Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 268: Helpless

The level 5 zombie didn't give the terminator a chance to breathe, and directly kicked the ground with his legs and rushed towards the ghost.

"Bang! Bang!"

The Terminator's terrifying weight hit the ground, making a heart-pounding muffled sound.

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"Bang! Bang!!"

Riding on the ghost, the level 5 zombie opened his bows left and right, punching down one after another...

And at this time...

Han Feng on the side still kept kneeling on the ground without moving, holding his head tightly with both hands.

The veins of his two hands were throbbing, and his ten fingers were clasping his head hard, as if he wanted to stab his ten fingers into his head to end it!

"Uh... Heh..."

One after another, Han Feng's muttering came out softly from his mouth. If you don't listen carefully, you can't detect it at all.

Looking at Han Feng's face, the whole face was twisted due to the severe pain in his brain. The pain caused by the exhaustion of mental power this time was far more severe than any previous time!

It hurt so much that he couldn't roll around, and he couldn't shout...

A minute ago, Han Feng only imprisoned the fifth-level zombie for thirteen seconds. And in these short thirteen seconds, Han Feng felt like he was imprisoning a train sprinting at full speed!

"Lu... Lu..." The intense pain made Han Feng's mind a mess...

"Lu... Luna..." The trembling Han Feng finally called out Luna's name.

"... The team, by... exhaustion, was... recovered."

Hearing these language fragments coming from his mind, Han Feng was unable to form effective information. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

But it doesn't matter... Han Feng's real purpose is not here.

"Strong... remind... Ah..." Panting, Han Feng continued "Strong reminder..."

Although the brain could not think, Han Feng knew that the only way to relieve the severe pain in the brain was to let the system start the emergency strong reminder! Maybe the stimulation of the body would relieve it a little...

It just took Han Feng five or six seconds to say these three short words.

Luna understood Han Feng's meaning, agreed to start the emergency strong reminder, and started the countdown "Okay... It's... Eight, seven..."


The countdown ended, and the strong current began to stimulate every cell in Han Feng's body. Feeling the current flowing through his body, Han Feng could no longer hold back and cried out.

At this time, Han Feng was like a fish that had just landed, twisting and struggling wildly. It formed a sharp contrast with the silent stillness just now.

However, compared with the pain in the head, this little pain in the body can be endured.

When the first emergency strong reminder ended, Han Feng lay on the ground with his eyes closed.

"Luna... again, again!" At this time, Han Feng could clearly express his thoughts...

"Okay, Captain Han, the emergency strong reminder is starting. Countdown ten... nine... eight..."

With his face against the loess, Han Feng slowly closed his eyes and waited...

"Ah!!!" Just like the last time, Han Feng burst into a heart-wrenching howl again.

Ten seconds later...

Lying on his back on the ground, Han Feng looked at the sky and laughed. ♡♢  ♦♦

Slowly propping up his body, Han Feng staggered to his feet.

His face was pale, his nose and eyes were bleeding, his hair was messy, and his clothes were disheveled. Just looking at his face, Han Feng looked more like a demon than a demon.

At this time, Han Feng's brain was still in pain, but with willpower, he could barely hold on.

After two consecutive strong reminders, Han Feng's thoughts became much clearer. However... strong reminders are like "adrenaline" to the body, which cannot restore mental strength and can only allow Han Feng to maintain it for a short period of time.

After the strong reminder is over, Han Feng may fall into a greater crisis. But compared to the crisis of zombies, his own danger is not so important.

If zombies invade the zinc mine in large numbers... he can't run away.

With his muscles turning, Han Feng looked at the ghost and the level 5 zombie fighting on the side in a daze.

"Bang bang!"


The two were on the ground, punching and kicking, and it was hard to tell them apart. There were no moves or routines. No one could dodge the punches at such a close distance.

On the chest of the level 5 zombie, Han Feng saw a shocking dent! Its left leg was also extremely twisted. Obviously, this is the unique "special effect" of comminuted fracture.

But the Terminator... is not much better.

The whole body, without the "decoration" of bionic tissue, the Terminator Ghost once again fought in the form of a skeleton. One of the calves had been torn off and thrown aside. The position of the spine was also hammered and bent by the level 5 zombie...

But the most serious is the Terminator's head.

The skull made of hard titanium steel now had a fist-sized dent. Upon closer inspection, there were several cracks at the deepest part of the dent! Faintly revealing the electronic components inside.

The two red lights that were originally on in the eyes of the Terminator also went out at this time...

"Roar!!!" With blood in his mouth, the level 5 zombie roared in anger and helplessness! The melee has lasted for more than two minutes. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't smash the "iron lump" in front of him! !

After the roar ended, the level 5 zombie pulled out his hands, and then raised both hands above his head. He interlocked his fingers, hugged his hands, and formed a big "hammer head", and smashed it hard at the Terminator under him!

"Boom! Buzz..."

Under the huge force, the earth trembled!

Han Feng was frightened by the scene in front of him! Because the place where the level 5 zombie just hit was the chest of the Terminator, which needed the most protection! Inside was the core part of the Terminator! It was also the source of the Terminator's "power" - two hydrogen batteries!

The Terminator was hit in the vitals, and the remaining red light in the pupil suddenly went out, and then lit up again.

After a successful attack, the level 5 zombie raised his hand and prepared for the next hammer attack.

Looking at the actions of the level 5 zombie, Han Feng hurriedly shouted!


Then, Han Feng forcibly activated his telekinetic superpower! He pushed the level 5 zombie hard!

"Ah!..." At the moment when the level 5 zombie was pushed away, Han Feng's brain hurt again. At the same time, his body was out of control and he looked up and fell backwards.


Lying on the ground, Han Feng closed his eyes and endured it! He thought that now was not the time to "recover from the injury".

"Luna! How's the ghost!" Holding the corner of his clothes tightly, Han Feng took the lead in caring about the Terminator's problem.

"Report to Captain Han, the Terminator's Taigang bones are seriously damaged, and the core components are seriously damaged."


"Luna! Urgent strong reminder! Quick!" Han Feng cursed secretly, and felt that the world in front of him was becoming more and more illusory. Now is not the time to faint, and he must cheer himself up again.

"Report to Captain Han, you can't now..."

"Don't talk nonsense! This is an order! Quick!"

"...Okay, Captain Han."

After hesitating for a second, Luna directly turned on the strong reminder, without even counting the countdown time.

"Heah!" Accompanied by screams, Han Feng struggled again like a "carp jump".

Ten seconds later, Han Feng knelt on one knee on the ground and ordered "Burn the fuel bottle! Burn the fuel bottle! Burn the fuel bottle!"

After three burns of the fuel bottle, several mobilized soldiers ran over.

Raising his head, Han Feng saw a level 5 zombie three meters away in front of him.

At this time, the level 5 zombie was struggling to crawl towards him, and the Terminator fell to the ground, holding the level 5 zombie tightly with one hand! Use your own weight to drag it so that it can't get close to you. Otherwise, within the ten seconds of the strong reminder, the level 5 zombie will definitely take Han Feng's life.

Turning his eyes, Han Feng watched the remaining leg of the Terminator twitching back and forth, trying to stand up... Unfortunately, both the spine and the remaining leg were twisted. The Terminator...can't stand up anymore.

"Roar! Roar!!"

Level 5 zombie red

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