddenly remembered the equipment warehouse...

"Damn, it's so far away, why is there an equipment depot! How long have China been preparing for it?!" After muttering, Han Feng turned to look at the Terminator and the magnetic blast infantry in the carriage and said, "Pay attention later. Safety."

Can make more than a hundred survivors take up arms

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