Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 264: Enemy at the Gate

This battle started from night to day, from 25 kilometers to the front.

Now, Han Feng has reached a point of no return!

If you retreat further, the zinc mine will be occupied by zombies. Residential areas and construction sites are closely followed, and they are not immune.

The moment he rushed into the tide of corpses, the long-suppressed anger in Han Feng's heart was released!

The speed superpower and the telekinesis superpower were released simultaneously, and with this, Han Feng kept walking and jumping.

The low-level zombie Han Feng looked down on him, and the high-level zombie Han Feng couldn't kill him quickly. Therefore, Han Feng's main target was level three zombies. ✪

His legs swing rapidly. Whenever he sees a level 3 zombie, Han Feng will quickly approach it and imprison it!

With the blessing of speed, Han Feng didn't need to make any other movements at all. He only had to hold the head of the imprisoned level 3 zombie with both hands and run for one second.

Huge inertia is suddenly exerted on the neck of the third-level zombie. This huge force will easily break its spine!

Even the necks of some level 3 zombies couldn't withstand such a "test" and were torn apart!

However, the effect of force is reciprocal. Every time Han Feng holds the head of a level 3 zombie with both hands and sprints, his arms will be pulled by inertia.

Although Han Feng was prepared and mobilized his muscles to coordinate, he could not stop repeating it again and again.

When Han Feng killed the twenty-seventh level three zombie, his arms had already begun to tremble...

The pain and weakness in both arms told Han Feng that he could not continue.

In desperation, Han Feng had no choice but to fly out of the group of corpses.

What caught Han Feng off guard was that as soon as he jumped out, before he even hit the ground, he saw countless "big guys" running towards him howling!

They are the one hundred conscripts who have been injected with the first-level wild beast serum...

“Dong dong dong dong!!!”

Countless first-level orcs ran past, and the trembling ground made Han Feng, who had just fallen, become a little unsteady.

After finally standing firm, before he could turn around, a zombie's arm flew past Han Feng's ear, leaving Han Feng with a bloody face...

Looking back, Han Feng saw the "street fight" scene...

One hundred first-level orcs frantically tore apart the zombies "blocking the road" in front of them.

Lifting the first-level zombie with two hands, the wild orc roared, and tried hard to tear off its limbs and throw them away... All the fighting methods were based on his heart, without any routines or moves.

Such a group of ferocious "beasts" quickly attracted the attention of level three and four zombies, and they gradually approached here...

Since the wild orcs were much larger than the third-level zombies, the third-level zombies that came first jumped on the wild orcs, trying to "assassinate" them with their claws.

But the defense of the wild orcs is not a decoration. A full blow from the level 3 zombie can only penetrate half of the palm of the hand, without making any further progress!

Instead, the painful orc tightened the muscles at the injured location, making it impossible for the level three zombie to pull out his hand.

From the perspective of the orcs, the third-level zombies that have lost their speed advantage are no different from the first- and second-level zombies. He grabbed it and tore it apart...

Seeing that the mad orcs were able to deal with level three zombies with ease, before Han Feng had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the level four zombies charging toward him with great force!

"Roar!!!" The level four zombie beat its chest, looking violent. When rushing towards the wild orcs, they did not care about the "little" zombies at their feet, and countless zombies were killed by accidental injuries...

"Roar! Roar!" Not to be outdone, the orc roared back, threw the corpse of the zombie in his hand, and ran towards the fourth-level zombie.

Looking at the two getting closer and closer, Han Feng suddenly remembered the data of the first-level wild orc. According to the system's simulated battle, six orcs are needed to defeat level four zombies! In desperation, Han Feng hurriedly said to Luna, "Luna! Let the wild beasts fight six against one! Don't fight alone!"

"Okay Team Korea!"

After the order was issued, the wild orcs around the fourth-level zombies were obviously stunned... as if they were understanding Han Feng's instructions.

The next second, several wild orcs dropped the zombies in their hands, shook their heads, and ran towards the fourth-level zombies together.

"Poof!!!" Behind him, the third Grizzly Tank was summoned and fired its first shell!

Startled by the sound of the cannon, Han Feng turned around subconsciously. When his eyes returned to the battlefield, Han Feng found seven or eight wild orcs besieging a level four zombie.

Now, the zombies closest to the zinc mine have been temporarily intercepted, but the zombies at both ends of the battle line continue to approach the zinc mine. As a last resort, Han Feng could only go back and continue organizing the overall situation.

He turned around and ran towards the zinc mine behind him. Only then did Han Feng feel that his face was sticky... because he had not wiped away the blood thrown by the zombie's arm.

Raising his hand, Han Feng wanted to wipe his face, but unexpectedly... "Ah!" A heartbreaking cry of pain came.

"Luna! I..."

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, Luna explained directly, "Report to Team Han that your arms have been dislocated..."

"Hiss..." He took a breath, gritted his teeth, and without stopping, Han Feng directly turned on his speed superpower and ran towards the zinc mine. After all, now is not the time to be pretentious!

As soon as she entered the mine, Tanya ran directly to Han Feng and grabbed both of Han Feng's arms.

"Crack! Crack!" Before Han Feng could see Tanya's movements clearly, he heard the sound of bones rubbing against his arms and shoulders.

"Okay! Got it!"

"Ah! It hurts!!!" Cold sweat instantly flowed down Han Feng's temples.

With tears welling up in his eyes, Han Feng said tremblingly, "It's too brittle, it's too brittle... Killing a zombie would almost put his own arms in it!"

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!"

Han Feng hadn't straightened up yet, but he heard a clear sound of firing. Raising his head, Han Feng looked at the firing point in confusion, and wondered why the gunshots were so close to him!

But when Han Feng saw that it was the machine gun bunkers around the zinc mine that were firing... his eyes gradually widened.

"They attacked so quickly?!!!!" Han Feng exclaimed, cursing himself in his heart for underestimating the speed of the zombies' charge!

While he was blocking the zombies head-on, the zombies on both sides of the zinc mine took the opportunity to "sneak attack"!

"Swoosh! Swoosh, swoosh!" Hundreds of rocket tails passed by his ears. I don't know how many waves of rocket attacks this is...

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!"

Han Feng was about to say something, and the American soldiers on guard at the zinc mine opened fire...

Hearing the gunshots beside him, Han Feng knew. These zombies have approached within 150 meters of the zinc mine!

"Everyone! Fire!!!" Han Feng shouted loudly, pointing at the zombies not far away.

"Da da! Da da da! Da da da!" In fact, Han Feng didn't need to speak. As soon as Wang Ge saw the American soldiers shooting, he immediately followed.

For a while, the dense gunfire was like the midnight of the Chinese New Year! The extremely dense firepower net rushed towards the zombies, and everyone was pulling the trigger!

At this distance, no one aimed, because there was no need... Zombies were like ripe wheat, being "harvested" in waves and falling in waves.

The fierce and dense firepower net made it impossible for the fast-moving third-level zombies to pass through.

But for safety reasons, Han Feng still ordered to summon ten snipers again. But Han Feng knew... let alone ten snipers, it would be useless to have another twenty...

"Too many... too many..." Looking at the endless zombies, Han Feng murmured a few words.

"Luna, have all the sentry guns been built?" Right now, Han Feng is in urgent need of "ground-level" weapons like sentry guns!

"Report to Team Han, nine sentry guns have been built, and there are eleven left to be built. The next sentry gun will be completed in twenty-eight seconds."

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