Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 261: The zombie frenzy

Accompanied by a ball of fire at the muzzle of the Grizzly tank, a tank gun was fired in an instant! Han Feng stared at the tank gun with his eyes and activated his speed superpower.

In Han Feng's sight, the high-speed tank gun became slow. A few seconds later, the shell hit the chest of the level 4 zombie accurately...

Letting the Grizzly tank hit the level 4 zombie, Han Feng was "a blind cat catching a dead mouse"... Because the muscles of the level 4 zombie are very developed, the result is inconvenience in movement. As a slow-moving target, the Grizzly tank will definitely hit the target every time. If the Grizzly tank is really allowed to hit zombies of other levels, not to mention wasting shells, it is still unknown whether it can hit them.

An extremely cruel scene emerged, and the level 4 zombie seemed to be torn apart by a huge force! The upper and lower bodies were separated, and the legs were still standing in place, but the shoulders and head... had been thrown several meters into the air!

Seeing this, Han Feng couldn't help but think of the scene of sniping and robbing watermelons... It was flying everywhere and exploding!

Due to the inertia of the Grizzly tank shells, after penetrating the level 4 zombie, the shells did not stop, only the flying speed was slowed down.

After passing through the body of the level 4 zombie, the shells continued to smash backwards, and finally exploded more than 50 meters behind the level 4 zombie.

In the ray range of about 50 meters, I don’t know how many zombies were killed. In the explosion range of the tank gun, I don’t know how many zombies were killed...

"Boom!!!" When the sound of the tank gun exploded, Han Feng was "awakened" and closed his slightly opened mouth.

"Bang!!" Before he could say anything admiring, the second shell of the Grizzly tank was fired! Three kilometers away, a level 4 zombie gloriously received the "box lunch".

"Luna! Quick! Summon the Grizzly tank!" Han Feng subconsciously exclaimed when he saw the Grizzly tank's combat power exploded.

"Report to Captain Han, the gold coins required to summon a Grizzly tank are 8,000, please..."

"Confirm! Confirm! Summon a Grizzly... No! Summon three! Summon three Grizzly tanks!" Han Feng shouted excitedly with excitement.

For these zombies, the most headache for Han Feng is the level 4 zombies. Whether it is Tanya or the Terminator Ghost, it is too difficult to kill one!

But now it is different. Seeing the power of the Grizzly tank, the problem of level 4 zombies is solved!

"Report to Captain Han, the gold coins required to summon three Grizzly tanks are 24,000, please confirm."

"Confirm! Summon!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the Grizzly tank is being summoned, and each summoning time is forty minutes, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng tightened his breath, thinking that forty minutes... Although it is a bit long, it can be delayed as much as possible.

"Bang!!!" Thinking of this, the third tank gun of the Grizzly tank was fired.

"Da da da! Da da da da!" In the distance, zombies entered the cordon of the machine gun bunker.

Hearing the sound of the machine gun bunker firing, Han Feng said, "Luna, let the American soldiers board the Sabretooth armored vehicles! Drive to the front line, use the machine gun bunker as a cover, and carry out a mobile attack!"

"Okay, Captain Han!" The order was issued, and eighty American soldiers were drawn from various battalions and boarded ten Sabretooth armored vehicles, ready to be transported to the front line for combat.

Ten Sabretooth armored vehicles, each with eight shooting holes, combined with the off-road performance of machine gun bunkers and Sabretooth armored vehicles, ten "meat grinders" are about to appear!

Soon, ten armored vehicles left in a dusty manner. Looking at the taillights of the armored vehicles, Han Feng continued to issue the next order, "Luna, let all the mobilized soldiers in the zinc mine go to collect rocket launchers. Those who are left will be ammunition carriers."

"Okay, Captain Han." Following Han Feng's order, all two hundred mobilized soldiers from the Fifth Battalion gathered at the equipment warehouse to collect rocket launchers.

"Move the rocket launchers and ammunition here. I think they will come soon." Han Feng calculated while speaking. Fifty thousand rounds of ammunition from the machine gun bunker and nearly twenty thousand bullets from the American soldiers could not solve these zombies.

When they lose the support of follow-up ammunition, the zombies will arrive here sooner or later. Standing on the hillside, Han Feng saw the zombies moving like a tide...

"This is no longer a zombie riot... It's a zombie frenzy..." Muttering, Han Feng's brain was working rapidly, trying to find the root cause of the problem and a solution.

After thinking for dozens of seconds, Han Feng finally said, "Luna, always pay attention to the different zombies in the zombie group. I always suspect that there are higher-level zombies among them."

"Okay, Captain Han, I will pay attention."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng saw ten saber-toothed tiger armored vehicles rushing into the battlefield. Wandering at the forefront of the battlefield, ten saber-toothed tiger armored vehicles began to shoot.

There were a full eighty American soldiers in the car, each of whom was a one-star soldier! But even so, in the face of the extremely low tolerance for killing rate, the zombies only lost part of the front row. And behind them, there are countless zombies coming up.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Han Feng basically no longer feels nervous...

Soon, a thick layer of rockets and bazookas piled up around Han Feng. And behind him, there are many mobilized soldiers running back and forth, delivering more rockets.

"Bang!!!" Not far away, the Grizzly tank fired the sixth tank gun.

His sight followed the tank gun's movement, and this time, Han Feng saw an incredible scene...

The tank gun passed through the body of the fourth-level zombie, and did not continue to fly backwards as usual, but seemed to be "intercepted" by something.

"Boom!!" The next second, a tank gun exploded behind the corpse of the fourth-level zombie. Seeing the flames of the explosion, Han Feng frowned and thought, could I have thought wrong?

Suddenly, Luna followed closely and reported, "Report to the Korean team! The system has detected an abnormality on the battlefield!!!"

"I saw it too! Is it the tank gun just now?!" Upon hearing Luna say this, Han Feng immediately became energetic and asked.

"Yes, the Korean team. According to the ballistics detected by the system in real time, the Grizzly tank shell was forcibly intercepted!"

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's eyes immediately focused on that area, trying to see something clearly...

After a few seconds, Han Feng said angrily, "No... the dust is too big! I can't see anything!"

That's right... due to the bombardment of tank shells, the area was "gray" at this time. In addition, the distance was too far, so Han Feng didn't see anything.

Frowning his brows, Han Feng immediately ordered, "Grizzly Tank! Fire another shot at the place where you were just now!"

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng said to Luna again, "Vision connection! Hurry!"

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Pfft!!!" The moment the Grizzly Tank fired its seventh shot, the vision connection between Han Feng and the frontline soldiers was completed.

Opening his eyes, Han Feng turned to look at the area that had been bombed just now, widening his eyes for fear of missing any details.

A second later, tank shells roared in!


Just like before, the grizzly tank's shell was intercepted by an unknown object in mid-air! Even the explosion exploded in mid-air, unlike the previous shells that exploded after touching the ground...

"Luna... what is that?! Who intercepted the shell?!" Han Feng didn't ask his first words until a few seconds after the explosion.

Since all this happened in a flash of lightning, and Han Feng's speed superpower could not be activated on the soldiers, Han Feng saw nothing except the shells exploding in mid-air.

"Report to the Korean team, the cannonball was intercepted by zombies..." After a pause, with Han Feng's shocked expression, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team, the scene just now has been retained by the system. Do you want to watch it? Playback?"

"Look! Look! Look!" Han Feng looked at Han Feng three times in a row.

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