Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 245: Understanding the War Damage

"Ugh!..." This time, Han Feng vomited for more than a few minutes due to motion sickness...

After vomiting, Han Feng, who felt better, rinsed his mouth with the last few sips of water in the bottle.

With his tearful eyes, Han Feng looked at the convoy...

The air was filled with smoke, and corpses were everywhere... The burning ground exuded an unpleasant smell of plastic.

Lifting his legs to get out of the car, Han Feng staggered towards the convoy.

Crying and cursing mixed with bursts of hearing, and the smell of blood mixed with smoke was inhaled into the lungs.

This is hell on earth... Compared with the disaster caused by zombies, the scene at this time is more shocking!

You have to know that this battle ended an hour ago! I can't imagine how fierce this battle was an hour ago...

The huge Grizzly tank was paralyzed at the front of the convoy, blocking the road. Looking back along the endless convoy, Han Feng saw that the highway in the middle of the convoy was blown up.

Roughly estimated, this section of "disappeared" highway is at least more than one kilometer long.

"Huhu!... Xiaopeng!" Suddenly, Han Feng looked at the cangyi all over the ground and remembered Huhu and the others.

Walking beside the burning objects, Han Feng continued to shout "Wei Yun! Fatty Liu!"

"Guo Yongxing! Where are you?!!"

"Report to Captain Han, their location is 300 meters directly in front of you.♦♦  ♦♦" Responding to Han Feng, Luna reported the exact location of the group of people.

"Are they okay?" Han Feng slapped his forehead, thinking that he had a Red Alert system! How could he forget it!

"Report to Captain Han, their vital signs are stable and they are not in danger of life."

"Huh... That's good, that's good." After repeating it several times, Han Feng asked again, "Where are the injured Red Alert soldiers? How are they?"

"Report to Captain Han, fortunately there are residual medicines in the convoy, they have cleaned their wounds and rested. As for whether they can recover... it depends on them personally."

"OKok." Seeing this, Han Feng's heart was slightly relieved.

On the way to Huhu and the others, Simon ran towards them with a sniper rifle.

"Captain Han, report to Captain Han, I..."

Simon was halfway through his speech when Han Feng raised his hand to signal him not to speak, and then said, "Wait for me a moment, I'll go see Xiaopeng and the others first, and we'll talk later."

"Okay, Captain Han!" Simon followed Han Feng. When Han Feng found Xiaopeng and the others, Simon stood guard on the side.

Next to the convoy, outside the highway, a medium-sized tent was set up here. According to the radar, Wei Yun, Liu Rui and the others were inside.

Han Feng opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.

"Wow!!!" The first person to see Han Feng was Huhu. As soon as she saw Han Feng, Huhu ran over and grabbed the corner of Han Feng's clothes and cried loudly.

"Brother Han! It's Brother Han! Great! Brother Han is back!" Seeing Han Feng, Wei Peng was so excited that he stood up from the stool.

Han Feng glanced at everyone, looking at Wei Peng and Liu Rui who were excited, and also at Wei Yun who was tearful...

Wei Peng kicked the stool away and walked towards Han Feng, asking "Brother Han, where have you been?"

"Huhu is the best and the bravest. I'm back now, aren't I?" Without bothering to answer other people's questions, Han Feng squatted down and coaxed the "little princess" first.

Huhu burst into tears in Han Feng's arms. Obviously, Huhu was frightened by the sudden attack.

After a few minutes, Huhu's crying gradually weakened.

Relaxing from the highly tense mood, and crying consumed a lot of physical energy, Huhu fell asleep soon.

Putting Huhu on the makeshift camp bed in the tent, Han Feng began to communicate with everyone.

After asking, Wei Peng and the others didn't know how the battle started.

While the convoy was moving, Wei Peng and the others slept safely in the front row of vehicles until several huge serial explosions woke them up.

The moment they woke up, Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing were the first to react. They jumped out of the car in a hurry without waiting for the car to stop, ready to fight.

Wei Peng relied on his super speed and rushed into the enemy crowd with only a pistol and two or three sabers during the battle.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck favored him. Until the end of the battle, Wei Peng only suffered a little scratch. Although he was injured, he was not seriously injured.

In contrast, Guo Yongxing's battle was simpler, direct and rough. He didn't need weapons at all. He just picked up a stick, a big stone, or a large piece of debris from the explosion on the ground... Using the illusory superpowers, he directly "stuffed" these things into the enemy's body.

Fortunately, these important people are now intact in the tent...

After comforting everyone, Han Feng walked out of the tent.

Looking at Simon who was still standing guard a few meters away, Han Feng took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it and called Simon, "Tell me about the occurrence and process of this battle."

"Okay, Captain Han..." With deep apology, Simon began to talk about what happened...

"The convoy was moving at a constant speed at the time. As an observer, I was always on guard against possible crises. But what I didn't expect was... In the middle part of the convoy, the cars scattered on the highway suddenly exploded in a chain without any warning."

"What kind of explosion was it? So powerful? The armored personnel carrier has armor that cannot be underestimated. Can't it withstand it?" Han Feng expressed his doubts while smoking.

"Report to the Korean team... According to my search after the war, these explosives are C. 4... The entire middle of the convoy was completely blown up!"

After hearing what Simon said, Han Feng asked in confusion, "Why? Why did they target my armored personnel carriers? There were twenty-one armored personnel carriers, not one survived...it contained more than four thousand lives..."

"Reporting to the Korean team, under normal circumstances, the middle part of the convoy should be the most valuable thing to protect in the entire convoy. Considering the other party's situation, the truck contains nothing more than firewood, rice, oil, salt, weapons and ammunition. But the middle part of the convoy should be The armored personnel carrier, without knowing it, can easily be understood as being filled with senior leaders and the like, so..."

After a pause, Simon continued to report, "In addition to killing our senior and middle-level leaders in this serial explosion, the enemy's purpose also has a more important function, which is to cut off the connections between us before and after, and to make us worry about our heads." Don’t worry about it and fall into further chaos.”

"So, their death... has something to do with me... But fortunately, you guys are here to prevent them from succeeding!" At this point, Han Feng felt a little uneasy... Indeed, in order to save There were more people. In order to protect the survivors, Han Feng specially placed them in the middle. Unexpectedly...

"Team Han, look, I tore this off the enemy's combat uniform." As he spoke, Simon took out a rag from his pocket.

Taking the piece of rag, Han Feng saw a totem-like decoration.

"Report to the Korean team, this is the pattern of the Japanese special attack team." Before Han Feng could ask, Luna in his mind took the lead in explaining.

"Hmph..." Han Feng snorted coldly and said to himself, "As expected, it is indeed... these gang thieves!"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, Simon continued, "The explosion was not over yet, so we got out of the car and started fighting. What I didn't expect was... they had heavy firepower. Countless rockets and ground-attack missiles were coming. I can It can be seen that they want to have a blitzkrieg.”

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