Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 263: Personal Expedition

Two Grizzlies were stationed on the battlefield and began to calibrate the tank gun barrels.

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots killed two level 4 zombies several kilometers away.

This attack made Han Feng discover the problem of the lack of attack power of the zero-star Grizzlies tank.

Compared with the one-star Grizzlies tank gun that can penetrate the level 4 zombie and fly 50 meters, the zero-star Grizzlies tank gun can only blow up the body of the level 4 zombie. Although the level 4 zombie was killed, the difference between the two forces is particularly obvious.

Han Feng didn't take it to heart.

For the first and second level zombies, ordinary bullets are their "death warrants". The level 3 zombies are a little more difficult, but as their side becomes stronger, there are many people who can kill the level 3 zombies.

Level 4 zombies are more troublesome, but fortunately the Grizzlies tanks have solved this problem in a targeted manner.

"Bang! Bang!" Thinking of this, the two Grizzlies fired their tank guns again.

One kilometer away, at this position, Han Feng could already clearly see the zombies...

The tall bodies of the level 4 zombies stood out in the zombie pile, providing a good aiming environment for the Grizzly Tank.

At this time, Han Feng was worried about the level 5 zombies. According to Luna's report, the level 5 zombies were hidden in the zombie tide, and their appearance and body were no different from the level 2 zombies.

The only way to quickly distinguish the level 5 zombies from the level 2 zombies was to look at their eyes.

But it was too far-fetched to look at the eyes of every zombie among 300,000 zombies.

Helplessly, Han Feng could only fight and watch...thinking that there would always be a moment when the level 5 zombies would be pulled out. At the same time, Han Feng was also afraid that the level 5 zombies would sneak away...but this was not something Han Feng could control.

Looking at the zombie army that was now unstoppable, Han Feng frowned and said, "Luna, summon 100 mobilized soldiers, quickly! I'm useful!"

"Okay, Captain Han, summon 100 mobilized soldiers, it will cost 10,000 gold coins, please confirm."

"Confirm!" After a pause, Han Feng gritted his teeth and continued, "Luna, let the combat laboratory make 100 first-level wild beast serums!"

"Okay, Captain Han, gene-first-level wild beast serum, each cost 1,000 gold coins, 100 first-level wild beast serums require a total of 100,000 gold coins, please confirm."


"Okay, Captain Han, gene-first-level wild beast serum is being produced, please wait..."

"Each newly summoned mobilized soldier will receive a wild beast potion." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng added another sentence.

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

"Huh..." After giving the instructions, Han Feng took a deep breath. Thinking of 100 first-level wild beasts! Tear, can also tear out a bloody road!

As time passed, the zombie group stepped into the cordon of the third line of defense.

"Da da da! Da da da da!" In an instant, five sentry guns fired at the same time.

Hearing the firing sound from the front, Han Feng looked back...

Looking at the two "dazed" Grizzlies tanks, Han Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I was wondering why there was no movement. It turns out that the tank guns have run out of fire..."

"Luna, collect the tank shells on the ground. Looking at the shells on the ground, Han Feng said casually.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng continued to stare at the thick armor of the Grizzlies tank, thinking...

After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng seemed to have made a decision and said, "Luna! Let the Grizzlies tank go to the front line! Let him use his own armor to crush the zombies! "

Based on his understanding of the Red Alert game, Han Feng knew that the Grizzly tank had the function of crushing the enemy's unarmored soldiers.

In the real world, a Grizzly tank weighing 28 tons rushing into a "crowd" is like a wolf entering a flock of sheep! Especially when the zombies are so dense!

If there is any doubt, it is that the level 3 and level 4 zombies will "make trouble."

But then again, no matter how strong the level 3 zombie is! Han Feng does not believe that it can tear open the armor of the Grizzly tank with its bare hands!

Besides, the level 4 zombie is at best a muscular thing. If the Grizzly tank moves at full speed in the zombie group, the speed is at least More than 60 miles per hour! As long as I don't get into trouble, the level 4 zombies can't touch the Grizzly Tank even if they run their legs off!

The only thing left to worry about is... will the level 5 zombies stop the Grizzly Tank? And then tear it apart with their bare hands?

How fast are the level 5 zombies? How strong is their defense? How strong is their destructive power? Without the detailed information of the level 5 zombies' abilities, Han Feng struggled with this for a long time.

But in the end, Han Feng decided to take a gamble! If the Grizzly Tank is unfortunately "sacrificed", he can also collect various data of the level 5 zombies and find its location by the way.

"Okay, Captain Han, the Grizzly Tank is about to go to the battlefield!" After Luna responded to Han Feng, the Grizzly Tank began to move.

"Buzz... Boom..." The tank tracks turned, and two Grizzly Tanks came down from the position, began to increase the throttle, and rushed towards the zombies one kilometer away.

"Luna, let them try to avoid the position of the level 4 zombies! Mainly crush the level 1 and level 2 zombies!" Looking at the tanks that were leaving in a cloud of dust, Han Feng instructed.

"Okay, Captain Han. "

It was a distance of one kilometer, and in less than two minutes, two Grizzlies had arrived.

After passing through the sentry guns' defense line, the Grizzlies suddenly rushed into the zombie group!

The zombies in the front row that were hit first suffered the most... They were directly "lifted up" by inertia! They flew to a height of several meters, and then fell heavily.

The zombie group was invaded by "foreign objects", and the third-level zombies were the first to react. They approached the two Grizzlies and then jumped on them. The third-level zombies who jumped on the tanks used their claws to hold the bulges of the armor and tore them apart.

At this time, a funny scene appeared...

The third-level zombies held the Grizzlies tanks, their legs kept exerting force, and their bodies rose and fell, just like a spirited young man "dancing" on the spot~

But Han Feng couldn't laugh, but was extremely nervous.

Watching several third-level zombies on the Grizzlies tanks struggling to destroy them, Han Feng couldn't help asking Luna, "Luna, how is the Grizzlies tank?"

"Report to Captain Han, the outer armor of the Grizzlies tanks was scratched, and the damage rate was 0.8%."

"Huh..." After a heavy sigh of relief, Han Feng said indifferently, "I thought it was a big damage, but it turned out to be just a little paint!"

"Woo! Woo!!"

Suddenly, a strange and harsh sound rang out!

"Woo! Woo!"

The first strange sound was like a horn, causing the fourth-level zombies and the third-level zombies to roar to the sky one after another.

When the roar began, the zombies stopped moving forward. But after the roar lasted for several seconds... the zombies started the "charge" mode!

At this time, both the first-level zombies and the fourth-level zombies were rushing in frantically!

This scene shocked Han Feng.

In fact, Han Feng had thought of such a result when the roar began. But when he really saw such a "galloping" scene, his heart skipped a beat!

"All mobilized soldiers! Get the rocket launchers ready!!!" Han Feng made a prompt decision and gave the order directly.

After saying that, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, how are the mobilized soldiers and the wild beast serum being summoned?!"

"Report to Captain Han, one hundred mobilized soldiers and one hundred genes-level wild beast serum have been manufactured, and one is equipped for each newly summoned mobilized soldier."

"Okay! Let them come behind me! Be on standby at any time!"

"Okay, Captain Han!"

While talking, the zombies rushed forward a long way!

They ignored the sentry guns that were firing around them, and the two

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