Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 260: In the zombie frenzy

"Report to the Korean team that the zombies have entered the first line of defense, the sentry gun. Now the sentry gun is identifying the enemy on its own and attacking."

"Yes, I understand." In fact, Luna didn't need to say anything, Han Feng also felt the speed of the gold coins rising.

Looking in the direction of the zombies, Han Feng asked, "Luna, how long can the first line of defense stop the zombies?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, all ten sentry guns are currently attacking. According to the current attack speed... the time when the last sentry gun will be out of bullets will be about ten minutes..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's heart tightened. According to Luna, all ten sentry guns were firing... which meant that the zombies' front line was at least six kilometers long! Even longer!

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After thinking for a moment, Han Feng said, "Luna, vision connection!"

"Okay Team Korea, the vision connection is being connected..." According to Han Feng's idea, Luna connected his vision to the conscript closest to the front line.

Opening his eyes again, Han Feng saw the battle on the front line through the eyes of the mobilization soldiers...

Countless zombies were coming so densely that Han Feng couldn't even see the tail of the zombie army even if he was climbing a tall tree...

The sentry cannon in front of him was spitting out tongues of fire, killing zombies one after another.

However, the attack frequency of the sentry guns is limited, and the placement of the sentry guns is not compact, so some zombies will pass through the attack "edge" zone of the two sentry guns.

While watching the battle, Han Feng was stunned to see that the sentry cannon's attack on level four zombies was extremely limited! If you want to kill a level four zombie, the sentry cannon needs at least a hundred times the amount of ammunition to pile up!

You know, the micro missiles of the sentry guns are much more powerful than the bullets of the red police soldiers! Even if there are first and second level zombies, as long as they stand in a row, a micro missile can pierce three or four in a row and it will be the same!

Seeing this scene, Han Feng immediately issued a new order: "The first line of defense sentry artillery, the attack targets are concentrated on the first, second and third level zombies! Pass the fourth level zombies empty! Put them over and deal with them later!"

When a new order was given, the sentry guns changed the order of attack on their own. Even if a level four zombie walks past the edge of the attack range, the sentry gun is too lazy to look at it.

In fact, Han Feng was sweating in his heart. What if level four zombies approached the sentry cannon and suddenly attacked? The huge fist and the fierce attack force hit the sentry cannon. In just a few blows, the sentry cannon was absolutely reduced to scrap metal.

For this reason, Han Feng's nerves were tense and he was ready to issue new attack instructions at any time. If you see a level 4 zombie showing attack intent, change the order of attack immediately!

But the situation didn't seem to be as bad as Han Feng thought... The level four zombies ignored the sentry cannon and just walked towards the zinc mine.

The mobilization soldiers who were responsible for waiting and watching retreated while observing. After a while, ten minutes were up... The sentry guns "went off" one by one and stopped firing bullets.

The 50,000 rounds of ammunition for the sentry artillery were exhausted in an instant. On the other hand, the zombie army... is still endless.

If it weren't for the corpses all over the ground, Han Feng would have had the illusion that there had been no obstruction just now...

"Luna, send ten conscripts to the front line and enter the machine gun bunker. Seize the opportunity, Han Feng ordered.

Now the zombies are about to enter the radiation circle of the radiation engineers, and the radiation range of 500 meters can be delayed for a while.

"Yes! Team Han."

After responding, Luna sent ten mobilization troops to the second line of defense two and a half kilometers ahead...

After all these instructions, Han Feng continued to quietly "watch" the tide of corpses coming from the front.

A few minutes later, the mobilization soldier on the front line had no retreat...

In front of him were an unknown number of zombies, and a few meters behind him was the radiation circle of the radiation engineers. In desperation, Han Feng ordered softly, "Prepare Molotov cocktails! Prepare grenades!"

After preparing all this, Han Feng continued to order, "Throw it!"

"Boom!! Phew!!!"

The grenade was thrown at the level four zombie not far in front of him. The next moment, the incendiary bottle exploded above the level four zombie's head!

"Ta-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!" After throwing away all the grenades and incendiary bottles, the mobilization soldiers picked up the AK47 and started shooting...

However, such resistance was ultimately "ineffective". After more than ten seconds, the AK47 ammunition ran out, and the conscripts dropped their guns, clenched their fists and began to sprint...

"Report to the Korean team, the connection has been disconnected..." Luna said these words a few seconds later, which also symbolized the sacrifice of the mobilized soldiers...

With his eyes closed, Han Feng asked with neither sadness nor joy, "How are the preparations for the second line of defense going?"

If it's a war, someone will die... As of now, only the last of the ten conscripts who have gone out to stand guard is left. And this, the real battle has not yet begun...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the second line of defense, ten machine gun bunkers have been activated. Ten mobilization troops have been stationed in them."

"Okay." After responding, Han Feng asked again, "How is the situation with the radiation engineers?"

"Report to the Korean team that zombies have begun to enter the radiation circle of the radiation engineers."

"Okay! Vision connection!" Upon hearing the news that zombies had entered the radiation circle, Han Feng immediately issued a new vision connection command.

"Okay Team Han, the vision connection is being connected..." Following Han Feng's thoughts, this time, Luna connected Han Feng's vision with the radiation engineer.

Opening his eyes again, Han Feng saw the burning level 4 zombie walking towards "him" in front of the huge gas mask.

Behind the level four zombies, densely packed zombies stepped into the radiation circle one after another.

According to Luna and the radiation engineer, all creatures that enter the radiation zone will turn into blood within one minute.

Looking at the level 4 zombies that were still moving slowly and steadily, Han Feng began to hold his breath and concentrate...

After dozens of seconds, the level 4 zombies knelt on the ground. With flames burning on their bodies, the level 4 zombies began to crawl.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a little "scared"... thinking, this is too similar to the devil crawling out of hell? ! ! !

After waiting for dozens of seconds, the level 4 zombies lay on the ground motionless, but the flames on their bodies had not yet gone out...

"Dead..." Feeling the increase of one thousand gold coins, Han Feng determined that the level 4 zombies were dead.

At the same time, Han Feng raised his head and looked behind him. Large groups of zombies fell down, and the scene of zombies covered in blood made Han Feng's stomach swell with stomach acid.

"It turns out that the images in the game are all deceptive! Ugh!..." Seeing this hellish scene, Han Feng muttered subconsciously, and at the same time heaved...

In the game, humans killed by nuclear radiation will turn into green liquid and perish. But the picture in front of him is a "blood sack"...

Although the picture is cruel, the radiation circle of the radiation engineer is really useful! Whether it is a level 1 zombie or a level 4 zombie, they will die in a short time! It's just that the level 4 zombie lasts longer.

In the 500-meter radiation circle, the zombies will not get close to the radiation engineer from the time they enter to the time they die! This line of defense is amazing~!

But Han Feng was not happy for a while, and a strange sound came.

"Woo! Woo! Woo~"

Han Feng thought it was a charge order issued by a high-level zombie, but he didn't know it was a stop order issued by a high-level zombie...

Han Feng, who was still looking up, saw that the subsequent zombies were not moving forward, and was a little "unprepared" for a while.

When the last zombie in the radiation circle died, Han Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Could it be that they found out? That shouldn't be the case? Nuclear radiation kills people silently, how could these brainless people notice it?

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