Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 256: Death of a Police Dog

Lifting his feet, Han Feng strolled around to see if there were any shells left after the multi-purpose infantry vehicle fired anti-aircraft missiles and the heavy-armored soldiers fired Stinger missiles.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝓽𝔀𝓴π“ͺ𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓢]

What was a little disappointing was that the two did not leave any shells or anything like that.

"Luna, send some people to collect these tank shells and send them to the construction plant." After saying that, Han Feng thought for a while and continued, "In future battles, if there is time... collect all the shells and bring them back.\

,""Okay, Captain Han, no problem." After responding, five heavy-armored soldiers came and picked up the tank shells on the ground one by one...

Looking around again, those who should pick up stones picked up stones, and those who should load cars loaded cars, everything went according to plan.

He took out his mobile phone to check the time and found that it was only 8:30 in the morning. Just in time~

Take Tanya with you, Han Feng contacted Luna to assemble the troops while rushing back to the zinc mine. βœͺ

At noon, after several hours of running around, Han Feng and his team returned to the building materials street again.

The problem of color steel plates has been solved, so this time the five large semi-trailers only load steel.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the five semi-trailers were fully loaded. After withdrawing the soldiers in charge of alert, Han Feng issued an order to return.

On the way back, Han Feng was secretly happy. In the past three days in the building materials street, there have been no emergencies such as zombies.

"Give me a few more days..." Han Feng said to himself as he looked at the deserted city. In order to catch up with the progress, Han Feng decided to let all the semi-trailers keep up tomorrow! Although it is a bit risky, the Red Alert soldiers on his side are not vegetarians!

But what Han Feng didn't notice was... on a tall building, a "dusty" man stared expressionlessly at Han Feng's departing convoy...

Back at the zinc mine, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. Han Feng relaxed after following the semi-trailer into the construction plant.

"Report to Captain Han, Wei Yun is calling you for dinner~" Looking at the semi-trailer being unloaded, Han Feng heard Luna's voice in his mind.

"Okay, tell her I'll be there soon~" In response, Han Feng turned and got into the multi-purpose infantry vehicle, and stepped on the accelerator to leave the construction plant.

A few minutes later, Han Feng found the people who were having dinner. Coincidentally, Brother Wang was there too.

"Xiao Han, today everyone mined nearly a thousand tons of ore, which is exhausting for these people~ Tomorrow, I will replace another group of people to go to the mine, so that everyone can take turns to take a rest." While eating dinner, Brother Wang talked about the output of today's manual mining.

"Well, one thousand tons... not less, not less." After taking a sip of tea, Han Feng continued to ask, "By the way, Brother Wang, have you asked Li Baofeng how many tons can be produced by machine mining?"

"I asked, and he said that if there is electricity, the machine can produce about three to four thousand tons a day."

"Well..." Nodding, Han Feng thought, this electricity is really a fatal problem...

When Han Feng was struggling with how to solve the power problem, Hu Hu, who was eating, suddenly said, "Big brother, I'm scared."

After listening to Hu Hu, Han Feng turned around and looked at the dim surroundings. I don't know if it was a candle or an oil lamp, the light was a little bright and dim.

"Don't be afraid, Huhu~ You have your sister Wei Yun and these brothers to accompany you~" After saying this to Huhu with a smile, Han Feng quickly contacted Luna and said, "Luna, now ask the mobilized soldiers to move two diesel generators over. Ask another engineer to come back and debug the generators and lines. I don't care about other places, just make this room bright first."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng looked at Huhu and continued, "Wait a moment~ This room will be bright soon~"

"Big brother, Huhu is not afraid of the dark." Huhu fiddled with the dishes and chopsticks, hesitating, "I'm afraid... afraid..."

Looking at Huhu who was hesitant to speak, Han Feng put down the bowl in his hand, walked to Huhu, squatted down and asked, "I'm here~ What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of monsters!" After saying that, Huhu plunged into Han Feng's arms and began to tremble.

Seeing this, Han Feng comforted Hu Hu while contacting Luna, "Luna, check Hu Hu, is she... having any problems again?"

"Okay, Captain Han, please wait..." After a few seconds, Luna replied in confusion, "Report to Captain Han, is Hu Hu okay? She is in good health now."

"Did she remember something again?" Han Feng knew that Hu Hu was still in amnesia, what if she remembered something now...

As soon as Han Feng had this thought, Luna interrupted him, "Report to Captain Han, the system detected that Hu Hu's brain waves were all normal, not what you said."

"Oh... then Hu Hu..."

Halfway through the conversation, Hu Hu in his arms suddenly hugged Han Feng tightly and shouted loudly, "There is a monster! There is a monster!! Help!"

In a hurry, Hu Hu opened his mouth and bit Han Feng.

Subconsciously, Han Feng wanted to activate his speed superpower to avoid it. But seeing Hu Hu like this...

"Ugh!" A dull cry of pain squeezed out of Han Feng's throat.

In the middle of summer, Han Feng was wearing thin clothes. The bite really bit into the flesh of the shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, Fox~ Don't be afraid, Fox~" Han Feng continued to comfort Fox with tears in his eyes.

In fact, Han Feng knew that the monsters Fox was talking about were zombies. After such a commotion, Han Feng's thoughts were pulled back to two months ago...

In the elementary school campus, in a classroom with closed doors. Without food and fresh water, Huhu hid under the desk alone for more than ten days...

"There are monsters... Monsters are coming... Monsters are coming..." After an unknown amount of time, perhaps dozens of seconds, Huhu finally opened his mouth and whispered this sentence softly.

Seeing Huhu open his mouth, Han Feng hurriedly looked at the "wound".

"Blood... Bleeding..." Wei Yun said nervously on the side.

"Go get some Yunnan Baiyao and tissues." Han Feng looked up and said, glancing at the bite mark.

Lowering his head, Han Feng thought for a while, and said to Huhu, "With me here, they dare not come over~ If they come, I will beat them all away!"

"Monsters... So many monsters... So many monsters..." At this time, Huhu was like hysteria, repeating this sentence non-stop. No matter what Han Feng said, it seemed as if he didn't hear it.

Seeing Huhu's state, Han Feng frowned, as if he realized something.

Without hesitation, Han Feng said to Luna, "Luna, is there any situation around the mine?"

"Report to Captain Han, everything is normal around the mine."

"..." After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng continued, "The radar can only cover a distance of five kilometers around... Let's send all the members of the second brigade out to explore all directions."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After talking to Luna, Han Feng stood up and handed Hu Hu in his arms to Wei Yun. He sat aside and cleaned the wound. At this time, the lights above everyone's heads also lit up. The electricity was connected.

Ten minutes later, Han Feng finished treating the wound. At the same time, Luna's report came to his mind, "Report to Captain Han, all the members of the second brigade have explored the area of ​​ten kilometers around the mining area and found nothing."

After listening, Han Feng frowned and stood up. He looked back at the pale Hu Hu and did not reply.

Turning outside, looking at the inky black outside, Han Feng took out a cigarette, lit one and replied, "Luna, expand the search range to 20 kilometers!"

After a pause, Han Feng added, "All police dogs will also participate in the exploration!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

Looking up at the moon in the sky, Han Feng exhaled a puff of smoke.

I thought it was just Hu Hu's nonsense, but at this moment... Han Feng's heart

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