Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 240: Sending Warmth Across the Air

Since the other party saw the enemy attack, they would naturally be on guard. So, the moment they saw Han Feng take action, they pulled the trigger.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪

If Han Feng had opened the telekinesis confinement one second earlier, there would not be such a problem. But Han Feng also has his own difficulties...

Telekinesis consumes mental power very quickly. For the sake of the subsequent battle, Han Feng had to be thrifty and save every second.

If it was against ordinary people, it would be okay. The bad thing is that they are special forces who have undergone "devil" training!

After the gunshot, Han Feng also knew that the situation was not good. He quickly pulled out two sabers with both hands, jumped up, and quickly dealt with the remaining three people who were imprisoned.

"Bang!!!" The sniper one kilometer away discovered this situation and immediately provided remote support! The sniper bullet whizzed and pointed directly at Han Feng's chest.

At this moment, Han Feng's mind was filled with alarms!

Han Feng, who was tense, instantly activated his super speed ability and dodged to the side...

"Swish!" At the critical moment, Han Feng finally avoided the fatal blow of the sniper bullet. But... he was not completely uninjured.

The sniper bullet grazed Han Feng's right arm, leaving a blood strip about four centimeters long. Blood slowly flowed down.

"Bang!" The sniper in the distance did not give Han Feng a chance to breathe, and the second sniper bullet was fired again!

Because the super speed ability was still continuing at this time, this sniper bullet was perfectly avoided by Han Feng.

The next moment, in the sniper's sniper scope, Han Feng "strangely" disappeared.

The sniper was a little confused about what was happening in front of him. When he confirmed that he could not see Han Feng, he thought about moving his position to prevent Han Feng from coming to him.

But he thought too much... For Han Feng, no matter how perfect and exquisite your disguise is, you will never escape the "eyes" of the radar. As long as you are within my five-kilometer range, killing you... is just a matter of time!

Han Feng stood behind the sniper, looking at the sniper who had just climbed up from the ground, his face as cold as ice. This process did not even take five seconds!

"Chi! Gaga..." The cold saber quickly inserted into the back of the sniper's neck, and the collision between the blade and the bones made a slight gurgling sound.

Staring with his eyes, the sniper desperately turned his neck to look back. Before he died, he wanted to know who was silently standing behind him and attacking him. But the saber was stuck in the bones of his neck, and until he died, the sniper could not turn his head around.

"Hu... Hu..." After getting rid of the sniper, Han Feng began to breathe heavily.

Due to the effect of the drug, Han Feng could not feel his body normally. As for the current panting, it was the body's spontaneous adjustment of the action and need.

"Forty-seven have been solved..." After a short rest, Han Feng counted the number of people he had solved. At this time, there were still 53 special forces members in the enemy camp...

Ten minutes later, Han Feng, who had rested well, stood up and looked at the enemy camp...During the rest period, Han Feng found the sniper's "snack" bag and ate it casually. But unfortunately... Han Feng could not feel the feedback of his taste buds now, and eating anything was almost like chewing wax.

After resting, Han Feng walked straight to the enemy camp. When there were only 300 meters left, Han Feng found a hidden corner to hide.

All the open and secret sentries were removed by himself. Except for the enemies inside the mountain, no one could be seen outside.

However, in front of the door of the small bungalow, the "old man" was still camouflaged professionally.

Han Feng lay not far away, his attention entered the system, and observed the 3D map of the passage inside the mountain.

The criss-crossing environment made Han Feng feel troubled...What should he do? It's easy to get in and hard to fight, and it's not easy to get out?

Especially the space in the passage is so small, there is no room to hide when a row of bullets sweep over! All the moves became a joke under such a "dimensionality reduction attack".

"Go!~ Why are you lying down?" Suddenly, the mysterious girl in his mind urged.

"How to fight? They are all hiding in the mountain and won't come out. I can't stand the strong attack... How about... How about you lure them out?"

"Listen to me, just go up~ You are much stronger now, try to use this power~" Before Han Feng could reply, the mysterious girl continued, "Try to feel the mental power now."

After listening to the girl, Han Feng closed his eyes and felt the mental power with his heart...

"Do you feel an inexhaustible feeling~?"

Han Feng didn't say anything, but nodded gently, and the corners of his mouth raised on his face revealed his inner shock and joy.

That's right! At this time, Han Feng felt that his mental power was like sea water, as if the mental power he had used before was like a glass of water.

After opening his eyes, Han Feng understood the meaning of "destroying the world". It turns out that the greater effect of the energy 7 potion is aimed at the mental power field. The changes to the body can only be described as a "strengthening" incidentally.

In this case, Han Feng stopped "hesitating". Staring at the body of the sentry ten meters away, Han Feng's mind moved! The body wearing a bulletproof vest slowly rose into the air!

Seeing "telekinesis", Han Feng knew how to proceed with the next battle.

Putting the body down, Han Feng took out a high-explosive grenade...

The telekinesis lifted the high-explosive grenade, and Han Feng gently pulled out the safety pin... The high-explosive grenade in the air flew towards the small bungalow at a high speed according to Han Feng's telekinesis.

The high-explosive grenade was not big to begin with, and with the fast "flying" speed, naturally no one would notice it.

“Three…two…one…” Watching the high-explosive grenade enter the bungalow, Han Feng counted down the last seconds of the delayed explosion.

“Boom!!!” Even on the small slope three hundred meters away, Han Feng could still feel the shock for a moment.

The small bungalow and the leisurely old man at the door were instantly surrounded by flames, and the next moment, countless flying stones and gravel shot indiscriminately around.

“Haha! Is this a new superpower? ! ! What is it called? Telekinesis? Or telekinesis?~” Han Feng waved his fist and laughed excitedly for sending “warmth” three hundred meters away.

“This is the telekinesis you mentioned, just an enhanced version~ making a fuss…”

“Haha~ That’s fine! That’s fine!!!” Han Feng didn’t care about the cold water poured by the girl.

After waiting for two minutes, when the smoke from the explosion just now dissipated, Han Feng saw the “mountain gate” blocked by the collapse. Of course, although a large number of stones blocked the door, it also left several small openings for high-explosive grenades to enter and exit freely.

The presence of these small holes means that the battle is a one-sided massacre...

In the radar display, there are three rooms in the mountain with a large number of people gathered. One of them is Han Feng's thirteen Red Alert soldiers.

When he arrived at the mountain gate, Han Feng took out the second high-explosive grenade.

Pulling out the pull ring, the high-explosive grenade floated in the air again and entered through the small hole.

With the help of the radar, Han Feng was like "threading a needle", using telekinesis to carry the high-explosive grenade through it.

"Boom! Buzz! Huh!..."

Inside the mountain, the high-explosive grenade exploded. The shock wave was transmitted back and forth in the narrow tunnel, causing the mountain to buzz.

Taking a small step to the side, Han Feng avoided the oncoming impact gas at the door.

Without rushing or being impatient, Han Feng took out another high-explosive grenade.

The people inside couldn't get out, and they lost the advantage of the terrain if they wanted to fight. They would never have thought that the tunnel that was so easy to deal with ordinary people would become a grave they dug with their own hands.

Controlling the high-explosive grenade, Han Feng launched the third attack!

"Boom! Buzz!" When the second high-explosive grenade exploded in the mountain, the shaking of the mountain became more pronounced.

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