Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 246: Stay for One Night

s veterans ~ Here comes the fifth chapter today! I hope everyone will support me~ I wish everyone will be reunited during the Mid-Autumn Festival and every household will be healthy! May the motherland prosper and prosper! ! !

——Separating line——

"Rebuild...rebuild the highway..." As he murmured these words, Han Feng scratched the back of his head, feeling bitter in his heart...

This stretch of highway that was bombed was at least one kilometer long! reconstruction? ! I don’t know how long this will take!

Sensing the depression in Han Feng's heart, Luna said in time, "Report to the Korean team and ask the engineer to come over and ask about the situation. What if... the highway is only damaged and only needs to be repaired instead of rebuilt?"

"Yes... there are engineers! Call the engineers over. Han Feng was also so anxious that he forgot that he still had an all-rounder - the engineer!

"Okay Team Han, the engineers are on their way, please wait..." After receiving Han Feng's instructions, Luna summoned the engineers.

In less than two minutes, three engineers came to Han Feng.

Due to the explosion and fighting, the three engineers were all disgraced and dirty...

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!" After exchanging greetings, Han Feng got straight to the point and said, "Have you checked the highway?"

"Team Han, we have checked the highway. The damage is quite serious. The roadbed has been exposed in most places. There are even more serious places, with large pits several meters deep. It is impossible for the vehicles behind to pass."

"Then... does this damaged highway need to be rebuilt? Is there any possibility of repair? You also know that time is not yours now. I hope the sooner the better." After hearing what the engineer said, Han Feng expressed his feelings. demands.

"Sorry Team Korea...this section of the highway cannot be repaired and must be rebuilt."

Seeing the expressions of embarrassment on the faces of the three engineers, Han Feng pondered for a moment and then asked, "Can we bypass the expressway? I took a look and found that the distance is not particularly long. Can a temporary crossing be built next to the expressway? As long as the expressway is It doesn’t matter how well the vehicle is repaired, as long as the vehicles behind it pass.”

"This..." After hearing what Han Feng said, the three engineers looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Um? Is it difficult? Is it a problem with the materials?"

"No, no, there is no shortage of materials, but the semi-trailer behind it weighs more than a hundred tons... The roadbed next to the highway cannot bear a semi-trailer of such weight. If half of the trailer sinks into the ground, it will be troublesome..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Han Feng scratched his hair after being declined by the engineer.

"How long will it take to rebuild this highway?" After dozens of seconds, Han Feng, who couldn't think of any other way, compromised...

"Reporting to the Korean team, it will take the three of us at least nine days to rebuild the damaged highway section..." The engineer also knew that time was tight, and he was a little unsure when answering this sentence.

"Nine days? Nine days will definitely not work." Shaking his head, Han Feng asked again, "One day! One day!"

"Team Han, are you kidding me... No matter what, the three of us spend one day..."

"How many engineers are needed?!" Han Feng interrupted the engineer mid-sentence and asked.

Now he is a "rich man" with 430,000 gold coins! As long as it can be opened to traffic within one day! No matter how many engineers are summoned, there is no need to hesitate!

Besides, no matter how many engineers are summoned, they will still be useful in the future. Just building the Allied base vehicle requires more than fifty engineers! Thinking of this, Han Feng felt relieved and thought of summoning these engineers in advance~!

Listening to Han Feng's "rich" question, the three engineers were stunned for a moment, then took out paper and pens from the tool box and began to calculate...

Han Feng stood aside and waited, watching the engineers making gestures on the drawings, and whether they wanted to communicate with each other.

Two minutes later, the three engineers stood up and said to Han Feng, "We have calculated that if we want to rebuild the damaged section of the highway in one day, we will need at least twenty-one engineers to work continuously."

After listening to the engineer's calculation results, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief... Fortunately, not too many engineers were needed. Without hesitation, Han Feng said directly, "I'll give you fifty engineers! Within one day, the sooner the better!"

After hearing what Han Feng said, the engineer was stunned for a moment, then smiled and continued, "Okay! Fifty engineers! Within half a day! It can definitely be completed!"

"Okay! I'll leave it to you then~" After communicating with the engineers, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, summon fifty engineers~"

"Report to the Korean team that summoning fifty engineers requires 25,000 gold coins. Please confirm."

"Confirm! Summon~"

After Han Feng confirmed the authorization, Luna continued, "Okay, Team Han, fifty engineers are being summoned, please wait..."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, the twenty-five thousand gold coins disappeared instantly. After paying attention to the system, Han Feng smiled happily when he saw that the number displayed in the gold coin column was still 400,5612.

Is this what it feels like to spend money without looking at the price? ~Is this how some people feel that money is just a number? ~Haha~ It’s so cool!

In the following time, newly summoned engineers came one after another from all directions.

Once one appears, he will be guided to the work station by Han Feng and start the reconstruction work.

After more than ten minutes, all fifty engineers were summoned. At this time, the number of engineers Han Feng had reached fifty-three.

Seeing this group of engineers busy, the stone hanging in Han Feng's heart finally fell to the ground.

Take out your phone and check the time. It's past eight in the evening...Looking at the sky now, there are still several hours before the sun sets.

Returning his sight to the engineer, Han Feng started the remote command and asked, "It will be dark in a few hours. Will the night operation affect you?"

"Report to Captain Han, the night will indeed affect the reconstruction work, but we will work overtime to rebuild and strive to open the line of sight as soon as possible."

After the engineer finished speaking, Han Feng thought for a while and continued, "Luna, send some people to find generators, diesel, wires, and enough light bulbs. Start connecting now."

"Okay, Captain Han."

In order to have light at night, Han Feng also specially assigned an engineer to complete the connection work.

After dealing with these things, Han Feng saw that the people in the team began to cook spontaneously and prepare to finish the meal. The smoke from the cooking rose one after another. This is really a "picnic" of 10,000 people...

"Brother Han, Brother Han~" Wei Yun ran out from behind. He came to Han Feng and asked him what he wanted to eat tonight so that he could cook it himself.

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