Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 279: Silver Shuttle and Silver Wings

Seeing the engineer's excuse, Han Feng quickly explained, "Oh no, it's not what you think. The weapon I want is not a gun, but..."

Han Feng scratched his head and began to organize his words...

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Stretching out the index fingers of both hands, Han Feng gestured at a distance of about ten centimeters and said, "Such a long, hard metal... And the two ends need to be pointed, about the thickness of a finger? Or a thin blade? Make ten of them for me."

The more the engineer listened, the more confused he became, and his brows furrowed more and more... He curled his lips and looked embarrassed. He really couldn't imagine what Han Feng was talking about...

"It's like a saber. I feel that if it is thinner, it can penetrate the enemy more easily. It is best to use the material of a saber. I think a saber is quite hard." Han Feng looked at the "fantasy" weapon between his fingers and said Still explaining, completely ignoring the engineer's "meltdown."

"Captain Han... I'm sorry, let me interrupt." Suddenly, the engineer reached out to hold Han Feng's hand, and then asked, "What does the saber look like?"


"What is the saber made of?"


"Then...why don't you remove the handle of the saber and use the blade directly? This will save you money on making..."


The expression was frozen on Han Feng's face...the scene was indescribably embarrassing...

After a few seconds, Han Feng took out the hand held by the engineer and continued to explain, "Maybe I haven't made it clear yet. What I want is such a long, metal blade or a stick with sharp ends.

"..." This time, the engineer collapsed even more. Even the eyes looking at Han Feng were a mass of black lines...

Just as the two were "disputing", Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind in time: "Team Han, let's do this... you can imagine the shape of the weapon you want in your mind, and then I will ask the combat laboratory to issue a A copy of the production standard table, okay?”

"I told you if there was such a way! Damn...it's so hard!~" Han Feng curled his lips and cursed, then closed his eyes and fantasized in his mind...

After Han Feng imagined the two forms of weapons, Luna gave some suggestions.

"Reporting to the Korean team, I suggest you make ten of each depending on the situation."


"By the way, Team Korea, based on the scene of your fight in the supermarket in the afternoon, I suggest you make one end of the cylindrical weapon into a sharp shape, which will facilitate sprinting. Add a thread like a screw to the sharp mouth of the other end, so that Good kinetic energy for penetration when spinning.”

"That's right! Why didn't I think of it! Just do as you say!" After hearing this reasonable suggestion, Han Feng immediately decided to adopt it.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Han Feng continued to ask while excited.

"Reporting to the Korean team, I suggest that the material of the weapons should be tungsten steel."

"Tungsten steel?" Han Feng, who had never heard of this professional term, repeated with doubtful eyebrows.

"Yes, Team Korea, it is tungsten steel. Tungsten is one of the hardest metals in the world. Using this metal as raw material, coupled with the special craftsmanship of engineers, the weapons made are harder than the Saber 21 times."

"...Do we have this kind of material?" Han Feng asked angrily after hearing this kind of material.

"Report to the Korean team, no."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes and thought in despair, isn't this interesting to me? ! After all that was said, he told me that there was no tungsten! !

"But it can be made by the combat laboratory, and the price is two thousand gold coins per ton. And tungsten is also a necessary material for making allied base vehicles."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng opened his two gleaming eyes and said immediately, "Make it! Make it! Make it!"

"Report to the Korean team that making tungsten requires two thousand gold coins, please..."

"Confirm!" An impatient Han Feng answered first before Luna could finish speaking.

"Okay Team Korea, the tungsten is being produced, please wait..." The next second, Luna continued, "Report to Team Korea, the tungsten has been produced, please give instructions."

"Pull over here and make weapons now." Han Feng straightened his clothes and ordered.

"Reporting to the Korean team, Tungsten is already here and is now preparing to make weapons. Please wait..."

"How long will it take to wait?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the production time of twenty customized weapons is about twenty minutes, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took out the cigarette with excitement and began to wait...

"Report to the Korean team that the custom-made weapons are finished." Twenty-three minutes later, the good news finally came to Han Feng's mind. The custom-made weapons were ready!

"Bring it here~quick~"

At this time, Han Feng was like a child waiting for his beloved toy, smiling extremely happily. But what is about to be released is not a toy...but a terrifying weapon!

Not long after, an engineer ran over carrying a small box.

"Tell the Korean team about your weapons." As he said this, the engineer handed over the box.

After taking the box, Han Feng thanked him and asked him to continue building the base vehicle.

Squatting on the ground, Han Feng carefully placed the box on the ground, then opened it...

As soon as you open the lid of the box, the first thing you see is the silvery white color that "brightens" your eyes! Twenty tungsten steel weapons were arranged quietly, accepting Han Feng's review.

With a slight movement of his telekinesis, Han Feng took out one weapon from each of the two forms.

The thin, wing-like blade is about one finger wide and ten centimeters long. It is shaped like a feather and has sharp edges on both sides. Han Feng slowly turned this "feather" with his mind, and the sharp cold light emerged like substance...

Han Feng smiled with satisfaction, gently pulled off a strand of hair, and then blew it towards the blade...

The hair flying towards the blade was cut off as soon as it touched the blade! There was no resistance at all!

"Blowing the knife cuts hair! What a sharp knife!" Han Feng exclaimed, thinking about giving this set of knives a resounding name...

"What should I call it..." After struggling for a while, Han Feng slapped his thigh and said, "Silver Wings! Take the enemy's head in the midst of thousands of troops! Decide the victory thousands of miles away! How about calling it Silver Wings?!!!"

"Okay, Captain Han, this set of knife-shaped weapons will be called Silver Wings from now on."

"Howl!!!" Han Feng pushed with his telekinesis, and the silver wings flew out instantly! When passing through the air, a whistling sound was made! Who in the world can take this move? ! At this time, Han Feng actually had an illusion that if he used the silver wings... I'm afraid that the ghosts made of titanium steel would be inferior!

"Hmm~ Really nice~ Hehe, really nice~" After saying that, Han Feng turned his eyes and looked at another stick-shaped weapon.

It was as thick as an index finger, about ten centimeters long, and the sharp corners at both ends exuded a sharp sense of gold! Especially the end with threads, it gave people a kind of impact that nothing in the world could stop!

"What should I name it?" Staring at the weapon in front of him, Han Feng was in trouble... After struggling for a while, Han Feng's brows relaxed and said, "Since the blade is called Silver Wing... Then this stick, why not call it Silver Stick!!!"

"Luna! How about calling it Silver Stick?!"

"Uh... Let's not do that, Captain Han... Silver Stick, lewd..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took a breath of cool air and found something wrong. Continuing to frown, Han Feng fell into deep thought...

"Silver... Silver... What's it called?" After thinking for a long time, Han Feng really had no words in his mind

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