Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 269: Coma

The Molotov cocktail exploded suddenly, and a flash of light flashed!

Then, in Han Feng's sight, the world fell into darkness...

"Luna, what's wrong with the ghost?" Han Feng asked anxiously as he felt the Terminator's "blindness" at the same time.

"Report to the Korean team that the ghost's photosensitive element was damaged, and the high temperature burned the electronic components in its head, so..."

Hearing this, Han Feng's voice trembled, and he interrupted and asked, "The ghost... was sacrificed?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the damage rate of Phantom's important components reached 100%, and the damage rate of core components reached 91%..."

"Can...can it still be fixed?"


When asked, Han Feng pursed his lips and silently withdrew from the field of view.

Opening his eyes, Han Feng looked at the level 5 zombies dozens of meters away, still struggling in the fire. However, this kind of struggle is just a "twitching" at the moment of death, which does not mean that it can still stand up.

"What method... can we use to kill it effectively?" Gritting his teeth, Han Feng put his arms on the ground and stood up slowly with the help of the mobilized soldiers. Prepare to step forward to "make up for the damage"...

Just as he stood up, Han Feng paused! Because he sensed that the gold coins suddenly "skyrocketed" to 10,000!

"Luna! Are the level five zombies dead?!"

"Report to Team Han, yes, the level five zombie is dead."

After getting the exact answer, Han Feng looked at the fire again. At this time, the fire was only burning quietly, without a trace of life or movement.

Without hesitation, Han Feng quickly ordered, "Quickly put out the fire! Save the ghost! Quickly!"

The surrounding red alert soldiers took the order and ran to places with water to get water to put out the fire!

Splash water, cover with soil, cover with sand, spray fire extinguishers...

After a few minutes, everyone tried their best to extinguish the fire.

"Continue to splash water to cool down! Hurry!" Han Feng eagerly reached out to touch the ghost's metal frame, but he didn't expect to get a blood blister. Unwilling to wait any longer, Han Feng continued to order the water to continue flushing to achieve a cooling effect.

After a few more minutes, when the temperature dropped to a tolerable range, Han Feng reached out and grabbed the Terminator.

Unfortunately, Han Feng's strength was too small to pull the Terminator out.

"Help! Get him out!" The power of one person is very small. Han Feng summoned dozens of red police soldiers around him.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the Terminator was finally pulled out. Coming out with the Terminator was the corpse of a level five zombie in his arms...

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Han Feng looked at the two burned black "corpses" on the ground, frowning and wondering what he was thinking.

A few seconds later, Han Feng said, "Luna, transport the ghost to the construction factory! I don't care what method these engineers use, the Terminator must be repaired! Even if its functions are limited in the future, or there are any sequelae, I accept it!"

"Okay, Team Korea, let the engineers give it a try." Luna replied to Han Feng's words without giving a guarantee, just giving it a try...

"Also, activate the combat laboratory! Study this damn level 5 zombie for me! I want to know its weaknesses!" Han Feng pointed at the body of the level 5 zombie and spat.

"Alright Team Korea, the combat laboratory research project has been launched, and the project name is Level 5 Zombie.

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not speak again, but watched everyone carry the bodies of the Terminator and the inseparable level five zombies to the car.

Watching the vehicle leave, Han Feng stumbled and almost fell.

In the previous battle, Han Feng held in his heart the belief that he would kill the level five zombies! But when the level five zombies were really dead, Han Feng suddenly relaxed and his body immediately started to have problems...

Stabilizing his swaying figure, Han Feng shook his head, thinking that although the level 5 zombies were cold, the battle was still going on! Now, it’s not time to fall down yet!

Standing up, Han Feng walked back to the front line at the edge of the zinc mine.

As soon as he got close to the edge of the battlefield, Han Feng saw Tanya sitting on the ground among the fighting crowd, with her hair disheveled as well.

"The level five zombie is dead." Han Feng said while holding Tanya's shoulders.

Tanya didn't speak, and nodded with dull eyes.

After a few seconds, Tanya said, "I can't fight anymore... I'm too tired."

Han Feng was about to say something, but was interrupted by a mobilization soldier who suddenly ran over and said, "Report to the Korean team! All rockets have been fired! Please give instructions!"

! ! !

After receiving the news, Han Feng immediately asked Luna, "Luna, all the rockets have been fired?!"

"Yes, Team Korea..."

Hearing that the news was true, Han Feng frowned and asked, "What about the hundred orcs on the battlefield?!"

"All killed..."

"Do the soldiers still have enough ammunition?"

"All gone..."

"Where's the ammunition in the equipment depot? Didn't you bring it all?! Use it!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the equipment depot has run out of grenades, explosives, rockets, etc. There are still a lot of bullets, but the reloading speed cannot keep up with the firing speed, and it has seriously failed to keep up..."


Hearing this, Han Feng took a breath of air. In desperation, my brain began to hurt violently again.

"So... where are the defensive weapons..." Han Feng endured the pain and continued to ask.

"Reporting to the Korean team, all the sentry guns have been deployed, but... all the ammunition has been used up."

"Oh!" After hearing the news that there was no ammunition, Han Feng was furious, and his brain's "defense line" completely collapsed.

Severe pain came like a tide, giving Han Feng no chance to breathe.

"Boom! Boom!"

Kneeling on the ground, hammering the ground with both fists, Han Feng wanted to relieve the pain in this way. He wanted to stand up and preside over the battle, but unfortunately... this "self-mutilation" method was completely useless.

"Luna! Zombies... still, how many are there!" Han Feng was out of breath with his eyes closed.

"Report to Captain Han, based on the degree of... death, conservatively... about 100,000."

Han Feng barely heard the approximate value from the intermittent answers in his mind.

"Strong... strong! Strong reminder..." Even with his eyes closed, Han Feng could still "see" the dizzy scene. Helplessly, Han Feng still wanted to stimulate himself with an emergency strong reminder.

"Captain Han! You are... absolutely... prohibited by the system..."

At this time, Han Feng didn't care what Luna said, and couldn't hear what she said clearly, and just wanted to seek "electricity" with all his heart. Han Feng muttered, "Qiang... quick... quick..."

"Okay Han..."


"Brother Han! Brother Han..."

In the moment before his consciousness faded, Han Feng did not feel any pain. He only heard a buzzing sound in his brain, followed by the shouts of Wei Yun, or Wei Peng and Liu Rui...

Consciousness finally fell... Han Feng fainted.

After fighting for almost a day, Han Feng finally fell down...

Time continued to pass, and the zombies' attack would not be suspended because of Han Feng's coma.

When Han Feng could no longer issue orders, Tanya took on part of the command.

And the follow-up of this battle continued until late at night...

At the painful cost of a large number of sacrifices made by the zinc mine personnel, they finally won...

After an unknown amount of time, Han Feng, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

The first thing that came into view was Wei Yun holding a cotton swab. At this time, she was wiping Han Feng's lips with a cotton swab dipped in water to prevent his lips from chapped.

"Brother Han? Are you awake? How do you feel?"

Han Feng listened to Wei Yun's questions without answering, but looked around with a puzzled look.

Having just woken up, Han Feng's mind was full of questions. Where am I? Why am I in bed? What happened? Why is Wei Yun sitting here?

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