Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 257: Massive Sniper Killings

"Report to Captain Han, the location of the police dog is beyond the radar detection range, so it cannot transmit the image back..." Luna explained to Han Feng's question.

Clenching his fists, after a little thought, Han Feng asked, "How far is the place where the police dog died from the mining area?"

"Report to Captain Han, it is about 25 kilometers away from the mining area."

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"What is the location? Which direction?"

"At your four o'clock direction, the specific location has been marked by radar." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng kept silent and turned to walk towards the door.

His face gradually changed because the direction Luna just pointed to was the city he had been to in the past few days...

Is it a conspiracy? Is it a coincidence? Or has it been planned for a long time?

I have no idea...

Seeing Han Feng's face turn pale, Wei Yun stepped forward and asked, "Brother Han, why do you look so bad? Is... something wrong?"

"Yes, Brother Han, why did you suddenly become like this?" Wei Peng, who didn't know why, also asked.

Although Liu Rui and Guo Yongxing didn't speak, it can be seen from their eyes that they were frightened and confused...

Among this group of people, Wang Man was the calmest. Without saying a word, he took a few quick steps behind Han Feng, pretending to accompany him out.

Arriving at the door, Han Feng stopped and said without turning his head, "It's nothing serious, just a few little bastards. By the way... If there is nothing else, it's better not to go out tonight."

Ignoring the questions that everyone asked, Han Feng walked straight out the door.

Walking out of the color steel house, Wang Man stepped forward and said, "Xiao Han, what's the matter? How many people do you need?"

"Maybe the zombies are coming. Go back and prepare first and wait for my notice. After a pause, Han Feng continued, "I'll go and see later, maybe it's really okay. "

"Then you should be careful." Wang Man was not a person who would waste time. He left a sentence in a hurry and turned around and ran away quickly, ready to go back to gather people.

Standing in the moonlight, Han Feng seemed to have guessed the "murderer" who attacked the police dog - the third-level zombie!

In terms of speed, the third-level zombie is better than the police dog! In terms of strength, the third-level zombie can tear apart the mobilized soldiers with bare hands! In just one second, Han Feng can't think of any other possible alternatives except the third-level zombie!

Of course, the fourth-level zombie can't do it either!

After figuring this out, Han Feng silently ordered in his mind, "All snipers, each of you prepare a vehicle and go with me to explore!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

"Yes! ..."

After the six snipers responded, Han Feng notified Tanya and asked her to accompany him to check the situation.

As for the Terminator Ghost...Han Feng decided to leave him in the zinc mine to "guard the house". If there is a situation, Ghost can rely on his iron bones to entangle for a while and wait for his rescue.

A few minutes later, six Sabretooth armored vehicles and the multi-purpose infantry vehicle driven by Han Feng were ready to go.

With Han Feng's order, the convoy began to accelerate and rushed towards the scene of the incident.

The journey of more than ten minutes is not long or short. On the way there, Han Feng's sense of danger became stronger. Combined with what Hu Hu said before, Han Feng even had an illusion that the place he would arrive at was the "headquarters" of the zombies.

Arriving at the scene of the incident, Han Feng stopped the car and carefully observed the surroundings...

"All snipers, pay attention! "After giving the order, Han Feng grabbed the assault rifle beside him and opened the car door. After getting out of the car, Han Feng walked towards the police dog corpse several meters away...

Squatting down, Han Feng reached out to look at the police dog.

Looking at the police dog that seemed to be torn into "two halves", Han Feng was sure! It was a level three zombie! Regardless of the attack method or other traces, the spearhead was aimed at the level three zombie.

Wipe the blood off his hands, Han Feng prepared to get up.

"Bang! ! ! "Just at this moment! The sniper gun fired!

Han Feng just got up halfway, and was frightened by the gunshot and squatted back on the ground...

"Luna, what's wrong? Did you see the level three zombie? !"

"Bang! Bang! ! ! "

Before Luna spoke, two sniper bullets were fired from different muzzles! Because the two shots were fired too close in time, if you didn't listen carefully, you would think that only one shot was fired.

"Report to Captain Han, it's a level three zombie!"

"Bang! "Another gunshot...

In just five seconds, four sniper bullets took away the lives of four level 3 zombies around, bringing Han Feng 1,200 gold coins.

Without time to feel the increase in gold coins, Han Feng hurriedly ordered, "All snipers, cover each other! Don't leave blind spots!"

"Bang! Bang!"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, a series of gunshots rang out.

At this time, through the corner of his eye, Han Feng saw Tanya jump off the multi-purpose infantry vehicle and jump towards the grass beside him...

It is night now, and there is no light in the sparse woods. Except for a little light from the headlights of the convoy, it is pitch black all around.

"Sniper! Get ready to burn the Molotov cocktail!" In order to get more light, Han Feng directly ordered, "Drop it all around!"

"Hu! Huhu! Hu! ..."Several dark dots flew quickly around, making a whirring sound...

Han Feng knew that when the incendiary bottles exploded, there would be a flash of blinding white light. In order not to affect the sniper's sight, Han Feng quickly shouted, "Pay attention to protect your eyes!"

A few seconds later, six incendiary bottles exploded one after another. When the blinding white light dissipated, Han Feng looked up and looked around.

The burning material gave off light and heat... and the heat waves rushed towards the face.

In the surroundings full of light sources, Han Feng even saw a "running" fire!

It seems... the sniper "hit the mark" by accident, and the sticky burning material just fell on an unlucky level 3 zombie.

Because of the burning pain, the level 3 zombie ran desperately. However... after a few seconds, the flame stopped.

The "defense power" of the level 3 zombie is not comparable to that of the level 4 zombie. The level 3 zombie was burned to death in just a few seconds. Back then, the level 4 zombie was holding the incendiary bottle hard!

"Luna, start the countdown! Remind me when ten minutes are up!" Han Feng said to Luna, looking at the raging flames around.

Because the burning of the incendiary bottle can only last for 1 to 15 minutes, including the time to leave a way out, ten minutes is just right.

"Okay, Captain Han!"

"Bang! Bang!" With the help of the surrounding light source, the sniper's shooting speed has obviously increased.

Standing up, Han Feng glanced around and was immediately frightened!

Unexpectedly, in such a quick glance, four level 3 zombies appeared in Han Feng's sight! This is still "in front of me", and there is no telling how many there are in the distance! !

"Why? Why? What went wrong?" Holding up the assault rifle, Han Feng muttered to himself while jumping up and rushing towards the level 3 zombie closest to him.

"Bang!" Before Han Feng approached this level 3 zombie, the sniper behind him fired.

Looking at the level 3 zombie with half of its body missing in front of him, Han Feng turned around and rushed to another level 3 zombie...

The fierce battle lasted for a minute...

"Report to Captain Han! I have no bullets!" The sniper who first said this was Simon.

Then... "Report to Captain Han! I'm out of bullets!"

"Fuck! It's only been a minute! How come..."

"Report to Captain Han! I'm out of bullets!"

"Damn it!!..."

At this time, six snipers reported that they were out of bullets.

Six snipers! Twelve full magazines! ! A full 120 sniper bullets! ! ! They were all used up in just one minute.

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